/ Romance / Ogus's Law

Ogus's Law Comic Ogus's Law Comic

Ogus's Law

Terminé 143 Chapitres 1.7M Affichage

Éditeur: SYball

Environ Table des matières


Su Yuan was from a poor family. To release the heavy burden for his family, he accidentally got permitted into the Ogus Academy. However, he found out that the school was established to protect demons. As a weak human who wanted to survive, he must find a demon to be his pal. Because of Su Yuan’s unique scent, he attracted many wooers who wanted to be his pal as well as all sorts of attacks. Until one day, he saved a fox covered in blood, and revealed a big secret...


  1. Ashley_Pilkenton
    Ashley_Pilkenton Contribué 5831
  2. Liezelda_Lequin
    Liezelda_Lequin Contribué 4898
  3. london_johnson
    london_johnson Contribué 4884


Cadeau -- Cadeau reçu

    État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

    Rank -- Classement Power Stone
    Stone -- Power stone
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