/ Romance / The Duke's Hidden Baby: BOGO!

The Duke's Hidden Baby: BOGO! Comic The Duke's Hidden Baby: BOGO! Comic

The Duke's Hidden Baby: BOGO!

305 Chapitres 12.1M Affichage

Éditeur: Webnovel Comics

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He is an absolute bigwig who is decisive, cold, and callous. However, he just can't stop tangling up with her, always eager to give her all his love. On their first encounter, he questioned:"Was that you 6 years ago?" The second time they met, he was holding a paternity test report. "You're still gonna deny he is my son?" After multiple encounters, she asked: "His Excellency the Duke, are we done?" The man broke a charming smile: "Of course not. We are expecting a second baby.”


  1. vampire_23_knight
    vampire_23_knight Contribué 33499
  2. Chenchennian
    Chenchennian Contribué 31370
  3. Charles_d1230
    Charles_d1230 Contribué 27415


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