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Bab 6: Killer Dance

Goku's groan of pain was heard, and the orcs watching the match were dumbfounded.

They never expected that the strongest orc would be bent over in pain.

Goku's current body was in its weakest state. With a broken rib, every breath Goku took was strenuous.

With irregular breathing, his body would find it difficult to recover energy.

Moku stood up and caught his breath. His hands were still in front of his face, ready to dodge if his enemy attacked suddenly. Goku didn't seem to be able to attack, as he just groaned in pain, but Goku hadn't given up as he only needed a few minutes to recover.

But Moku wouldn't give him a chance to recover.

Moku lowered his stance and readied his next move.

Fifth move, Rear Naked Choke.

This lock move was the most effective and most used in MMA fights. It worked by cutting off blood flow to the brain.

This lock was deadly because of its nature that affected the blood vessels. When the brain is deprived of oxygen-rich blood with this technique, the enemy will quickly faint.

Moku moved behind Goku quickly and climbed on his back.

Moku's right arm wrapped around Goku's neck with his left arm pulling his right wrist as hard as he could.

The reason why martial arts athletes were considered dangerous was that they mastered some deadly moves. They practiced these movements until their bodies remember them.

In combat, the practitioners would use this move reflexively. The punches, kicks, and pins that they trained would come out automatically under the control of their instincts.

However, to face Goku, an orc whose height, weight, and attack range exceeded Moku's, he was unable to fight as usual.

In martial arts, athletes would be distinguished by weight class, this is to avoid an unbalanced match. Someone who has a heavier body mass would be able to hit harder.

In the fight between Moku and Goku, Goku's body weight far exceeded Moku's body weight. As one hit from Goku could kill Moku.

The conclusion was that Moku couldn't give Goku a chance to hit him or he would die.

This made Moku make a plan to ensure his opponent's next move.

The first move was bait. Goku's body would bend down for a tackle, making his head position parallel to Moku's.

If Moku didn't make Goku crouch then he would have to aim his punch higher, which would reduce the power of his fist. But with their position parallel, he could deliver a straight punch with full power.

Moku's punch in the second move made Goku lose his sight. This would make it difficult for Goku to predict the movement of his enemy.

The third move was to stop Goku's movement. The fourth movement also had the same purpose, and coupled with the disturbance in his breathing Goku found it difficult to gather energy.

Moku would then finish this fight with his fifth move. Then Goku would pass out with cuts to his eyes, swollen knees, and broken ribs.

This is how a professional martial artist fights.

The fight does not start after the bell rings, the fight has already started when they find out who their opponent is. Athletes will watch videos of their opponents' fights and make strategies to deal with them.

Combat was not like a game of tic-tac-toe.

Goku, who was finding it harder to breathe, tried to free Moku's hand from his neck. But with a broken rib, he couldn't muster up the strength.

His trembling knees finally fell to the ground.

The Orc Spectators fell silent. Their faces showed the admiration in their hearts.

Swa and Laya smiled proudly at their friends.

But unfortunately.

Goku was not human.


Goku who almost lost consciousness growled in anger like a monster disturbed from sleep.



He dropped his back hard to the ground. Moku, who was on his back, was pinched and squeezed by Goku's 200kg body. Air jolted out of Moku's lungs, causing the lock of his arm around Goku's neck to loosen.



Goku grabbed Moku's wrist and threw him hard. Moku, who was thrown like a baseball, hit the arena fence.

Moku's back, which collided with the fence, creaked and his internal organs shook.

Moku almost lost consciousness, and he saw through his half-closed eyes that

Goku stood up slowly.

The bleeding from his eyes had stopped and Goku's vision was slowly recovering. His right leg which was originally paralyzed began to move again. The pain from the broken ribs began to subside and his breathing slowly became regular.

When the crowd saw that the fight was not over yet they jumped and cheered loudly.

Their race consisted of beings created to love fighting.

Orcs belonged to a species of monster,

With monster power,

With monster endurance, 

And with monster recovery ability,

And Goku was the strongest monster in this tribe.

No human martial arts techniques, punches, kicks, and locks could defeat this monster.

"Your fighting techniques are really strange. but at this rate, you underestimate me, the strongest orc!" Goku grinned defiantly.

Goku stood up straight, with his back to the sun, and looked at Moku with his bloodshot eyes.

The shadow of Goku's huge body blocked the light that fell on Moku. Moku's body seems to shrink under his shadow.

Moku vomited blood, grabbed his knees, and made them support him to stand up.

Looking into Goku's eyes, Moku smiled.

"I'll show you what 'the strongest' is" A voice came out of his bloody mouth.

Moku bent his knees, bent his shoulders, opened his palms, and turned them to the sky. It's like the opening move of a dance.

(A/N: Check Para Comment to see how Moku moves at that time.)

This is a martial art that Moku learned more deeply than any other martial art. This martial art came from his hometown.

But he never wanted to use it when competing. The reason?

Moku didn't want to go to jail for killing his opponent in a match. This was not self-defense but a killing move.


Goku, who saw Moku's strange movement, held his breath. It was as if there were wild beasts around that would be disturbed by the sound of his breathing.

'what's this?'

Goku got goosebumps. No killing aura was felt from Moku.

He was calm.

So calm like the deep ocean harboring monsters.

Like a tall green grass hiding a tiger that settles behind it.

But Goku's instincts told him to immediately run away from that place.

He was scared.

The strongest orcs were scared.

Moku was no longer an MMA champion but a 'Pandeka'. The aura around his body changed. Moku stepped forward.

Moku walked with strange movements, every time he stepped forward his hands looked like they were dispelling water and his feet seemed to be stepping on fire.

Moku danced.

Goku and the audience who saw this were confused. Swa and Laya wanted to pat their foreheads.

Silat was divided into two, Mancak and Silek.

The word mancak or also known as the flower of silat is in the form of silat dance movements that are exhibited in traditional events or other ceremonial events. The movements for mancak strived to be beautiful and as good as possible because they were for the show.

While Silek was not for performance, but an art of fighting. So that the movements are attempted as little as possible, fast, precise, and paralyze the opponent.

Each attack of Silek aimed to immobilize or kill his opponent. Silek taught its practitioners to attack the vulnerable points on the human body or what they call the 'Hampal' points.

The use of these two types of silat was very different. Mancak was a movement commonly seen in silat performances and silat was a fighting art that was only issued to the enemy.

When Moku learned silat for the first time, he felt like something was missing. After studying this martial art Moku knew what it was lacking.

killing intent.

Every martial art is born to injure or hurt the enemy, but silat has a movement that aims to avoid a fight and not hurt the enemy.

The silat movements he learned were like dance moves. Beautiful but meaningless. After realizing it Moku felt disappointed. Martial Arts from his hometown were only limited to this.

Moku reluctantly went to his teacher and intended to stop practicing.

When he expressed his intentions. His teacher asked him what he had learned so far.

Moku replied that all this time he was learning to dance. The teacher laughed heartily while holding his stomach. Then said a sentence that made Moku confused.

"Yes, obviously you learned to dance. If you are in the arena you must learn to dance!"

The Teacher smiled then gave him a letter and ordered him to deliver the letter to an old man who lives on a mountain.

Moku, who wanted to devote one last time to his teacher, agreed and promised to complete the task.

Moku took public transportation and started his journey. During the trip, Moku kept thinking about what his teacher's words meant.

Moku arrived at a village located at the foot of a mountain. The people of this village had fair skin and small noses, their bodies looked fit but there was a gentleness in their every move.

Moku asked one of the old men who was sitting in a coffee shop. The coffee they drank smelled very good and the coffee cup was made of coconut shells.

The old man only wore a sarong with a sleeveless shirt, and in his hand was a freshly burned cigarette. He looked relaxed despite the cold mountain air.

"Sir. Sorry to interrupt, but I want to ask, where is the address of this house, sir?" Moku asked politely.

The old man read the address on the letter and smiled.

"Whose student are you?" The old man asked.

Moku was confused by the question, he had elementary, junior high, and high school teachers. But Moku understood that the old man was asking about the name of his silat teacher.

"Datuak Sri Maharajo, sir," Moko replied.

"Ohh, it turns out it's the coastal people. The house you are going to is on that hill." The old man answered after being enlightened.

He pointed to a valley filled with tall trees. From where they sat they could see a hill in the middle of the forest like a skyscraper in the middle of the city.

"Thank you very much, sir!" Moku cupped his hands in gratitude.

The old man smiled, took a deep breath of his cigarette, then exhaled the smoke at Moku. Moku, who wasn't used to cigarette smoke, coughed.

He looked at the old man with a questioning face. 'Why is this old man suddenly so rude?' he thought, annoyed. Moku felt he was being polite while he was talking, so there was no way he could make the old man angry.

"So that you don't get eaten by 'Inyiak'. HAHAHAHA" The old man answered and laughed loudly.

(A/N: In Minangkabau and Jambi's legends, some demons are believed to be able to change their form from humans to tigers and vice versa. Minangkabau people in West Sumatra call this creature Inyiak Balang or Inyiak Tiger.)

Moku's hair stood on end, he just nodded gratefully and immediately walked away.

In the afternoon, Moku arrived at the top of the hill after passing through the wilderness. Moku didn't know if it was because of the old man's cigarette smoke or because he was lucky, he didn't meet any wild animals during his journey.

He saw a small house. The walls were made of woven bamboo, the pillars were stuck in stone, and the roof was made of straw and palm fiber with both sharp ends forming the image of a buffalo horn.

Moku was stunned to see this building, it was simple but majestic.

(A/N: Check Para Comment to see the shape of the building.)

Moku continued to walk, in front of the house there was a bucket of water, Moku took off his shoes and washed his feet there. Then he climbed the steps and came to a door with an engraving he didn't understand.

Moku banged on the door, but after a long wait, no one came to answer. Moku banged again. He did the same thing three more times until the door opened.

A grandpa with white hair and a white beard came out of the door. He wore a turban rolled up on his head and a white robe made of cotton.

Seeing Moku, the grandpa immediately asked angrily. "Don't you have manners!?"

Moku was shocked and confused.

His face was full of question marks, making the grandpa curious.

(A/N: In Minangkabau to be able to enter the big house, visitors must first wash their feet and clear their throats loudly three times if they are not greeted, then they are allowed to knock on the door..)

"Where are you coming from?" He asked.

"Eh.. Ah.. um... here I came with a letter, Grandpa. This is the address according to the letter, right?" Moku replied, stuttering.

Moku gave a letter from his teacher to the grandpa.

The grandpa saw the letter in Moku's hand and didn't take it immediately, he looked back at Moku's face, then took the letter.

The grandpa opened the letter and read it.

It wasn't long before he saw Moku's face again. He then exhaled then started talking.

"Heeh.. City kids don't know their customs anymore. Come in!" The grandpa shook his head and told Moku to come in.

After that day, Moku learned a lot from that Grandpa. The grandpa was named Datuk nan Sabatang, he taught Moku not only silat but also customs, manners, and morals.

After learning some silat moves, Moku realized what his teacher meant. That is in the arena you can only learn to dance, namely mencak. But silek is not for show.

Moku, who remembered his two silat masters, smiled.

"what the fuck are you doing?" Goku, who was embarrassed from being scared by Moku's strange moves, growled furiously.

Moku responded with a smile. He then pulled back the index and middle fingers of his hand that was floating forward. Signaling an Invitation to Attack.

Goku felt belittled and he lunged forward. He then swiftly sent punches towards Moku's head with the intent to crush him.

The first move, Snake Form.

Moku neither dodged nor parried Goku's punch, but he caught Goku's hand and let his body be carried away by the force of Goku's punch.

Goku's punch, which was very fast and strong, slowly changed direction, decreased, and passed through Moku's left body until the power in Goku's punch was lost.

However, the power from the blow did not disappear but was absorbed by Moku's body. The energy was channeled into his arm and released in the form of a punch.

Moku's body was like rubber under pressure, the elasticity of the rubber would absorb the energy from the pressure and throw it back with the same force.

Moku didn't form fists by clenching all his fingers. He just bent his finger until it touched the base, Moku's fist looked like a snake's head.




The punch went fast and hit Goku's neck. His throat was cracked and Goku's breath was hitched.

Moku made Goku's arm a grip, climbed on him, and dropped to the ground with his head down.

He then used the gravitational pull of the earth to send his feet into the air and landed a hard kick to Goku's chin making his head tilt hard upwards.



Goku's fractured throat opened and his face was pale from lack of blood in the brain.

Moku, who fell, stretched out his hands and gripped the ground. Moku's ten fingers stretched out like tiger claws.

The second movement, Tiger Form.

Moku pushed his body forward with his claws, his legs that were floating in the air pulled down quickly. But before his feet touched the ground Moku's body charged forward quickly.

Moku passed through Goku's two exposed legs, his body spinning like a bullet passing between two adjacent tree branches.

Moku curled up in the air and kicked his legs to the ground. When his feet touched the ground, Moku bent his legs again and absorbed the shock that came from his jump. He landed silently.

Bak! Bak!


Moku crouched down, stepped back, and elbowed the back of Goku's knees. He channeled the force he got from the impact on landing and channeled it into both elbows.

Goku's knees creaked, and he fell to his knees with his back still straight.

The third move, Eagle Form.

Moku then turned, and jumped, his legs back into a squat position, and his arms spread wide. Moku jumped high above Goku's head.

In mid-air, Moku lowered his right leg, and his body was pulled down again by gravity. Moku looked like an eagle pouncing on its prey.



Moku dropped a flying kick right behind Goku's neck. His throat, which was already open, was broken in two by the hard kick.

Three hits with the same target.

These three hits were like a lumberjack chopping down a big tree.

The first two hits were to make the notch. The last kick was to make the feeling cut.

(A/N: Para Comment: This is what Moku does to Goku's neck (lol))

although it seemed long, all this only lasted 2 seconds.


Goku's body fell on his face with his face facing the sky, Goku's eyes were still wide, as he did not understand what had just happened.

Moku landed in a crouching position. Then knelt down.

He then placed both of his palms on his ears and lowered them to the ground.

Moku then repeated the same movement to the four corners of the front, back, right, and left.

(A/N: The movement is called greeting the 4 directions, it is the closing movement of silat which is usually done after finishing a match. Check Para Comment)

Moku stood up and walked over to Goku's body.

After feeling his pulse. Moku was surprised that Goku was still alive.

The endurance of the orc's body never ceased to amaze Moku. If these movements were targeted at humans then Moku would decapitate them.

"Oi! Get a knife, and a twig, and bring a leather or cloth!" Moku gave the order without looking at the crowd of orcs.

But no one answered. Moku turned his head towards the crowd of orcs.

Their faces were still frozen.

Saliva dripped from their gaping mouths.

Their wide-open eyes had long since become dry.

Seeing their stupid faces, Moku became furious.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING STANDING THERE LIKE DUMB ORCS? Didn't you hear my orders? I AM YOUR NEW 'KU'!" Moku shouted angrily.

"Yes, Sir!" Answer the orcs.

The Orcs who woke up due to Moku's angry scream immediately rushed to look for wood, cloth, and leather.

While searching, they just realized that this tribe had a new 'Ku' and he was not yet 8 years old.

BugatiCatForm BugatiCatForm

Pandeka is Silat's fighter.

Inyiak is Tiger.

Datuak is call for tribal leaders.

anything else to ask?

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