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2021-01-20 Joint Global

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Good so far. What’s with that romance tag? Kinda bugging me. Btw, u can let him engage in research. Science digs the essence of the the world and existence itself. Earth knowledge was never useless in the fantasy worlds. It’s just the transformation and adaptation of science and logic to that of the rules of the fantasy world, transformation of world views. Find the principles and dig the essence of things using logic and reason. Almost all protags abandon the earth’s heritage the moment the arrive in the fantasy world, blinded by the illusions of the extraordinary and amazing feats accomplished in the fantasy worlds. Howerver, everything is made up of information and there’s nothing that cannot be dissected or analyzed and deduced. His AI is not useless, it should play it role as an AI. It shouldn’t be abandoned, it functions of information storage, scan, analysis, optimization, deduction, its powerful computational power is not useless. It just needs a little transformation or evolution to play its role. Chasing immortality or evolution, is not just the process of accumulating energy, then leveling up after all. It requires immense knowledge and research. Moreover, as an earthling he shouldn’t lack inspirations or directions for research, after all he didn’t read them novels for nothing. Everything is possible.The state of mind shouldn’t be neglected, it has it own magical mysteries. Observe and learn and understand. Look at things from the perspective of an observer and rationality and learn without interfering mindlessly, everything has it natural course, constantly influencing and affecting themselves.Omniscient and omnipotent without the state of mind to match it is foolish, lackluster and death seeking behavior. Then again, he never lacks time. He should do things in his own pace without any rush, I guess having enough time is his advantage in the early and even the later stages. The so called the ”Tao is natural”. Trapped in the game, u only see it manifestations, the illusions. Only when your mind is not obsessed with the game, when your mind is detached from the game, can u see its mysteries. Observe and learn. Again, these are just my thoughts. Nvm them if necessary. Just don’t forget to make it reasonable and a little realistic, or else it’d be just like any other boring works out there.


Quite an interesting start. A rare sight in todays novels. Hope he’s not another ignorant fool, a typical protagonist that doesn’t realized the world is gray and still trapped in dreams and illusions. Only interest is eternal. Family killing each other,foolishly investing in potential back stabbers, lack of control, emotional mess, sentimental fool ,etc. is on the regular. Hope he realize the difference between himself and his tools, don’t want no naive and sentimental fool who even after living for so long still lacks iq. Rationality, deciveness,wisdom and calmness. Tired of them trash novels that only ruin moods these days. Every choice has a consequence, causes and effects. Immortality comes at price, if you’re unwilling to pay tis better to go on the road honestly, after all there’s no free lunch in the world. Immortality is more like a ’State’. If your body is immortal but your mind is not immortal, even if u become omnipresent and omniscient u will still turn into a pile of ashes. Now a days, ’ The heart is no longer ancient’, as everyone is obsessed with great power and immortality( incidental factors of the process of evolution), while ignoring the importance of the state of mind. Long-lived species are naturally indifferently and filled with interest not becoz they have no emotions. Mortals joys and sorrows, love and hatred, emotions etc. are nothing but a boring repetitive films that cannot even be remembered how many times have been seen. Why should immortals react to these boring repeated scenes?, immortals gets tired and numb too. After all, it has always been the laws of the jungle.Immortals got emotions too just not for outsiders except themselves, selfish right? but if you’re not selfish why u still living? Acting is a good mask to hide your trueself, nobody needs to know u. Mind your business. Don’t pretend to be forced, tis boring and outdated.Those boring tricks of good and evil,etiquettes etc are not even enough to caused the slightest flactuations. Two beings existing in different dimensions, short story and a very long story. Uh, am getting lost in my of rants of common sense again. Finally, all questions and answers are born becoz of knowledge. Everything can be found in knowledge; immortality, power, eternity, truth, etc. Since he claims to be an earthling, then he should at least show that he is one. All those novels weren’t read for nothing right? Those infinite imaginations,theories,fantasies, meditations,science,numerology,conjectures, etc. Sometimes the answers are not outside but inside, the ocean of knowledge is boundless and never boring. All it takes is enlightenment, perseverance and endless research, inspirations, data analysis and deduction to get what you want. You don’t even need any golden finger, u can create one later if u want to, no help from any being or something after all ” Everything is an illusion, only ’I’ is real”. Anywayzz, these are just my thoughts pretend u haven’t seen them if deemed worthless.

ch 0 4 Asteroid fragments for another bracelet

Xianxia: Tortoise  Longevity Art

Xianxia: Tortoise  Longevity Art

Eastern · Aurora_Ryan


Tsk…and here I thought it was gonna be a gem but as expected it’s indeed a rare event to find gems these days. This chapter completely annoys me….a 190 yr old man acting childish lackin deciveness, sharpness, ruthlessness, wisdom etc. “ sense of danger has saved him many times in his previous life, and his sense of danger kicked in right now… guess what he did?? Put aside his sense of danger and keep on waitin like the fool he is and hopin dat when he goes back dat old man wouldn’t find him? lol tf is this?? C’mon man, he is the mc stop treating him like an enemy who get all da bad luck in the world with almost no long lasting advantages, has to run and hide like the world already against him when he currently is just an ’ant’. Tsk, cut him some slack. Advantages and disadvantages go hand in hand, don’t be too biased towards disadvantages. Even after returning back in time with prophetic insights, he couldn’t at least see and treat the world as a chessboard and all beings as chess pieces?? Never mind the thoughts of this poor dao, ignore them if deemed unpleasant to u in any way. Btw, I hope that star-eyed analyzer will surprise me ( what mysteries does it hold?? I have a feeling it’s the most mysterious among the 12 stars, ofc the ignorant ants will always look down on things they can’t see thru, those short sighted foos) …I’ve always been into eyes and brain abilities.


Interesting! It has great potential but then again will the momentum be kept or die out before it even gets somewhere like most novels do?? Anywayzz, better be no romance( the toxic of all novels, sex with no attachment is fine ofc) and that brotherhood, sworn or blood brothers thingy which is no less disgusting than romance. Friendship shouldn’t be in the dictionary, why would u add friendship in a world where the strong prey over the weak and everybody is trying to survive?? Just because he has emotions doesn’t mean he cannot be ruthless and indifferent, foolishly investing emotions in unnecessary ppl is bs. Ofc, the acting cannot be left out, he must know how to act, manipulate, scheme, calculate, control his emotions etc. Impulse, naivety, kindness, narrow concept of good and evil needed by the ants to survive, the pathetic three views of the humans( he’s nonhuman) etc will ruin this novel. Let him on psychology or something, give us an interesting mc with the mentality of a cold researcher, dark scientist or a dark wizard( neutral evil or something), there are infinite mysteries and knowledge to seek so, how can he be shackled by the red dust that binds, traps, and blinds the cowardly fools??? Unacceptable.Just becoz he has emotions don’t mean he has to invest it in others to prove it🤨, only interest is paramount everything else is fake! Ofc, as his audience his inner thoughts must there to the end.The universe as the chessboard, all beings as chess pieces. The countless trash novels have exceeded numerical values, we tired of them! So, lets witness as he sets sail to the boundless ocean of all the known and unknown in existence as he leaves legends in his wake for eternity. Btw, these r just my thoughts u can ignore them if deemed useless.


Why all these protags, whether in the original or fanfics all want to impregnate and create a fam so bad?? Bruh this only a few chaps in and this dude already thinking about pregnancy?? wth. They could just have tons of fun, think about fam later. Smh

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Replied to Anonymous_Seeker



Awesome! Putting this on my priority list. waiting for more chaps.

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Great Start! It’d be more fun if he could get some mythical abilities later tho.

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大- 维基词典

大- 维基词典

Fantasy · LordofKaizen

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