/ Urban / Will You Keep My Secret?

Will You Keep My Secret? Langue source

Will You Keep My Secret?

Urban 186 Chapitres 140.7K Affichage
Auteur: fyaya

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“I promise, I will keep your secret.”

"What secret?"

"Well...your relationship with him, I won't tell anyone."

Blake and Marissa knew each other since they were young, but one accident cost Blake his chances at being with Marissa. So against his better judgement, in order to be near her, he agreed to be her best friend.

Ten years later, using the pressure his family imposed upon him to get married. Blake concocted a plan to enlist Melissa's help. Her role was to play as his wife.

Can Blake finally convince Marissa that whatever happened when they were young was just a misunderstanding?

Parental Guidance Suggested


  1. sukiyuki
    sukiyuki Contribué 2242
  2. April_Voit
    April_Voit Contribué 1540
  3. Daoist4328qA
    Daoist4328qA Contribué 1434


Cadeau -- Cadeau reçu

    État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

    Rank -- Classement Power Stone
    Stone -- Power stone

    Vous aimerez peut-être aussi


    • Qualité de la traduction
    • Stabilité des mises à jour
    • Développement de l’histoire
    • Conception des personnages
    • Contexte du monde

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    Écrire un avis

    Once again Fyaya write another amazing story that could put a smile on my face. It's funny and you can tell that it's a character-driven story (my kind of thing!) Conflicts aren't dragging and the relationship between ML and FL are what you called "goals" hahaha! Overall, without spoiling the story, give this book a try! It's hella amazing!

    Voir 2 Réponses

    I love teen romance which pulled me in, but I love secret crushes and first love sort of romance too. The chemistry between Melissa and Blake makes the story worthwhile . If you're not reading this I don't know what you're doing. Five starts from me, wonderful book author

    Voir 1 Réponses

    LOVE this story thus far. Another book from author Fyaya kept me on my toes again and so far I LOVE the ride of exploring the relationship of Blake and Marissa~ Can't wait for more mysteries to unravel and their relationship evolves to something more as the book progresses ~ ♥️

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    The story is kinda good although it was just one chapter. The plot of your story is new, extraordinary that made me like it. More ink to your pen. And I hope you will continue writing it.💕

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    Yes, I gave this book a complete five star. This book is a breathe of fresh air. The whole drama with Blake and Marissa. I have no words except praises for this book. Although some grammatical errors may be overlooked. Bravo!

    Voir 1 Réponses

    27/3/23 reading status 5/5 Hey faya you've written everything so well first of all your book title😩❤ then your book cover🌚🔥 and the synopsis.I'm already in love with the main lead the plot and story line are very well written giving you 5 stars because you deserve.The characters are very well designed💯.Keep writing 🤝

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    Auteur fyaya