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Bab 8: Chapter 7: Oath Under The Sea of Stars

Gentle winds blew upon the sleeping pair of lovers on top of lush grassy plains.

The man, Ryoma, was sleeping with only his pants on, making his perfectly toned body that could make the Greek Gods jealous laid bare for the fortunate eyes to see, and in his arms was a ravishingly gorgeous blue haired woman, Esdeath. Her damaged military uniform was already changed by her man with a white sweater and black pants but those loose clothing still couldn't hide her alluring curves. 

The sight was so innocent and peaceful. It was like the mass extinction event that happened because of their quarrels was all a lie….

A few moments later…

"Hngh~," Esdeath began to stir awake from her sleep.

She dreamed of fighting side by side with her dearest in his conquest upon countless worlds. They fought, they slaughtered, sometimes they won, and sometimes they lost, but the losses weren't meaningless as they immediately returned even stronger than before! Then after they were satisfied, they settled somewhere quiet and peaceful and built a happy family in which she had two beautiful daughters.

It was such a wonderful dream until those brats started lusting for their own father when they grew up! She was really irritated that it awakened her from the dreamland. She won't give her dearest to anyone, not even her own daughters!

So she opened her eyes…

"O–oh my…." 

Only to be greeted with the amazing sight of her man sleeping really close to her.

His sleeping face was so cute and precious! She didn't think that the vicious man who had defeated her and stole her heart could make this kind of expression. It incited her desire to protect him from any harm…

'But those lips….' Her eyes trailed down to his lips. The lips which made her addicted to their taste were so close and defenseless…. It was like they were begging her to ravage them again….

'Let's dig i– No, Esdeath NO! Control yourself! At least wait for him to wake up first!' Fortunately her rationality won as decided to hold back her desire. It is more fun to kiss him when he is awake after all….

'Sigh, I will lose my mind if I keep staring at his handsome face, so let's take a look elsewhere!' 

That was what she thought, but when she averted her eyes from his face and into his body…. 

A body so perfect that every athletic male body she had ever seen couldn't compare…

'Ahh~ fuck it! I want him now!' 

It broke the fragile control of her growing lust she reluctantly kept as she pushed him down to the ground and straddled him, waking her man up in the process.

"Dear what are you–" 

He was a little irritated after getting woken up because his dream was starting to get into the good part. But, he was rendered speechless when he opened his eyes and saw the state of his dearest.

Dangerous glint in her eyes, feral look on her face, and her rough breathing that was akin to a beast in heat….

It seemed like the good part of his dream would continue in reality instead…..

["Oh my… am i going to be raped?"]

He was so focused with Esdeath that was going berserk that his thoughts leaked out to the always alert Theresa.

[I don't think so, Master. It doesn't count as rape if both of you consented]

And she couldn't help but retort to his silly remarks because she could only feel growing excitement from him and not repulsiveness or fear like any rape victim would….

["Fair enough…."]

"Fufufu~ Good morning my dear, sorry to wake you up~"

Esdeath sultry voice shook him off from his internal conversation. Her desire was obvious and she would make sure that he would give it to her!

"Good morning dear… do you need anything from me?," he asked with a hint of confusion, just what did he do to make her lose control like this?

"Nothing~ It's just.. I can't help but fall deeper for you because of your thoughtfulness~," she answered his question ambiguously while one of her hands began caressing his stomach.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

This got him even more puzzled.

"Ara~ Then, what's this breakfast you've prepared for me just as i woke up hmm~?" Her hand trailed up slowly from his stomach into his chest, her soft touches made his breath hitch a little.

"B-breakfast?," He finally knew what she meant but he would continue to play dumb to stimulate her aggressiveness even more…

"Fufufu~ yes~ a very….," She leaned in closer to him, her huge and soft pair of breasts pressed down on his body, then she whispered hotly into his ear as she inhaled his manly scent "sniff… very enticing breakfast~" 

She then moved her face in front of his and her arms without him realizing it had already hugged his neck tightly.

Her lips close to his own, ready to devour their prey, her enticing feminine scent trickled his nose, evoking his primal desire, their position, and her predatory gaze very much challenged his position as the lead.

Escape was no longer possible…. not like he wanted to in the first place.

"Then let's not waste anymore time! I~ ta~ da~ ki~ ma–hmph! mhmh~"

But before she even managed to begin her assault, he took away her initiative, and skillfully brought her down under him. The predator and the prey were reversed now…

She got her arms pinned down above her head by one of his hands and she could only moan under him while his passionate kisses and his other hand assaulted her relentlessly.

'Is this how it feels to be dominated? It doesn't feel bad at all~'

She was the one dominating others all the time. But, after turning into the one on the receiving end, especially by her dearest man… It had awakened something inside her….

"Hoo~ Did the prey think she could be the predator now? How adorable~," He said while lifting her chin with his free hand after they broke out from their passionate kiss. 

"Haah~ more~ give me more~" she begged him with a lust laced voice, her predatory expression long gone, replaced with a helpless but lustful face of a maiden waiting for her man to take away her purity.

"More~? I don't understand my dear~.." His face then leaned into her ear and whispered "Say it clearly~"

The submissive expression of the infamous cruel general really evoked his sadistic side and made him want to tease her even more.

"Ravage me, paint my insides with your seeds~ Make me completely yours!," whispered her seductively into his ear, she wanted his hard and big meat rod inside her!

"Is that so~? Then…" His excitement rose after hearing her answer but he just smiled slyly at her.

"Yes! Give it to m– ouch!" 

But beyond her wildest expectation, rather than plunging his manhood directly into her throbbing and wet snatch, he just flicked her forehead, and stood up.

"Dear…. what was that for?!," She was pretty much irritated now. Was he going to leave her hanging like this after getting her wet and ready?!

"Hehehe~ later~ there's still one more thing we have to do, come!" He said with a bright smile that warmed her heart and soothed her anger a little while offering her his right hand.

"Uh-huh~ Don't try to play smart my dear, if i said later then we will do it later.." 

"Ugh…. fine…"

He could feel her trying to pull him down again but he didn't even budge, so she could only sulk and reluctantly stood up.

"Good~" He then snapped his finger and a short sleeved black shirt was immediately worn on his naked torso.

"Phew~ Isn't that convenient?" She couldn't help but comment on the magical sight. Was this how he changed her clothes? She realized that she didn't wear her old military uniform a while ago but she didn't even feel anything when he changed it.



"Don't worry you will be able to do the same after we finish," answered him with a playful smile.

"Sigh you're no fun~ but… you really have peaked up my anticipation on what we're about to do" 

"Trust me, you will really love it! Now shall we, my lady?"

"Fufufu~ if you say so, then please lead the way dear~"

"With pleasure~"

Then they began strolling the grassy plains into the crystalline lake surrounded by a flower garden not far away in front of them while holding each other's hands.


"Huh? wait a second!" said Esdeath suddenly as she stopped in her tracks. 

"Hm? What's wrong?" Ryoma asked her while tilting his head in confusion.

"Where are we…?" 

Now that most of the dirty thoughts about him had been cleared up from her mind, she finally got the chance to observe their surroundings more clearly.

Lush grass plains all around them, clear blue sky on top of them, crystalline lake surrounded by a beautiful flower garden ahead of them, and a little further away was a magnificent mansion that resembled her own in the Empire.

This beautiful scenery wasn't possible in the slightest because they had already destroyed the world! 

"Hahaha~ So you have finally realized~?" said her man mysteriously while continuing to lead her into the lake.

"If you are wondering 'How is this possible? hasn't the world already been destroyed by us?' Then you're both correct and wrong my dear…." He explained vaguely to her.

"What do you mean? And why did you even speak in a roundabout way like that?," asked her as she raised her eyebrow. 

"The World– no." He just smiled at her and continued his vague explanation while they kept strolling to the lake. "Your World might have been destroyed but have you ever thought that everything isn't that simple and small to begin with?"

"Hmm… kind of?." She then put a finger on her chin and continued. "Sometimes in my passing thoughts I wonder, what lies beyond the sky? Is it really a dome imprisoning us or an infinitely spanning expanse waiting to be explored? Are there any other places similar to this world inside of it? If that's true then are there strong warriors out there to quench my thirst?"

"Hahaha, battle maniac as always~." He chuckled after hearing her answer.

"I can't help it, it has been ingrained in me for so long." She then walked closer to him, their shoulders brushing. "Anyway, when I met you, that passing thought seemed to become a reality." She said softly as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Hoo~ Why?"

"Fufu~ because such a splendid and strong man like you can't be from this world~." She whispered while the index finger of her right hand was circling on his chest.

'And you gave me another goal other than seeking strong opponents to fight'

Her heart fluttered when she remembered the loving smile which made her fall for him plus his precious sleeping face. For the first time in her life she had a desire to protect something with her all.

"Hahaha that won't work my lady~ I already put my mind to hold back and hold back i will"

"Tch, no fun… You owe me a really good time and I won't let you off until I'm satisfied!" She clicked her tongue and said with an irritated tone.

"Don't you worry my dear~." He then leaned his head closer into her, his breath trickling her ear as he whispered. "Once I'm done with you, I guarantee that you won't be able to get up from bed for a whole day~."

"You better keep your promise~" She said with a purr as she remembered how he manhandled her, making her nether region twitch in anticipation.

"Real man should keep his promise! Ah, we have arrived." Their walk finally stopped as the lake was just a meter in front of them. 

It isn't that big of a lake, only 100 meters in diameter and 10 meters deep but its attractiveness isn't in its size. The eye soothing crystal clear water with a turquoise hue and the clearly visible lively underwater biomes are. 

"Beautiful…" She gazed at the crystalline lake in amazement. She had seen many beautiful lakes when she was out hunting for danger beasts in nature but none had water as clear as this.


"But…. Did you just interrupt our moment just to show me this?" She deadpanned while glancing sideways at him.

"Hahaha, Obviously not!" He then pointed his finger high into the blue sky and said in high spirits, "I'm going to show you something even more amazing!." 

"Something even more….. Oh my…." Her eyes widened and her mouth turned agape in astonishment when her gaze followed where his finger was pointing at.

The blue sky was changing into something resembling the night sky but filled with a myriad of wonders unknown to her. 

'As I thought, Astronomy in The World of Akame ga Kill is really backwards' Ryoma smiled internally when he saw Esdeath's expression that was akin to a kid who had discovered something amazing for the first time.

The blue sky was actually an artificial scenery he put for the Living Area inside the Proto Getter Emperor and right now he just switched it with the scenery seen by The Emperor's eyes which he had already positioned to capture the best outer space scenery possible.

"Dear, what are those?!" Esdeath pulled on his arm and asked him excitedly with sparkling eyes.

'Cute….' He felt like an invisible arrow just struck his heart.

"Ehm." He cleared his throat and began explaining while looking to the sky filled with celestial bodies. "The World or in my term The Universe truly is way bigger than you ever think my dear. It is endlessly expanding and Your World is just one of the many inside of it."

"My World..?," she asked with astonishment. 

So another world is real? When she said he was from another world it was just for flirting but it turned out to be real?!

"Yes." He then made a swiping motion to the sky and the view was changed into that of a huge sphere floating in space. "Your World is what we call a planet, a sphere of enough mass and size which orbits a star. Ohh The Sun is actually a star."

"Huh? isn't the world flat? and isn't the sun the one orbiting the world?!" she inquired again, flabbergasted,

"Haha no, you silly~ Observe, this was how Your World looked like, well… before we destroyed it." 

He made another swiping motion and this time the sky showed a blue sphere floating in space which looked like it was made out of water but had some land masses that created certain patterns on top of it which looked very familiar in Esdeath's eyes. 

"That landmass pattern, It looks similar to The World Map… So it was a sphere all along?!" wondered Esdeath aloud, her world view was slowly breaking apart.

"Always has been~"

"Then The Sun?! How about the sun?! You said that it counts as a star and My World orbited it, show me!" She pulled his hand with sparkling eyes, waiting for his divine revelations.

"What are you? a child? Alright, I'll show you." He snapped his fingers and the view of her home planet zoomed out until it showed them the view of an entire solar system. It was a simulated view because the eyes of his mech weren't big enough to capture all of it.

She could see her home planet along with another giant sphere with various sizes and colors orbiting an even more massive yellow ball of fire that shines brightly she assumed as the sun in different orbits so they wouldn't crash into each other.

He then snapped his fingers again, this time the view was back into The Emperor's vision that was currently gazing into the sea of stars, and it immediately zoomed in into one of the stars, revealing a similar scene as the solar system but the giant fireball as the orbit's center had different colors and size, the same with the planets orbiting it.

"So… Do you have more questions my dear ice queen~?," asked him smugly.

"A lot…. And I hope you can answer all of them."

She was just slightly intrigued about what they were about to do before. But now, after he revealed the wonders of space to her, that slight intrigue turned into immense curiosity.

"Very well…"

Then Esdeath bombarded him with so many questions just like a curious child in her first day at school but he patiently answered all of her questions like an experienced teacher would and when she asked something beyond his knowledge, Ryoma asked Theresa in his mind and the a.i assistant gladly provided him the answers. 

He wasn't majoring Astronomy in his previous life after all and he isn't omniscient….

Two hours later…..

"Sigh, The World is truly way bigger than I thought it would be…," She sighed dejectedly.

After a quick lecture session about The Universe with her man (secretly assisted by Theresa), she realized how small she truly is. Compared to the grand scheme of things, Her World is just an insignificant floating mass and she is just a mere space dust.

"Indeed, but…." He then clenched his fist high into the sky as a sign of defiance against The World and said. "It's waiting for us to conquer!!"

"That's right!." Her eyes regained their light then she stared into the sky and declared as well. "In the end, this universe will be ours!"

'Ahh~ as expected of my dearest~ Even against an insurmountable enemy he still chose to fight!'

Hearing her beloved man's declaration to fight against the ever expanding void filled with unknowns made her swoon over him once more and reignited her will to fight.

"That's the spirit! hahaha."

Then they began laughing together. Their goal seems childish and impossible to achieve, but nothing is impossible with his system alongside Getter Emperor's Power!


"So my dear… are you an alien from somewhere in this vast universe?," she asked him out of nowhere. 

His knowledge and godlike powers are unheard of in her home world so he must be from another planet with civilization that is way more advanced than her own.

"Yes… but, I'm from a place beyond it and that's a story for another day~" He answered slyly while making a shushing motion.

"Tch… another mystery for me to solve~." She clicked her tongue in annoyance once again. 

His image in her mind just became more mysterious, but It made things more exciting. She will be having fun in revealing his secrets one by one.

"Then… have we finished~?." Asked her suddenly as she skillfully moved to embrace him, pressing her sinful body onto his own, and then whispered seductively into his ear once again. "Can we begin for real now~? I can't hold back anymore~."

While his lecture was a real eye opener for her, his touches were even more so! They had been ingrained so deeply into her mind and body that she had to split her focus while listening to his explanations so she wouldn't be lost in her own lust.

And this was the moment she had been desperately waiting for! No more distractions, No more escape!

'Uh-oh…. this is bad'

Her lustful gaze, the softness of her body, and the enticing smell of her arousal attacked his self-restraint relentlessly, tempting him to release all of his depraved fantasies into her. Even now he could feel her trying to push him down to the ground to continue their steamy moments.

'Stay strong myself…'

But he didn't budge and continued to stand tall because….

'You have one more thing to do!'

His eyes turned resolute and using the perfect control of his body with all his might, he prevented the erection of his Excalibur. Mere lust won't be able to stop him from his goal!

"Still stubbornly holding on~? Why? You no longer desire me?!," Fumed Esdeath. 

Why hadn't he moved already when she was pretty much ready to indulge in his desires?!

"Haaah… It's you who are impatient." He took a deep breath, and said firmly while looking right into her eyes. "I held back my desire and did all of those just for this moment!"

His clenched right hand moved slowly right next to her face. Then his palm opened, and light azure particles began to gather inside it, forming a small and delicate white box with ice blue linings. 

"Dear, This is….," Esdeath faltered, her eyes fully fixated on the magnificent box.

She had seen this kind of box a few times before in the Empire Capital. It was usually used to store a certain important thing for a certain moment of a lovers pair to advance their relationship even further….

"...," he said nothing and only smiled lovingly at her after hearing her surprised remark.

The box then began opening by itself, finally revealing its mystery

'So that's why…. It all makes sense now! Ahh~ My dearest is such a helpless romantic man!'

She uttered no words but her bright smile and the tears of happiness which started streaming down her face were enough to convey her feelings when she saw what was inside the box.

It was a beautiful ring seated on top of a blue ring pillow. The body was made out of Platinum with intricate snowflake engravings and a square shaped ice blue diamond was fitted on its head.

She finally realized that he was holding back his desires because he didn't want to taint her without marrying her beforehand!

"Esdeath…." Ryoma called her name with his deep but tender voice which reverberated throughout her very core. 

He's not a man of excellent finesse, weaving beautiful wordplays isn't his forte, so he chose to strike directly with one decisive question….

"Will you marry me?"

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