/ Drama / A God's Ascension

A God's Ascension Comic A God's Ascension Comic

A God's Ascension

Terminé 56 Chapitres 2.9M Affichage

Éditeur: ReadComic

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I was transmigrated into the body of a villain? Who the hell wrote this script?! And I even stole someone else's girl? And have a powerful older sister? This script keeps getting worse and worse!
And there's even a divine space and ten thousand worlds? I'm definitely dreaming!
After steadying himself, Wu Ming faced these new developments and continued on his journey...


  1. StoneCold0
    StoneCold0 Contribué 564
  2. joshuathyil
    joshuathyil Contribué 560
  3. Love_Struck_Gent
    Love_Struck_Gent Contribué 534


Cadeau -- Cadeau reçu

    État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

    Rank -- Classement Power Stone
    Stone -- Power stone
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