Webnovel Author: joshua_martin_0566 - Fanfic Collection



LV 3
2023-07-14 Joint Indonesia

Badges 5

Moments 68



The discovery of cans of Coca-Cola in the fridge brought an unexpected sense of comfort to Ray. In a world overrun by chaos and uncertainty, this familiar taste from his previous life served as a small reminder of the world he had left behind. He opened two cans, handing one to Pichu, who gazed at it with curiosity.

The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

Video Games · roro1



Varin's cold response cut through the air, a chilling contrast to the warmth that had once existed between the members of their group. "No more questions, Lireth." With a swift and brutal motion, his blade found its mark, ending her life in an instant.

The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

Video Games · roro1


I almost forgot that Elves is the first magic user in the continent.

As he skimmed through the pages, he discovered references to spells and rituals long forgotten, insights into the natural world, and even accounts of powerful artifacts that had once been wielded by legendary figures. Ray's heart quickened with excitement as he realized the potential of this discovery.

The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

Video Games · roro1



A guttural growl filled the air as a monstrous creature emerged from the shadows. It was a fiend, its massive form covered in matted fur and scars. Its claws scraped against the stone floor, sending sparks flying. The elves tensed, their weapons at the ready, and Ray raised the Gryffindor sword with a determined expression.

The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

Video Games · roro1


Scars? Iorweth?

While the focus remained on finalizing the plans to clear the ruins of monsters, Ray's keen instincts picked up on the underlying tension. His gaze shifted between Lireth, who carried herself with leadership and resolve, and the scarred elf whose demeanor held a different kind of authority. It was clear that these two individuals represented distinct factions within the group.

The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

Video Games · roro1


And Vesemir ire.


The merchant's smile widened as Ray spoke, clearly impressed by the witcher's outlook. "Well, it's a rare thing to find a witcher with such a heart. People will remember your deeds."

The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

Video Games · roro1


It is Dendalion right?

"The description matches. From 'Time of the Moon' by Julian Alfred Pankratz. Familiar with the author?"

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

Video Games · Its_def_mark




In the dimly lit chamber, Geralt reclined upon his bed, his gaze fixed upon the ceiling overhead. Though this was a communal dormitory, he was the sole occupant of this particular room at the moment, making it his sanctuary. The arduous journey from Kaer Morhen to Ellander had taken its toll, but such was the fate of a Witcher, forever wandering the endless path.

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

Video Games · Its_def_mark


Uhhhh... I know these story. Ciri, Triss, Geralt, and later Yennefer.

Nenneke stood in front of the entrance of the temple. In front of her, three individuals, two adults, one a child. One of the adults is white in hair, had a sword on his back, and a distinct necklace for all the people to see. The other, a young woman of striking beauty, her red hair framing a pale face that spoke of recent recovery from illness. Despite her youthful appearance, Nenneke recognized her true nature—an enchantress, a wielder of magic.

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

Video Games · Its_def_mark


I always confuse. Is Conjunction happened of the course decade or poof they all at the same time come in by batches?

His fixation had settled upon a particular subject, an insight that had unveiled itself as he delved into the annals of this world's history—the Conjunction of Spheres. This pivotal event had wrought a seismic transformation upon the realm, intertwining it with distant dimensions through rifts. These conduits had ushered forth the menagerie of monsters and creatures that now inhabited this land. Yet, Argus's focus wasn't solely on these external changes; he was intrigued by the connection between the Conjunction of Spheres and the introduction of magic to this world.

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

Video Games · Its_def_mark


Good choice good choice. Priestess had study system to learn healing magic.

"Arcane studies?" Nenneke raises an eyebrow. "I am unable to instruct anyone I have not ordained into Melitele's embrace. This is not Aretuza or Ban Ard. Here, magic serves to heal and nurture, unless you wish to dedicate yourself to Melitele or become a priestess, regrettably, I cannot personally tutor you in the ways of the art."

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

Video Games · Its_def_mark



"May I be of assistance to you?" she inquired serenely, her measured steps resonating through the hushed expanse as she advanced toward the figure known as Argus.

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

Video Games · Its_def_mark



Gently swinging the door ajar, he enters, finding no resistance. His steps echo through a space sparsely adorned, dominated by an immense statue depicting three women. Positioned at the room's core, it emanates a peculiar emptiness. The goddess of this realm's devotion, the three feminine forms distinguish themselves: one a vision of elegance, another embodying motherly warmth, and the last reminiscent of a hag.

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

Video Games · Its_def_mark


Temple of Melitele?


As the sun's farewell glow dips below the horizon, our protagonist finds himself having reached his destination sooner than expected. Not too far in the distance, a structure crowns a hill, enveloped by an imposing forest. A sight to behold from a distance, this edifice boasts stony architecture reminiscent of his homeland, yet distinct in its own right. Temples and holy sanctums usually fail to captivate him, but this one, at the very least, exudes an aura of mild comfort.

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

Video Games · Its_def_mark


Does the short story of Geralt going to Melitele when he is injured in Vizima already passed?

Surveying his surroundings, Argus beheld the distant cityscape, along with a procession of carriages winding its way toward the city gates. Yet, his objective did not lie to enter the city itself. He unfurled the map, casting his gaze upon the marker denoting the presumed city location, before charting an eastern course from Ellander.

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

Video Games · Its_def_mark


"plethora of explanations" Nice word.

Roy harbors a plethora of explanations to convey to his father, for a multitude of events have transpired since his father's incapacitation due to injury.

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

Video Games · Its_def_mark


Ah, yes. Three years ago, from this fandom timeline. I forgot and thought that Sodden Hill is nearing Witcher 3 timeline.

"My father fought in the war years ago, at Sodden Hill." Roy said. "He said the sorcerers slaughtered their enemies, but even their own people were killed because of that spell."

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

A Faerûn Wizard in the World of the Witcher

Video Games · Its_def_mark

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