Webnovel Author: JCNord - Novel Collection



male LV 13

Author of The Crimson Prince. I was a sergeant in the United States Army, recently got out. I live in Minnesota. Writing is my way of relaxing, so you should never run out of fun things to read!

2017-10-20 Joint United States

Badges 10

Moments 21


I love this cliché so much I put it in my own book lol. had my mc make fun of it

"Your information is too outdated. Who doesn’t know that Li Xiao’s brother, Li Zhong, is an inner court disciple? According to the clan rules, siblings are allowed to share their martial skills without breaking the rules."

War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Eastern · Feng Qin Yang


Hey guys, I just figured I put this update on a previous chapter. Sorry for the lapse in updates. Real life sucks and time is somewhat limited lol. I had a pretty physical job and got a herniated disk on my L5 which pinched a nerve in my left leg. Now I'm hobbling like an old man waking up with aches and pains even though I'm only 30 lol. But I lost that job due to boss wanting me to work through the pain which was against the doctor's professional opinion, so I've been a food delivery guy for the past week! As well as taking care of my daughter in the evening while my wife does her law school homework, so I've been rather busy. I'm going to try to increase my chapter output. I need to make it to 80 chapters before putting the paywall back up, as per my agreement with all of you. I had a thought about that as well, what if I were to still sneak in some free chapters here and there? I know it's a bit much having to spend so many coins on chapters, so instead maybe I can do one free chapter per every ten? Let me know what you think of that. I don't think I could do every other free, but maybe every sixth chapter? This series is most likely going to run a few thousand chapters, at least if I can get a steady release schedule set up. How do you like the set up of the new village? There will be more attacks happening soon and many surprises. I'm thinking of a large fierce beast attack within the upcoming chapters as well. Maybe one that will require a large party of cultivators to take down. Let me know how you feel about that. I'm always open to suggestions as well guys. If it starts getting dull, let me know and I'll do what I can. I can't stand a stale series, much like you all. So don't let me write one!

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