techwiz78 - Profile



male LV 15


2018-03-06 Joint Antarctica

Badges 16

Moments 3424

Replied to Nova_Buster

Unfortunately, it is. Aether can take on metaphysical traits, somehow, so they are quite literally luckier because of it. I'd prefer a more grounded magic system, but the author makes it work and it's a solid story

"There is no luck in the Mirror Universe, only survivors. If you survive as long as I have, obviously anything I can do will sound unfair and lucky to the ignorant and envious neophytes. Grade 6 Vitality Aether, you should be more than clear about the difficulties involved in making it, even if it comes from a renowned Aetherist like me."

The Oracle Paths

The Oracle Paths

Sci-fi · Arkinslize

Replied to OzandjoOrowa

I don't think so, but I do hope so

Because in the case of these Players, there was unfortunately no possible agreement... Only a camp of winners and one of losers. More precisely, a camp of the living, the other filled with the dead.

The Oracle Paths

The Oracle Paths

Sci-fi · Arkinslize

Replied to _mori

The Charm, though I'm sure the Ledger won't complain

Ceythie and the other veteran commanders outside even momentarily believed it was an attack, to the point of raising the alarm before realizing it came from 'the one they were supposed to be loyal soldiers to'. A false alarm was announced, and a wide security perimeter encircled their tent to keep the curious at bay.

The Oracle Paths

The Oracle Paths

Sci-fi · Arkinslize

Replied to yuhmyuhm

Likely a translation error, I believe the author has said they write every other chapter in French and the rest in English to get used to it. "Back" seems like an appropriate replacement for "Return"

It goes without saying that if his soul was completely annihilated due to a failed baptism, he would not come back to life as could be the case with his body. If his physical body remained whole, it might survive but would enter a vegetative coma until the eventual emergence of a new consciousness that would have nothing to do with the current him.

The Oracle Paths

The Oracle Paths

Sci-fi · Arkinslize

Replied to Saphartlantis

Not quite accurate. The Paths can't predict him, so any action he takes causes a butterfly effect on the predictions of everyone else. The further they are from him, not by distance but association through action, the less of a discrepancy a path on them has

Every second, they received a barrage of notifications from Doomhorn informing them of the failure of one or more of these assassination missions. It was bearable when the dispatched Players managed to return home unscathed or with minor injuries, but several of their elites had perished at the hands of the prey they were supposed to hunt.

The Oracle Paths

The Oracle Paths

Sci-fi · Arkinslize

Replied to Saphartlantis


Holding his cat and turkey friend by the neck like two lost puppies, Jake reappeared perched atop a tree over twenty kilometers from the devastated area. From his vantage point, he could clearly see, through his cosmic vision, the spatial rift gradually closing, leaving nothing in its wake. Conversely, the blast of the residual explosion that had disintegrated River's Bane continued to spread, rapidly expanding towards the outskirts of Lustris City…

The Oracle Paths

The Oracle Paths

Sci-fi · Arkinslize


I'm with her on this one

[Isn't that what you've been doing with your right hand since puberty?] Xi accused fiercely. [I don't see how it's different.]

The Oracle Paths

The Oracle Paths

Sci-fi · Arkinslize

Replied to Shadow_1854

No??? He made 200 in profit, starting with 500. That's 700

Ce livre a été supprimé.

She really has no Empathy, huh?

Ce livre a été supprimé.

That's rough buddy. Definitely right about her though

Ce livre a été supprimé.

Should have only been a couple dozen yuan of profit, assuming it was the 11 yuan boxes, yeah? Even accounting for the full price, it shouldn't have been more than 70 right?

Ce livre a été supprimé.
Replied to AlfDeT_Valedstorm


Ce livre a été supprimé.
Replied to OzandjoOrowa

I think they're too weak. Might bump it by a percent depending on how many of the high ranking ones survived

As for Jake, he resumed swimming up the tributary even faster than before, repeating the same procedural carnage all throughout his swim session.

The Oracle Paths

The Oracle Paths

Sci-fi · Arkinslize

Replied to JustAnOwl

as an assassin, you mean?

Regardless, not for a moment did he consider asking Jake for help. As an assassin who had never failed a mission, he had his own pride.

The Oracle Paths

The Oracle Paths

Sci-fi · Arkinslize

Replied to JustAnOwl


Regardless, not for a moment did he consider asking Jake for help. As an assassin who had never failed a mission, he had his own pride.

The Oracle Paths

The Oracle Paths

Sci-fi · Arkinslize

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