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Bab 1: Died, only to find herself in the body of a young miss.

Green Light.

Akari absent-mindedly stared at the green traffic light. She was currently thinking about her choice of gift, which she prepared for her best friend. She had spent five days to think of a proper and fine gift, which she could present it on her friends birthday. Thankfully, her elder sister help her for choosing the gift, if not, she didn't know how long she would be thinking (probably until the world ends).

Nanami Saito, she was the only person who Akari regarded as a friend. Making friends and socializing with them requires a lot of energy, and she didn't have the energy to do it, more like unwilling to do it. So she decided to recruit only one person for the position 'friend'.


Hearing Nanami calling out her name from the other side of the road, Akari averted her gaze and stepped forward, only to be hit by a speeding truck. Er....she died.....

When Akari realized that the green traffic light was meant for the vehicles on the road to move, it was already too late (well she didn't care though).

She knew that she died. There was no denial, grievances or regrets -honestly that cost a lot of energy, and she had no energy for those. No amount of crying, yelling, screaming or scolding would change the fact that she's dead. There was no denial that her body has been crushed, her bones broken and her meat pulverised in the real world.

She actually heard her friend yelling for her stupidity after she got hit. Which was hilarious though. Wasn't Nanami suppose to cry and scream for her (like she wanted her to). Alas, her stupidity has caused her to lose her precious life.

At the brink of her last breath, she suddenly felt a vaccum-like feeling around her body (soul?body?she didn't bother to know since the feeling was somewhat unpleasant. Wasn't dying suppose to be calm and nice?).

Before she could understand what was happening, she suddenly found herself being....Tied (or in the middle of being tied). Judging by the man's ragged clothes, nest-like hair, yellow teeth and dirty nails, Akari found herself being tied by an unknown man (who she also doesn't wants to know).

She looked down, only to find herself wearing some type of european dress with sparkling and eye blinding accessories (which she never heard of). She slightly turned to survey her surrounding. Red wood, open side windows, seat across each walls (or wood?), she's likely seems to be in what seem to be a carriage (she couldn't decipher).

She never heard of people using carriage in Japan. She only saw people sitting in planes, trucks, bicycles, cars, bikes and even horse, but never in a carriage. During her travel around the world, she only saw carriages in museum or historical pictures.

Her second elder sister, Yumi would always imitate the princess-like fashion of descending from car, imagining it as her 'princess' carriage (can't blame her though. She was a real psycho when it comes to princess and things regarding dream prince in white horse arriving to save the princess)

She wondered how Yumi would react after seeing her now, lifeless body (she would probably be crying). Yumi was the type of cheerful psycho yet emotional type. Argh, she still remember the incident when Yumi failed her quest in one of her 'princess' game and locked herself for three whole days without food (she had water to drink though, so she wasn't literally starving).

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice the beggar (beggar? kidnapper?hooligan? whatever you want to call it) opening the carriage's door and cautiously stepping out. She also missed the yellow sparkles around the man's palm.

Akari still remembered the fight where Yumi locked herself in the room for a whole month (with food of course) and refusing to come out.

["Why does Akari get to laze around while me and Yoshida gets to work?" her sister, Yumi once asked when she turned 23 and was told to find a 'proper' job by their mother (well, Akari was only 22). Their mother only placed her hands on her hips and pointed out, "Unless you're able to perform chemical formula which can alternatively cure heart cancer and hack into the US government satellite from your comfort room, then we can talk".

There was a strange silence agreement around the house while Akari pouted. She had only hack into the US government satellite once, only because she wanted to see her favourite American show before anyone else could. She already promised several high-ranking officials that she wouldn't do it again (only if they allowed her to see the complete show) She also promised to work for them (only if they pay her).

Somehow, her thoughts might have shown on her face as her eldest sister chuckled and ruffled her hair with fondness in her eyes. "Besides..." their mother continued. "Can you imagine Akari-chan upholding any job for a period of time?.

Looking over Akari's sprawling figure with various books, games, manga , notes, plants, animals and food rappers on the floor, they all could only sigh in defeat. Any work from her comfort zone would end up in a disaster ]

Akari felt her nose becoming sore, she slightly raised her tied hands and rubbed it. She would probably never gonna get a family like them, who didn't mind her in making a mess in the house or the kinds who offer their lap whenever she wanted or the ones who would always hug her

(even though they met five minutes ago).

No more goodnight or goodmorning kisses from her mother, no more sleepover with Hana, no more Yumi to play with her, no more dancing during their parents anniversary, no more family dinners, no more reading stories by Yoshida or Dad and no more receiving red envelopes during new year. Her time with her happy family was over.

Wrung and tired, she couldn't do anything but absent-mindedly stared at the carriage wall infront of her, even though she really couldn't see anything because of the tears blinding her vision. They gather up at the bottom of her large brown eyes and silently proceeded down her cheeks. No sound came out her trembling lips, only the droplets of tears shown how misery she was feeling right now.

Akari couldn't help but laugh. Despite being dead, she was the one grieving instead. She buried her head in her knees and silently rocked herself to calm down. She didn't how long it has been, but she felt very sleepy (she always was).


The carriage's door was pushed opened with a powerful force, causing the glare of sunlight to fall upon the petite form sitting at the edge of the carriage. The petite form silently sat with her head buried in her knees and her tied hands trembling in fear(she's actually hungry). The people outside the carriage paused for a second (more like baffled and confused).

It took them three hours, to find the exact location of their young miss. Even though her step-father doesn't cared for her, it didn't mean that he'll stay still. He dispatched his people and immediately found the kidnapper, but they couldn't find the young miss.

After two hours, they were finally able to locate the exact location. Though unwilling, they needed to bring the young miss to safety. The man and his colleagues standing outside of the carriage paused before they can react. They didn't expect the young miss, known for her evil deeds to sit still without doing anything. Was the young miss frightened by the kidnapper? they didn't think so (right).

One of the man lightly knocked on the wall and called out, "young miss". His voice was cold yet somewhat soft, but Akari didn't care. She wanted to go home, back to her mother and father, who would hug her in between them. Back to her brother, who would carry her to the bed and read her stories and back to her sisters who would dress her up for dates. 'If this is a dream, please wake up'.

The man outside the carriage let out an exasperated sigh. He silently got in the carriage and crouched infront of the small girl. Silently removing the ropes around the girl's wrist, he gently picked her up. Akari was thankful for the 'unwilling' help from the unknown person.

She opened her teary eyes and looked at, what seem like neck infront of her eyes. She leaned closer and sniffed it's smell, unaware that the person carrying her stiffen. She always had a strong sensitivity to smells and she hated strong scents because it would make her nose painful and itchy. She only liked her mother, dad and brother's scent. There were soft, which could easily make her relaxed and clam. Her sister's scent were too strong for her to bear, so she usually avoided her.

The person holding her scent wasn't like her mother's, who smelt like lavender and roses, nor like Yoshida who smelt like oak and green tea. It also wasn't like his dad, who smelt like tea and woods nor like Hana who smelt like wild lilies. Yumi didn't have a natural odour, she liked to surround herself with strong perfumes (which Akari hated it).

The person carrying her smelt more like spices -cumin, paprika and nutmeg. Strong yet distinctive and rich. The person was definitely a male, judging by how musky the person is. Even though his scent was strong, for some reason Akari didn't hate it. She somehow liked it.

She snuggled closer and buried her face on the crook of the person's neck, "home?". Her voice was soft yet sounded weak and a little drowsy. The man stayed silent, his body stiff and tense, but he answered with an exasperated tone, "yes young miss". Akari hummed and went quiet (slept). She would be glad if the person sent her to her real world.

The man holding the little girl waved his hand, signalling the others to disperse. The small amount of people around the man curiously looked at the little girl, who was now asleep. Seeing how she looked so sleepy and pale, they couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for the little one. Experiencing kidnapping was really not suitable for small kids, but...

Remembering all the things which the small kid did, they sneered. A mere kidnapping won't cause any traumatic events for the little one, cause she's the one causing traumatic events for everyone. If it weren't for the Duke order to find the young miss, they wouldn't even bother to search for her. Afterall, she was the wretch and evil girl of the despicable woman.


Once Akari opened her eyes, she found herself in a thick yet soft cushion-like bed. Back in her real world, she had bed which was more bigger than a normal size bed (everyone had that). It was thick, soft and fluffy, which she couldn't bear to leave(but Yumi would always pull her down).

["If you're not going out with me, I'm gonna burn that d*mn bed!", enraged of Akari always sleeping on the bed, Yumi once shouted with redden cheeks. Akari couldn't understand Yumi though, why would she need to accompany her sister, when Yumi was the one going to meet her dates.

Sleepy yet awake, Akari obediently nodded to go out. Her bed was everything to her, so she had no other option but to sacrifice her sleep for the bed. Yumi then took Akari's weakness to bring her to all the dates and travel the world]

Akari turned her body and stared at the horizon, where she could see the darkening sky. She still couldn't accept the fact that her family is no more with her. Her mother who would bring her milk during nights, her father who would kiss her before getting off to work, Hana feeding her breakfast (because she's lazy to do it) Yumi dolling her up for dates(not her's though) and Yoshida reading her stories before going to sleep.

She missed them all. Can she go back? Why didn't she receive a system like other protagonist?(because no system wants a lazy host) Isn't she supposed to get one, or did the people forget to give her one?(more like- didn't want to give) Anyway, where are the memories? Who is she? what is she? How old is she? Where is she? Who's her father? who's her mother? Who's her new sister or brother? She....

She doesn't wants to know....(then why are you asking this much questions?)

Her name is Akari Yoshida, the youngest daughter of the Yoshida Family and the only person who didn't go to school nor got a job. Her father is Mr.Haruki, CEO of Yoshida Estate and corporation. Her mother is Mrs.Sara, half American and half japanese, ambassador of United States and a strict yet loving mother of four kids. Her eldest sister is Hana Yoshida, well renowned lawyer, both national and international. Her second elder sister is Yumi Yoshida, an International modeler with a loyal fan base of 70millions of people. Her youngest(yet acts like eldest) is Yoshida, a genius, well renowned doctor and a golden bachelor who only loves his sister (hentai? probably not).

Akari wouldn't accept. She was Akari, not a young miss of a family (sadly, you are). She was Akari Yoshida, and no one, like- no one, was gonna change that fact. A second chance in life? she didn't need it. What was she going to do with it?

Pretending like someone takes a lot of energy, and she doesn't have the tiniest energy to do it. She would rather read and sleep, than pretend like a young miss of an aristocratic family. Scheming? she would rather be in her imaginary world and forget about it. Family? She only had one family and no one else. Friends? No....she's too boring and lazy for those active-like friends.

Recruiting Nanami took all of her strength, and she wasn't willing to do it again. She would rather stay alone than to recruit someone as her friend. Anyway, no one was gonna be with you all the time, like,

you're born alone and you'll die alone (real fact).

What is the use of living, when she doesn't have her family by her side? Her sister nor her brother. No one.

["Ah, but you should try to enjoy every moment in your life! Because in life there is no rewind, only flashbacks. So Akira-chan, let's try to live to our hearts content! Don't always play and laze around. I'm not gonna be with you all the time as you said, but I can make many memories, which you won't be able to forget. Kekeke...."]

"Nanami..." Akira mumbled. Her voice as soft as wind and filled with fondness. Nanami would always encourage her to get up and seek the world outside of her room, but she didn't want to. It takes energy, and she would rather save it (she's saving more than she could).

A soft and tired sigh came out of her lips. She was tired(she's always tired). Tired of reasoning, tired of thinking, tired of remembering and tired of staring at nothing but the darkening sky.

Thinking needs energy, and her energy had already been depleted to 0. Akari tiredly sighed and closed her eyes to take rest, more like to sleep. Nanami was right. She shouldn't sleep and avoid things like babies (she is). She better find her new identity and try to enjoy her life(atleast).

Anyway, she had nothing to lose, except sacrificing her sleeping time. How troublesome.....she had to work.


Disclaimer: The chapters would be long...(I guess so). I hope the readers enjoy the novel as much as I wished them to. Updates are not fixed but I'll try to update as much as I can.

English is not my first language, so I hope the readers wouldn't mind my grammatical mistakes.

I would appreciate if someone would help me I proofreading. (anyone?)

Anyway, please do enjoy my novel, any complaints or suggestions (like the length of chapters), comment below and let me know.

Bonjour -(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

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