Unduh Aplikasi

Bab 10: DxD: Recruitment Week 01

"I'm not sure what you mean by that," I deflect. "I was attacked so I defended myself. I even managed to capture two of my attackers instead of killing them."

"Yes, I can see that Axton," Rias says, starting to get exasperated. "But I'm more concerned with 'why' or more importantly 'how'."

I shrug. "I don't see how that's your business," I say. I was being deliberately obtuse at this point, it was entertaining to see her try to not be annoyed. "What are you, the supernatural cops?"

That seems to surprise her. "You mean you don't know?"

"I know you guys are Devils, whatever the hell that means," I say. "Oh and the Student Council too. And I know that these guys," I indicate the two bound, and gagged I note, Fallen angels, "have orders to not fuck with you guys. Also that superpowers are a thing, apparently."

Rias looks confused. "Superpowers? Do you mean Sacred Gears?" She shakes her mind. "Nevermind. The important thing is that no I'm not a 'supernatural cop', but Sona and I are responsible for Kuoh, including keeping it safe and the people unaware of the supernatural."

"Oh," I say, looking around. "Well. Good response time at least? But the hole in the side of the building is still there and only getting more conspicuous."

Rias sighs. "Yes, yes it is. Akeno, could you start taking care of that?" Akeno nods and hops out of the window. I feel a crowd down below with [Detect]. They move slightly when Akeno approaches but then become unnaturally still. Mind magic is useful stuff.

"As for you," she says, turning to me. "I think me, you, and Sona are going to have to have a chat in a more private location. Just let me take care of the bodies and then I'll teleport us."

"Oh, I can take care of that," I say. Her method of taking care of them is almost definitely destroying them with Destruction magic. But the Fallen might appreciate having their bodies back. Or maybe they won't. Either way, I'd like to keep the option available. So I lean down and place my hands on the corpses and put them into my inventory.

Rias blinks in surprise. "What did you do?"

"Stored them away," I answer. "Can't do anything about the living ones. Also, before you teleport us, wait just a moment."

I ignore Rias asking why and communicate with Yua. "Alright Yua, sneaky times are over now. Come join us in the room. Make sure Kyu comes with you, we're about to get teleported and she's going to be annoyed if she gets left behind."

Rias gestures at her two remaining peerage members, who are still in the air a little ways away, to come in. When they enter, both of their eyes immediately latch onto the two bound Fallen before jumping to me, curiosity clear on their face.

Just then, I feel Yua and Kyu in range of [Detect] across the street. I track Yua as she backs up before dashing towards me and I can see her leaps towards the hole in the side of the building from the roof of the opposite building. I move to the hole and catch her as she comes in.

"Did she just leap across the street?" Rias asks.

"Yep," I say, not elaborating. Kyu floats in, and I'm surprised to see how tall she is, nearly full height. She sees the two tied up Fallen.

"Oh good, you didn't kill Raynare," she comments. "Too bad about the other girl, she was pretty hot too."

I ignore her and turn to Rias. Yua scrambles up my chest and takes her spot in my hood. "Alright, I'm ready to go."

All three of them are staring at me, surprise on their faces. Rias shakes her head. "You can explain that later too." She gestures and a large glowing magic circle appears on the floor, encompassing all of us. The circle flashes and I can feel it in my gut as we're teleported.

I look around at our new surroundings and I see that we're in the Occult Research Club room, where I talked to Rias just yesterday. The bound Fallen are in a corner of the room. Mittelt has given up and is letting her head hang down to rest on Raynare's cleavage, and Raynare is still glaring at me, but there's more wariness than heat in it.

"Make yourself comfortable," Rias says to me. "I have to go contact some people."

I do as she says and sits down on one of the couches. Kyu shrinks down and I feel her settle on top of my head. "Why does this feel like being sent to the principal's office?" she asks out loud. I don't respond because Koneko and Kiba are both watching me, having sat down next to each other on a different couch. "Ugh, I hate trying to talk to you when there are others around. Here, I held them back because you were busy but you have time now, so deal with it." With her words, several Game windows appear in my vision.

Rogue Class has reached Level 100

New Skills

[Shadow Step](Active) - Level 1(0%)

By stepping into a shadow and willing it, you can teleport to a nearby shadow. Range: 50m Cost: 10 MP per meter

[Ghost](Passive) - Level 1(0%)

Erases your presence when sneaking even further. 1% reduction to all non-soul based presence. Increases the cost multiplier of [Chameleon] by two.

Now those are some high-end Rogue skills. Short-range teleportation and an upgrade that makes my [Sneak] all but undetectable. I can't wait to level them up and improve them.

Rogue Class has been maxed, extra XP held

Hard Mode Dungeons have been unlocked!

Hard Mode Dungeons? Are those more Dungeons or harder versions of dungeons I've already done? I'll have to investigate that later.

Please choose a new Class



[Mage][Summoner][Elementalist][Illusionist][Healer][Void Mage]

Several classes stand out to me. Gunner, for one. I thought a class like that would be either a special class that I'd have to unlock somehow, or wrapped into Archer. The other Warrior specializations are roughly what I expected though, even if there aren't as many as I expected.

As if she can read my mind, Kyu speaks up. "You've unlocked more than just the basic classes, but there are specialty classes that require another class to be maxed out first. Like if you wanna be a Knight, you'll need to pick up either Warrior, Saber, Archer, or Lancer and max that out first. And maxing out Saber will let you then choose a more specialized sword-based class, like Samurai or Fencer."

Ah, that explains it. I keep going down the list of classes and examining them. The Rogue classes are also pretty much what I expected. I'm not sure what the Thief class could offer that I can't already do though, and the Shadow class is a mystery to me.

The Mage classes are also very standard, except for one. Void Mage. My gut tells me that that's a specialty class I normally wouldn't have access to. Is this because of my [Void Touched] trait?

Whatever the reason for it being there, I select it after just a moment of thought. All of the classes could help me, but Void Mage just feels like it's the best option by far.

Void Mage Class selected

Held XP given to Void Mage Class

Void Mage is now Level 25!

New Class Skills

[Void Beam](Active) - Level 1(0%)

Fire a continuous beam of Void dealing 32 damage per second. Costs 1000 MP/s

[Void Sense](Active) - Level 1(0%)

The Void is the opposite of everything. Feel the void around you, and feel where it is absent. Grants a complete awareness of your surroundings in a radius of 1 meter. Costs 10 MP/s

[Void Edge](Active) - Level 1(0%)

Coat the edge of a weapon or projectile in Void energy. Adds 32 damage to the weapon. Costs 1000 MP to apply, and lasts for 212 seconds.

An attack, another sensory skill, and a weapon buff all at once? I really lucked out with this Class. Another window appears.

Perk rewarded for 100 CON

[Adrenaline] - Boosts SP Regeneration after taking damage for a short time

Perk rewarded for 100 STR

[Fragile World] - Grants perfect control over your own strength. Allows for melee attacks that deal less than full damage.

Perk rewarded for 250 INT

[Magic Master] - Magic skills level 20% faster

Perk rewarded for 100 WIS

[Measured Response] - You can undercharge your spells, making them less effective for a lower cost. Only works on MP based skills.

A perk to increase how fast my magic improves, right as I get a magic class? Very appreciated. I take a look at my new stats.


Level: 125

Class: Void Mage(25/100)[57%]

HP: 3180 (63.6 per second)

MP: 6520 (130.4 per second)

SP: 3160 (63.2 per second)

CON: 159

STR: 133(158)

DEX: 338

INT: 326

WIS: 212

CHA: 135

LUK: 237(247)

Huh. INT is already almost caught up with DEX. Though both are over 300 which I'm very appreciative of. Honestly, my stats are pretty good overall, even my lowest one is pretty good compared to the Devils around me.

Out of curiosity, I check Yua's status to see how much she's benefitted.


Race: Feline

Level: 87[98%]

HP: 1760 (35.2 per second)

MP: 880 (17.6 per second)

SP: 880 (17.6 per second)

CON: 88

STR: 88

DEX: 175

INT: 88

WIS: 88

CHA: 177

LUK: 96

She's looking pretty good. Still not a match for any of the Devils, though she could outrun most of them. She's far stronger than any kitten her age has ever been, probably even including supernatural kittens.

There's a flash of light in the far side of the room and Sona, Tsubaki, and Momo appear. Sona and Tsubaki's expressions are stern but otherwise flat. Momo smiles when she sees me, but it's clear that she's wondering what's going on. At the very least, she deserves to know, but explaining things to everyone is a good idea in the long term. I wave at her, and her expression softens, though Sona and Tsubaki's eyes narrow just slightly.

Rias, Koneko, and Kiba all sit on one couch directly in front of me, and Sona, Tsubaki, and Momo sit on the couch to my right. Yua stirs when she sees Momo, but I put a hand over her to tell her to stay here for now. Momo notices and waves, a slightly surprised but happy expression on her face, which Yua reacts to with a soft meow.

There's another flash of light and Akeno teleports into the room, taking a position standing behind Rias due to there not being any more room on the couch.

"This feels so serious," I quip, trying to lighten the mood.

"Then you correctly understand the tone of this meeting," Sona replies cooly. "So when I ask you to explain things, I want you to do so in a serious manner."

I sigh. "Yeah okay. What specifically do you want to know?"

"The Fallen. How did you end up fighting them?"

I nod. "After classes let out on Thursday, I was walking home with Atsuko and Aika. A girl approaches the three of us, and I can immediately tell something is off about her, so I was wary. She gave off vibes that reminded me of the dangerous creatures I've faced."

"Dangerous creatures?" Rias asks.

"Right, I should probably start further back," I say. "When I was younger, something happened to me, and since then I've started getting stronger and I have weird abilities. Because of that, I have on several occasions fought creatures that would fit well in any fantasy game or novel." All technically true, the best kind of true. "So when she," I point at Raynare, "approached me and I got that same feeling from her, it put me on edge, to say the least."

"So you could tell she was a Fallen Angel?" Sona asks.

I shake my head. "No, I could tell she was dangerous and wanted to kill me. Nothing more, nothing less. Discovering what she was came later. See, she threw me off initially, by asking me on a date."

This surprises the three to my right, though Rias and her Peerage already knew. I brace for Affection losses, but none come. Perhaps they're holding their judgment?

"Of course, I tried to decline at first," I continue. "Even if it weren't for my gut feeling, I had literally asked Momo out earlier that day, so going on another date with a different girl wasn't something to consider. Not without talking to Momo first at least."

Sona raises an eyebrow at my last statement but doesn't comment. Momo nods like she's agreeing with me, which strikes me as odd but I'll take that over her getting upset.

"But you ended up accepting," Rias points out.

"I got scared," I say. "When I tried to decline, she got pushy. It was obvious she wasn't going to take no for an answer and I wasn't sure what would happen if I pushed too far. Aika and Atsuko were right there with me. If she attacked, I could protect myself, but I wasn't sure that they wouldn't get caught in the crossfire. So rather than risk it, I accepted, and bought myself some time to figure out the situation."

<+6 Affection with Yuuto Kiba>

<+7 Affection with Sona Sitri>

Huh. The chivalrous knight and the responsible leader appreciated that decision. Which tracks. I'm surprised I'm gaining Affection in this mess instead of losing it though. I probably have my [Cunning Linguist] Perk to thank for that.

"So she leaves, and I decide to investigate. I follow her, stealthily. I can be pretty sneaky when I need to be. After following her for a few blocks I see her duck into an out of sight area and transform from normal schoolgirl to Fallen Angel. I end up following her back to the abandoned church, where they've been holed up."

Sona perks up. "They? As in, all of the Fallen?"

I nod. "Plus about twenty stray exorcists. Later that night I snuck in, found the secret lair beneath the church, and did some spying. I found some documents that explained a LOT. Had to use some context clues to figure it all out, but eventually, it became clear to me that they were Fallen Angels, as in the biblical ones, and they were at odds with the Devils and the actual biblical Heaven. Also that they were here secretly, hiding from you guys, the Devils, but had orders not to mess with you guys for fear of sparking a large conflict, so I'm guessing things are tense right now between you two." I look at Sona. "Is that correct?"

"More or less," she says. "Things are tense between all three factions technically, though a full explanation can wait until you finish yours."

I shrug. "There's not a lot more to tell. I learned that they had a few missions here, and that was to observe and kill any Sacred Gear wielders. I was one of those targets. The documents didn't go into detail about what exactly a Sacred Gear is, but they thought I had one. So I put two and two together and assumed she was trying to kill me, and the date was to lure me somewhere out of the way and surprise me."

"So why didn't you leave town?" Rias asks. "Or come to one of us? You knew that we weren't friends with them, and we've been friendly to you. Surely that's the better plan than walking into a trap."

Approaching the Devils at that time probably would have been a good idea actually. But then I wouldn't have gotten to have sex with Raynare. Not that that had been worth it in the end, except as another step closer to Kyu's quest. Still, my mind is already supplying a good reason.

"Sure, even after learning you guys are Devils, whatever that entails, I felt like I could trust you guys. You've all treated me well." I glance at Momo and smile, and she smiles back. "Some especially so. But if things were really that tense between your two groups, then calling on you to help me out could have led to larger issues. And honestly? I wasn't scared of a single Fallen Angel. I've faced worse. So I thought I would take care of it myself, reverse the trap, and capture her. Which went fine, but then the other three Fallen came in, and things got a bit out of hand."

"A bit out of hand?" Rias asks with an eyebrow raised. "They blew a hole in the side of a wall and two of them died."

"Yes well, after an opening like that, I couldn't really hold back. I offered them a chance to surrender, and she was the only one to take it," I say, indicating Mittelt. "The other two came at me trying to kill me, so I responded in kind." I shrug. "This way, there shouldn't be any issues. You guys didn't do anything, they just bit off more than they could chew in coming after me."

<-4 Affection with Raynare>

Oh, fuck off Raynare.

"Well, you are right about that at least," Sona says. "You being unaffiliated should ease things between us and the Fallen. I'll need to call my sister though. The death of two Fallen, the capture of two more, and the discovery of an entire group of stray exorcists is something that needs to be dealt with carefully." She looks at me. "That is if you are fine with me taking your prisoners?"

I nod. "Sure, that's fine. I don't know what I'd do with them anyway." She nods and steps away, a magic circle appearing in the air next to her ear.

Rias draws my attention to her by asking a question. "So you have a Sacred Gear then? A good one?" Gee Rias, I wonder why that's so important to you?

"Maybe?" I answer, maintaining my cover story. "The documents I found didn't exactly go into detail on what they are."

Momo speaks up for the first time. "They're artifacts that are connected to the soul of a human that grants them an ability. They were created by Heaven to bring miracles to Earth. Only humans are born with them, and they come in a lot of different forms."

My abilities are far too varied to be passed off as a Sacred Gear. So I could either limit myself to just a few things, or I could leave the origin of my abilities a mystery. Which is a no brainer, I'm not going to limit my options like that.

"Just one ability?" I ask. "Because I can do a lot of things."

"Like what?" Rias asks.

"Let's see," I think about how much I want to show off. "I have a hammerspace for storing things, I am unnaturally stealthy, I can pull strange objects out of nowhere, I can create a pocket dimension to enter it, and I can do a few things that I can only describe as magic spells. Oh and I can make magical potions."

<+24 Affection with Rias Gremory>

That's actually kind of sad, seeing how desperate she is. I ignore her in favor of paying attention to Momo though.

"That is...quite a bit more than a Sacred Gear usually covers," she says, unsure. "They can sometimes offer multiple abilities, but they're usually different expressions of the same ability, or there are only a couple of them that are related in some way." She thinks it over for a minute. "Though I suppose most of what you can do is related to dimensions somehow, maybe even the stealth. The potions and magic could fit under just being able to perform magic, though being able to do so without being taught is incredibly rare."

"What do you mean by pulling items from nowhere?" Rias asks.

"I mean that every now and then I get the feeling that I can sort of reach out and grab something, and when I do, I end up with something strange. Sometimes powerful, sometimes not. I also get an instinctual understanding of what it is." I think it over before deciding fuck it. "In fact, I could do it right now. I have a 'charge' saved up if you want a demonstration."

All five of them perk up in interest at that and seeing their expectant faces, I go ahead and use the Gacha token I got as a quest reward.

<Companion Gem(Leticia Draculea)>

<Crush to summon Leticia Draculea to your side. Does not bind them to you, use at your own risk.>

Isn't that the vampire girl from Mondaiji? No wait, I'll deal with that later. Thank god the Gacha puts items directly into my inventory so I don't have to try to explain what that is, I'm not sure how they would take the fact that people are one of the things I can summon. I browse my inventory quickly for something suitable to pretend with and pull out the two Sending Stones I picked up as loot in the Dungeon.

A bit of sleight of hand combined with my actually pulling them from nowhere, and no one can tell I didn't just pull something into existence from nothing.

"These are called Sending Stones," I say as I show off the two smooth stones with faces carved into them. "They can be used as telepathic walkie talkies pretty much, they send a message from one bearer to the other."

Wait, telepathic communication? That gives me an idea. I toss one to Momo, who looks surprised but catches it. "There's someone who's been dying to say hi to you," I tell her, and I tuck the other one into Yua's collar. "Yua, you should be able to talk to Momo now."

Yua springs up in my lap. "Yua can talk to Mama?!"

Momo gasps. "Did she just call me Mama?"

Yua leaps off of my lap and collides with Momo, who hugs her close. I don't hear anything through the familiar bond, but I'm pretty sure they're talking now.

<+12 Affection with Yua>

<+7 Affection with Shirone Toujo>

I look over at Koneko who is looking at the scene with a small smile on her face. "So yeah. Stuff like that. It's how I got most of my equipment. Well, the good stuff anyway."

"What's the deal with Yua anyways?" Rias asks. "It's obvious she's not a normal cat."

"She is, but also she isn't," I say. "When Momo and I found her, she was one hundred percent a normal kitten. But as I grew attached to her, I began to worry about her. So, I made her my familiar. After that, she started becoming a lot smarter and a lot faster."

"So that's why we didn't notice anything strange," Akeno muses. "Whatever it is about you that makes your magic undetectable transferred over to her. We didn't even notice the absence of magic in her because small animals normally have so little it's hard to sense at all."

"My what now?" I ask, feigning ignorance. "You can't detect my magic?"

Rias shakes her head. "Not at all, and it's really strange. We managed to figure out it was an issue of sensing it rather than you just not having any, but for a time we thought you were possibly some sort of statistical anomaly, being the first person to not have any magic whatsoever."

"I have no idea what that might be," I lie. "I'd consider my magic to be one of my stronger points even." Especially if we're going on my stats and MP values. "Not that I know many spells, but they feel like they pull from a relatively deep well."

Rias looks like she wants to ask more, but a bright flash of light in the corner of the room accompanies the arrival of a girl with long black hair tied into twintails and wearing a pink magical girl outfit. She and Sona walk over to us.

"Holy shit, is that a magical girl?" I blurt out, acting like I've been caught off guard.

<+7 Affection with Serafall Leviathan>

Sona pinches her nose while Serafall's face lights up. She spins her wand and strikes a cute pose, almost but not quite flashing the room as she does so. "Yes it is! Miracle☆Levia-tan is here to take care of those meanie Fallen Angels!". Curious, I use [Observe] on her.


Serafall Leviathan

Race: Pure-Blooded Devil

Level: 4,049

HP: 77,070

MP: 205,260

SP: 89,910

CON: 2,569

STR: 2,997

DEX: 5,649

INT: 6,842

WIS: 6,352

CHA: 3,382

LUK: 623


It's a struggle not to physically flinch. I already knew she was strong, but holy shit, I did not expect this level of strength. Her MP value is six digits long. And Serafall isn't even the strongest being in this world. To distract myself, I follow up with a [Lewd Scouter]


Serafall Leviathan

Arousal: Low

Perversion: High

Affection: 7

Orientation: Bisexual

Fetishes: Cosplay, Incest, Threesomes


That information is much more interesting, though far less surprising. But it also told me two things. First, that I really want her in my harem, and second, Sona is how I get her in there. I already knew both of those things on some level, but seeing her really reaffirmed it for me.

"I can't believe magical girls are real too," I say, continuing the act.

Sona sighs. "They're not. This is my older sister, Serafall Leviathan, one of the Four Great Satans who are the leaders of the Devils."

Serafall isn't discouraged by Sona's assertion. "Yep, I'm that too, but I'm a magical girl first!" She sighs exaggeratedly. "But I guess I am here on Satan business." She points dramatically at me. "You! You're the mysterious man who found the Fallen right?"

I nod. "Four Fallen and about twenty stray exorcists according to the documents I found. I also found documents saying they were here to spy on and assassinate Sacred Gear wielders. In fact, if there's any blank paper available, I can provide you copies of those orders. I didn't copy any of the other documents though."

<+7 Affection with Serafall Leviathan>

"That's fine, I wasn't expecting any documents at all," Serafall says. Sona steps to one of the cupboards on the wall and pulls out a small stack of printing paper and brings them to me. I take out my Ink Copy Gem, which catches Serafall's attention, but she doesn't comment. I place the small red gem on top of the stack, and ink flows out of it, seeping into the stack of papers. After a few moments of this, the flow of ink stops. I store the gem, make sure the papers are printed correctly, and hand the pages to her.

Her expression grows more serious as she reads through the documents. "Geez, this is really a mess." She complains. A magic circle briefly appears on top of the stack and the papers disappear from her hands. "Alright, I'll just take the prisoners and the bodies and get to work on this."

We all collectively turn to the Fallen. They both look incredibly tense, nervously staring at Serafall. Serafall, still in business mode, addresses me. "I can feel the magic on that rope, if you want to keep it take it now."

I nod appreciatively at her and whistle. Instantly the sentient rope unties itself and wriggles its way back to me. As soon as one end reaches me I store the whole thing into my inventory.

The Fallen, no longer bound, don't move at all. I wouldn't either if Serafall was looking at me like they were. "The bodies?" She asks. I dump the bodies next to the two living Fallen. They both flinch when the corpses of their former compatriots hit the ground.

"Alrighty~," Serafall says, back in magical girl mode. "Thanks a ton for being so cooperative Axton, I really appreciate it. I'll make sure these bad girls are dealt with." She spins her wand and a magic circle appears beneath her and the Fallen. "You kids be good! I'll miss you Sona~!" She blows a kiss at her sister and then they disappear.

For a moment, no one moves or says anything. "Well then," I say. "That sure was...something."

Sona sighs again. "I'm sorry about her. She can be serious sometimes, but most of the time she's…" she trails off, unsure how to describe her. She shakes her head, giving up. "Never mind. It's getting late, and I think there's been enough business done tonight. Axton, please come to the Student Council room during lunch on Monday."

"I can do that, no problem," I answer. I'm not sure what she wants to talk about, but any free chances to increase my relations with that group are appreciated.

Momo stands up, still holding Yua, who is purring lightly. "I'll take Axton home," she says, looking at Sona.

Sona looks back at her, examining her expression. A moment later, she nods. "I suppose you are the only one that's been to his home. Go ahead, I'll see you tomorrow. I have some things to discuss with Rias."

Momo smiles at me and holds out her hand. I take it, and she walks us over to where the teleportation circle is. With a flash of light, we leave the club room behind.


After Axton and Momo teleported out, Rias turned to her peerage members seated next to her. "You two can go home as well," she said. "Akeno and I will follow you after we've talked to Sona and Tsubaki." The two of them nodded and walked to the teleportation circle where they left in a flash of light.

This left just Sona and her Queen, Tsubaki, and Rias and her Queen, Akeno, left in the room. As one, both Kings sighed and slumped down a bit, relaxing. The two Queen's shared amused looks and stepped away to the little kitchenette to talk on their own.

"'I'll see you tomorrow' you told Momo," Rias said, breaking the silence. "Considering you live in the same house, are you implying that she'll stay the night at Axton's?"

"It was more permission than implication, but yes," Sona said.

"And you're okay with that?" Rias asked, sounding surprised.

Sona didn't reply immediately. "I think so, yes," she said eventually. "Finding out today that he's strong enough to take on four Fallen and dangerous enough that he seemed so cavalier about them trying to kill him and killing them back was a shock. But I've talked to him several times, and he doesn't seem like a bad person. Or at least, he's someone who likes us. I think the way he handled things today with us is an indicator enough that he considers us friendly at least." She sighed again. "Plus, Momo is absolutely smitten with him, and it's obvious that he cares for her too."

"I guess," Rias replied. "It's just pretty fast for that sort of thing, isn't it?"

"Well, they're both attractive teenagers with a large degree of freedom," Sona answered. "Plus, once Momo decides on something, she charges ahead without any fear. It was like that when she asked to join my Peerage as well. At first, she was just the girl I spent time with whenever our fathers discussed business. She would always ask me what it was like to be a Devil. Then, one day when we were both still pretty young, she declared that she wanted to be a Devil and join my Peerage. Her declaration stunned both of our fathers, who insisted we were too young. I didn't even have any Evil Pieces yet. She said she would wait then, but insisted it was what she wanted. Her father set some monumental tasks for her before he allowed it, trying to either discourage her or buy time for her to grow out of what he thought was maybe a childish decision, but shortly after we came here to Kuoh, she accomplished those tasks and received permission from her father, and I gladly accepted her into my peerage."

Rias laughed lightly. "I had no idea it was like that. To be honest, I thought it was her father's idea that she join your peerage. I wouldn't have guessed that she was so determined. I guess that makes more sense then."

Sona hummed in agreement, and for a moment, neither of them talked.

"I really want to recruit him," Rias spoke up, finally broaching the topic the two of them had been avoiding. "He's good, he's confident, and he gets along with my Peerage members."

"And Riser is starting to apply pressure," Sona added.

Rias nodded. "Yeah. I can't keep putting him off much longer, but my Peerage just isn't ready for me to use a Rating Game to get out of the engagement. With Axton, I think I can do it. He described his abilities when you were talking to your sister, and they're impressive."

"Of course you asked him about that as soon as I step away," Sona scoffed. Rias opened her mouth, an apology on her lips, but Sona waved her off and smiled. "It's fine. I'll get Tsubaki to fill me in later. It doesn't really matter how strong he is, I already want him in my peerage as well. Normally I'd be willing to pass on him, for your sake, but he and Momo are so close, and he could be very useful to my peerage as well."

"I could trade him to you after Riser is off my back," Rias suggested. "I'd like for him to join my peerage more permanently, but you're right in that he might be better suited for yours."

Sona nodded slowly. "That could work, assuming he agrees to it. You would have to use a Knight piece on him though. Or less than four Pawns, since I only have three available."

"Considering the knives he had, the speed of a Knight would probably fit him well, so that's fine. But if he's going to end up in your peerage, who should ask him?"

"I'll ask him on Monday when he comes to the Student Council room. You can talk to him after classes."

"Thanks, Sona," Rias said, smiling at her friend. The two sit in silence for a moment. "Do you think they're having sex right now?" Rias asked suddenly.

Sona's expression didn't change, but a blush crept up her face. "I don't know. Probably. Why even bring it up?"

"Just curious, I guess," Rias replied. "Nevermind. It's been a long day, I should probably get home."

"Right. I should as well." Sona agreed, thankful for the change in the subject. "I'll talk to you tomorrow then." The two girls said their goodbyes, gathered their Queens, and teleported away, leaving the club room empty.


Momo, Yua, Kyu, and I all arrive in my living room. Kyu, who was still on my head, flies off somewhere. Presumably to a better vantage point to watch us from. After I store most of my combat gear back into my inventory, Momo and I make our way to the couch, where we sit down next to each other, leaning into the other. Yua remains on Momo's lap and curls up to go to sleep.

For a while, neither of us says anything. We just sit together, cuddling, with my arm around her shoulders and her head leaning on my chest. Eventually, I break the ice.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you what I had figured out before our date," I say. "I thought about it, but I thought the revelation would throw off our date, and I was really looking forward to it."

She shakes her head. "It's fine. I didn't tell you about myself either. I would have soon, but Sona wanted to tell you herself. The plan was to invite you to the Student Council room on Monday and tell you."

"Oh?" I ask. "Why would she do that? Just because I'm getting close to you?"

"That actually would be enough, yes," Momo says. "Sona is responsible like that, and we're not super secretive about being Devils. We regularly interact with humans as Devils to fulfill contracts after all. We just keep things relatively quiet. So with us being a thing, she would bring you into the loop, and just ask you to keep quiet about it to others. That way I wouldn't have to lie to you about things I have to do."

I'm getting tired of pretending to not know much about Devils. "You know, I was able to figure out some things from the stuff I read, but most of the stuff about the Devils was along the lines of 'do not mess with these people or there will be consequences'. So there's still so much I don't know about Devils. Can you fill me in?"

She smiles. "I'd be happy too." And she does. For the next hour, she talks about Devils and their society and how things work. She tells me about Peerages and reincarnation and how she joined Sona's peerage. She mentions the Fallen Angels and Heaven themselves, the current tension between them, and the history of the three biblical factions. Most of it was things I already knew, but there were details or interesting aspects that I either wasn't sure of or didn't know at all that she tells me about.

At some point during this, Yua gets up and wanders off to her food bowl before curling up in her bed to properly sleep, leaving just me and Momo on the couch. With Yua gone, Momo slowly shifts while she talks, and by the end of it, she's completely in my lap, her legs lying across my own. For the last couple of minutes, she's smirked lightly as she shifts her weight in just the right way to rub against me. Her smirk deepens as I start to get hard and she feels my erection pushing against her.

"That's a lot of information to take in," I say when she winds down, done with her explanation. "I think I've gotten the gist of it though, even if I'm starting to get pretty distracted."

"Oh?" Momo asks in a teasing tone of voice. "And what's distracting you?"

"The beautiful girl on my lap, teasing me," I answer in a similar tone. "It's hard to pay attention to anything else right now."

"Hard, you say?" she asks. She shifts her weight again, pushing down on my erection through my pants. "I can see that. It certainly is quite hard."

"Let me give you a better look then," I say with a smirk, and stash all of my clothes into my inventory at the same moment, allowing my erection to suddenly push against her bare thighs below her skirt.

She gasps in surprise before smiling. "That's a neat trick. What else can you do?"

"This," I say as I run my hand down her body and store all of her clothes in my inventory as well, leaving us both naked.

"Very convenient," she says, changing positions so she's straddling me. My erection rises between her legs, resting on her stomach, reaching past her belly button. Her breathing gets heavier as she looks down at it.

I end the anticipation by putting my hands on her ass and pulling her into me. I feel warm and wet skin glide along the bottom of my shaft as she shivers. Her lips find mine, and her kiss is hungry and desperate. I taste her breath as our lips meet and part, tongues probing but pulling back before committing.

Her lower body gyrates, encouraged by my grip on her hips, sensually grinding her lower lips on my hard manhood. I feel her warmth and evidence of her arousal run along the length of my shaft and shudder in pleasure. My hands grip her ass tighter as I deepen our kiss. No longer satisfied with the rapid but fleeting contact, I lock her lips with mine and probe my tongue deep into her mouth.

She moans into my mouth and wraps her arms around my neck, holding the two of us close together. For a few blissful moments, my entire world is reduced to just our kiss, her breasts as they push against my chest, and the feeling of her grinding against me, a wave of pleasure building up slowly inside me.

I start thrusting my hips upward in time with her, increasing the tempo and pressure of our movements. Our once smooth movements become frantic, as the pleasure for both of us rises and we get close to the edge.

She cries out, breaking off our kiss, and her nails dig into my back as she clings tight to me, shuddering as an orgasm wracks her body. The pressure I feel reaches a crescendo, and my own climax washes over me. I keep thrusting shakily as my seed shoots upwards between us, mostly landing on the undersides of her boobs and stomach.

One time only being a warmup for me at this point, I lift her hips up high, line myself up with her wet slit, and then lower her back down. She makes a keening noise in my ear as I lower her onto my slick member until I am fully hilted inside her.

For a moment we sit there like that. Her chest is heaving, her breath ragged in my ear as she recovers from her orgasm and gets used to the feeling of me filling her. My dick twitches in need inside her, and I reflexively buck my hips, shifting inside of her. She swallows hard in response before she starts to move.

She lifts her hips a couple inches before bringing them back down. She groans as I plunge back into her, and does it again, faster this time. Then faster, and faster, each time crying out louder and louder. My hands, still on her ass, start guiding her, raising her higher and lowering her faster, even as a thrust up to match her downwards thrust.

Soon, this devolves into rapid thrusting. A wet slapping noise fills the room accompanied by heavy breathing and Momo's rapid cries of pleasure. Her bouncing breasts fill my view and I catch one with my mouth, latching onto it and flicking the nub of her hardened nipple with my tongue. She cries out louder and pulls my head in closer to her chest.

She moans loudly as her back arches and jolts run through her body. I increase the tempo of my thrusts, biting lightly on her boob. I slam into her hard and cum again, filling her with my seed. Her moans pitch higher with my last thrust and the feeling of my semen filling her.

Momo slumps down, chest heaving as she breathes heavily. I remove her tit from my mouth so I can also recover, though I'm not nearly as winded as she is. After a few moments, she notices I haven't softened at all inside her. Her eyes widen.

"You can keep going?" she asks.

"Probably a couple more times," I admit. She looks surprised, but also happy, and a little determined.

She lifts herself upward and off of me, shuddering with every inch pulled out of her. She gasps softly as I finally exit her entirely before getting off the couch and kneeling between my legs. My dick stands upright before her, still just as hard as before and covered in our combined juices.

Smiling seductively, she traps my shaft between her large boobs and starts slowly sliding them up and down. The lubrication already present seems to be enough and I moan at the sensation of my dick sliding between the soft warmth of her breasts. Her smile widens at my reaction and she starts moving faster.

The sight alone is one that is enough to heighten my arousal. The way she's smiling at me, maintaining eye contact, as my dick rises out of the space between her breasts that she's holding tightly around me, creating the most comfortable sensation I've ever felt, is all enough to drive me crazy. This only increases when she starts moving further down and begins to kiss the tip of my penis with every thrust.

Her soft lips on my sensitive lower head causes me to moan again, which encourages her further. She changes her movement to shallow but more rapid thrusts, keeping her lips on my dick as I fuck her breasts. She lowers her mouth a little, taking in the entire head of my penis. I feel her tongue swirl around it teasing me. The entire time, her breasts don't stop moving and she maintains eye contact with me.

The stimulation, both physical and visual, is too much for me. My hands gently hold her head, my fingers intertwining with her hair, and I pull her down slightly as I thrust up and cum. She's ready for me and I can feel her mouth work as she swallows the large load of semen that pumps out of me, not at all reduced in volume or viscosity despite it being my third time.

She pulls back a bit, removing my dick from between her pillowy tits, and visibly swallows while maintaining eye contact with me. She opens her mouth and shows me that it's empty. If it weren't for the fact that I was still hard, the expression of triumph on her face would have gotten me immediately erect again, refractory period or no.

Something must have shown in my expression because she smirks before getting up to sit on the coffee table behind her. She spreads her legs and beckons me with a finger, inviting me in.

I don't hesitate, and in moments I'm on top of her, lining myself up with her. Her legs wrap around me and pull me towards her. Her breath catches as my length is pushed into her and she moans as I slide deeper. I brace myself with my hands on either side of her head and lean in to kiss her before I start thrusting, pulling myself out a few inches at a time before slamming it back in.

Each thrust has her gasp into my mouth as we kiss. Her arms wrap around my back and pull me closer to her. I change the angle of my thrusts over time, searching for the spot the got the strongest reaction from her.

I know I've found it when she clenches up and bites my lip. Her lower body jerks slightly as she orgasms. I give her no break. Instead, I double down and start thrusting faster at that same angle.

She cries out, her voice jumping in time with my thrusts as I hammer into her. In what feels like both an eternity of build-up and a mere moment of pleasure, my climax washes over me and I thrust deep inside of her one last time, cumming deep inside of her for a second time.

She gasps and clenches up as I fill her, shaking as pleasure jolts through her and she cums again as I feel her tighten around my shaft as if to prevent me or my seed from escaping her.

Once again we pause to catch our breath, not saying anything. Until she notices me not softening at all inside of her.

"Still not enough for you, huh?" she says, sounding out of breath.

"We can stop there if you want," I start to say, but she cuts me off with a shake of her head.

"No, I can go one more time. You lay down on the couch, I'll be in control this time."

I nod and slowly extract myself from her again, relishing the feeling of her tight walls as I slide out of her. I do as she says and stretch out on the couch. She gets up on shaky legs and straddles me. She takes a moment to breathe before slowly lowering herself onto my cock once again, not stopping until I'm fully inside of her. My dick twitches inside of her.

Instead of lifting herself up to start bouncing on top of me as I expect, she slowly gyrates, moving her hips in a small circle. Her insides clench and move around me as well, providing a strange but potent mix of sensations.

Our lovemaking earlier had been heated and frantic, but now Momo took things slow and sensual, dragging out the pleasure, slowly building towards orgasm as she tenderly rides me. Her expression is one of lust and love and care and joy, and I lay back and allow myself to enjoy her efforts.

Minutes of this later, my orgasm arrives, and I twitch as I paint her insides white yet again, filling her up completely. Finally, I feel my shaft start to soften.

Momo lays down on me, pushing her boobs against my chest and causing my now soft dick to pull out of her. We kiss each other gently, basking in the post-sex glow.

"I love you," she says.

"And I love you too," I reply, meaning it this time. We lay like that for a couple minutes, relaxing and kissing. Before long, I feel myself hardening once more. She gasps slightly in surprise as my rising shaft brushes between her legs.

She looks at me in surprise. "Again? Already?"

I shrug. "Well with you on top of me like this and kissing me, how could I not be aroused?" I kiss her. "You can ignore it though if you're done for now. I can't promise it'll go away so long as we're laying like this though."

"Sorry, I don't think I can go for another time just yet," she says apologetically. "Maybe in a bit."

"It's fine," I say. "I came five times, that's enough to satisfy me. Mentally at least. My body is greedy though."

She laughs a little, bouncing slightly on top of me. After a moment of silence, she starts speaking. "You know, last night, when I saw how big you are, I was a little worried. I thought there was no way it would fit, and that my first time was going to hurt because of it."

"But that wasn't the case," I say, remembering how easy it was to sheathe myself in her, and how positively she reacted to it.

She shakes her head in agreement. "It was quite a surprise. But when I was talking to the girls later that night, Tomoe mentioned that apparently, Devil bodies are more...accommodating when it comes to sex."

I nod. "Devils have lewd bodies. That makes sense."

She giggles. "But that's kind of my point. I'm the one with a body made for sex, so why are you outlasting me when you're just a normal human?"

"Because I eat my veggies?" I joke. Then I shrug. "I don't know. I guess I just have a lot of stamina."

She hums thoughtfully. "It reminds me of something you said earlier. That you wouldn't take a girl on a date without talking to me first."

"Under normal circumstances, yeah," I lie. "Polyamory is a thing but it's something that should be discussed and agreed on by everyone involved."

Momo nods. "Right. Well, remember how I told you Devil's have pretty low numbers right now? And one of their biggest goals is to grow their numbers? Well, one of those ways is harems. One male to wed a large number of females to increase the chances of conception. Devils had harems before then too, but they are far more common now, especially with the Peerage system.

"So I wanted to say this outright. I'm okay not being the only girl you date. Even before I reincarnated I knew it was likely I would be one of several girls to be with a guy, and I'm okay with that. In fact, it sounds kind of fun, like having sisters almost. Or what I imagine having sisters is like at least."

"So you want me to date other girls?" I ask, surprised. Aika I understood. But I didn't expect this from Momo. Then again, what she said about Devils was true, and this was a lewder world than canon.

"'Want' is a bit too strong of a word I think," Momo says thoughtfully. "But I definitely wouldn't mind and think it could potentially be fun. Especially if you're going to have so much energy in bed. I think I might need some help to handle you." She pushes her legs together, squeezing my still erect shaft in her soft thighs to emphasize. I twitch in response, and she giggles.

"I admit, the idea is appealing," I say slowly as if I'm thinking about it for the first time. "Especially since I'm surrounded by so many cute girls."

"Oh?" Momo says with a smile. "Like who?"

"You of course," I start. "But honestly, all of the Devil's at Kuoh are pretty cute in their own way."

"Even Sona?" Momo asks, curious.

"Especially Sona," I answer. "She's responsible and intelligent and fun to talk to, and she's so pretty." She isn't exactly a walking sex icon like Rias, but I'm not lying about pretty I think she is. The two of them appeal in different ways.

If Momo is open to the idea, then now is a good chance to start laying the foundation for things. With that in mind, I continue. "Not just the Devils either. Aika and Atsuko are pretty cute too, and I've been getting pretty close to them. And I think Aika is interested, not just in me but in roping in Atsuko as well."

"I thought they had caught your eye," Momo says, nodding. "And it's not really surprising that Kiryuu wants to include Hyoudou. She's been really protective of her for a while, and there have been rumors that they were together already. You really think Kiryuu is interested?"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure," I say. "She asked me about hanging out tomorrow even. So if you're okay with that…" I trail off.

"It's fine," she reassures me with a smile. "You don't need my permission to see other girls. But if it starts getting serious, I want to know about them."

"I can do that," I promise.

"And make sure to make time for me," she says in a smaller voice.

I hug her closely and kiss her. "Of course," I assure her. "What would be the point of dating multiple girls if I neglected one of them? Especially you? I would never let that happen."

"Good," she says. I can feel her relax as she believes in my words.

We both fall silent after that, relaxing in comfort as we cuddle. And before long, we both drift off to sleep.

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