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Bab 23: Chapter 23

Darius's expression softened momentarily, a flicker of doubt crossing his features. But then, with a defiant glare, he shook his head. "I've made my choice," he rasped, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'll take my secrets to the grave."


With those final words, Darius's body went limp, his breathing slowing until it ceased altogether. Dragon stood in silence, staring down at the fallen pirate, a mixture of frustration and resignation clouding his features.


As the dust settled around them, Dragon knew that, despite the battle won, the true enemy remained at large, unconcerned about the consequences. With a heavy heart, he turned away from Darius's lifeless form, knowing that his entire concept of justice had taken a huge blow due to the actions of the world government.

Dragon walked amidst the debris, his gaze sweeping across the devastated landscape. His mind raced with thoughts of the battle, of the lives lost, and of the unanswered questions that still lingered.


Beside him, Kuzan approached, his expression grave as he surveyed the scene. "It's over," he remarked quietly, his voice barely audible over the din of destruction.

Together, they began to assess the damage, searching for survivors amid the wreckage. The once proud fortress now lay in ruins, a stark reminder of the price of war.


As they worked, they were joined by other Marines, their faces grim with determination. Despite the devastation, their resolve remained unshaken, and their commitment to justice remained unwavering.


Among the ruins, they found survivors, battered and bruised but alive. Little children were among them; their faces paled with shock and exhaustion. Dragon approached them, offering a reassuring smile amidst the devastation.


"We're here to help," he said gently, his voice a beacon of hope in the darkness. "You're safe now."


With the help of the Marines, they were escorted to safety, away from the chaos of battle. As they departed, Dragon's gaze lingered on the ruins of Marineford, a solemn reminder of the fragility of peace.

The next morning brought forth two pieces of news that reverberated throughout the world, each carrying its own weight of significance. Firstly, reports emerged of a clash between the Marines and the remnants of the Rocks Pirates. Contrary to the Marines' expectations, the only notable figures present were Silver Axe, Captain John, and Ochoku.


The absence of powerhouses like Whitebeard and Big Mom puzzled the Marines as they surrounded the island, the designated meeting point. Despite the fierce clash that ensued, the pirates found themselves quickly overwhelmed due to the vast difference in strength between the two sides.


However, just as victory seemed assured for the Marines, Golden Lion Shiki intervened at the last moment, turning the tide of battle. In the chaos that followed, Silver Axe met his demise, while Captain John and Ochoku managed to slip away amidst the turmoil. Shiki, having caused enough havoc, retreated, leaving behind a scene of destruction and uncertainty.


Meanwhile, the other piece of news that shook the world was the unexpected assault launched by the Blood Skull Pirates on Marineford itself. Despite the vigilance of the Marine HQ's patrolling ships and defenses, the pirate fleet managed to sneak up on the stronghold, catching the Marines off guard.


The ensuing clash wrought havoc upon Marineford, with parts of the stronghold suffering significant damage. Fortunately, the presence of Marine Hero Garp's entire squad proved to be a stroke of luck, as they had decided to stay back in Marineford. Their presence became a pivotal factor in defending the HQ against the onslaught of the Blood Skull Pirates, preventing even greater loss of life, especially among the Marine families who were targeted by the invaders. The assault on Marineford served as a stark reminder of the ever-present threat posed by the pirate factions, even to the heart of Marine power.



In the hallowed halls of Mary Geoise, the Five Elders convened to discuss the recent debacle involving Cipher Pol. Elder Ju Peter's voice resonated with frustration as he rebuked the agents for their egregious oversight.


"How could Cipher Pol possibly overlook an entire division, especially one under the direct command of Garp himself? Such incompetence is unfathomable!" His words echoed with a mix of disbelief and disdain, highlighting the severity of the situation.


However, Elder Jaygarcia saw an opportunity amidst the chaos. "Perhaps this misstep can serve our interests. We can shift the blame onto the Marines, painting them as incompetent for allowing a direct assault on their headquarters. It could sow discord within their ranks and weaken their public image."


But Elder Nusjuro, with a keen sense of intuition, voiced a more pressing concern. "This cannot be dismissed as mere happenstance. It feels orchestrated, as if the plans were leaked from within. We must conduct a thorough investigation and purge any traitors from the ranks of Cipher Pol. Our secrets must remain hidden at all costs."

"Kong has been pressing for permission to depart for Marineford," Elder Peter announced, his tone reflective of the weight of their decision. "It might be prudent to grant him leave. Keeping him detained here could arouse suspicions, especially given the length of his confinement."


Elder Jaygarcia, however, remained steadfast in his conviction. "His understanding of our priorities is immaterial. The safety and secrecy of Mary Geoise must always take precedence. If Kong cannot grasp that, then perhaps his loyalty is not as unwavering as we had hoped."

Meanwhile, as evening descended, Admiral Sengoku and his retinue returned to Marineford with urgency. Despite receiving constant updates from their subordinates, an undeniable sense of agitation gnawed at them. This feeling was particularly pronounced among the Marines, who knew their families resided within the confines of Marineford town, where the damage was reported to be most severe.


Initial estimates painted a grim picture: close to six thousand pirates had brazenly descended upon the shores of Marineford, launching a brazen assault that caught the Marines off guard. The toll on the Marine side was staggering, with casualties nearing eight hundred in the initial count. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on Sengoku and his comrades as they grappled with the enormity of the loss and the implications it held for the future.

As the lead Marine Warship closed in on the shores of Marineford, several figures propelled themselves into the air using Geppo, swiftly making their way towards the Marine HQ. Among them, Admiral Zephyr bore a grim countenance, his thoughts consumed by the safety of his family. Though he held the rank of Admiral, Zephyr's principles dictated that all lives were precious, and he had never taken a life in the line of duty. Today, however, his resolve wavered as he grappled with the knowledge that a pirate he had spared in the past had now endangered his loved ones. If not for Dragon's presence, he dreaded to imagine the outcome.


Upon reaching the makeshift infirmary, where the injured were being tended to, Zephyr's heart raced as he searched for his family among the throngs of wounded. Finally, he spotted them: his wife and child, safe but exhausted, and his adopted son Vergo, grievously injured and tightly bound in bandages. His wife recounted the harrowing events of the attack, detailing Vergo's selfless sacrifice to protect them.


Anger clenched Zephyr's fists, his knuckles cracking under the strain. Yet, as his gaze fell upon Vergo, his fury gave way to admiration and gratitude. He never imagined that a child he had only recently welcomed into his family would display such courage and devotion. After comforting his loved ones, Zephyr stepped outside, only to be met with a commotion.


"Rear Admiral Dragon, these are orders from the World Government," declared a masked figure from the Cipher Pol organization, devoid of emotion. "They question the competency of the Marines under the current circumstances. You are to hand over all captured traitors, and our CP organization will assume control of the investigation."


Zephyr's jaw clenched at the implication of betrayal within their ranks. Yet, beneath his steely exterior, a storm brewed, fueled by determination to protect not only his family but also the honor of the Marines.


Zephyr locked eyes with Garp, sensing the tempest brewing within the Marine Hero's gaze. Both men bristled with restrained fury, yearning to unleash their wrath upon the Cipher Pol agents before them. Yet, a commanding voice from within the CP entourage caused them to hesitate, their fists tightening but held back by the weight of authority.


"Garp, stand down," the voice commanded, cutting through the tension like a knife. "The orders from the Elders are clear."


It was Kong who stepped forward, his presence commanding attention and respect. Despite the turmoil roiling within him, he understood the precariousness of the situation. To allow Garp's unchecked rage to clash with the Cipher Pol agents would only invite disaster.


"Dragon, hand over all the prisoners, including any Marines implicated in collusion with the pirates," Kong continued, his tone firm yet tinged with regret. "And in recognition of your role in eliminating Darius, the Elders have deemed you worthy of promotion to the rank of Vice Admiral."


I found myself caught in the midst of the unfolding chaos, a silent spectator to the spectacle playing out before me. Beside me stood Kuzan, his expression dark and brooding, mirroring the tumultuous thoughts swirling within me. The tension between us had been palpable earlier when I sought to employ my old-world methods of interrogation on the colluding Marines without authorization. Kuzan's intervention had halted my actions, nearly sparking a confrontation that Dragon had thankfully diffused by taking the prisoners into his custody.

Now, as the Cipher Pol agents prepared to seize control of the investigation, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration at the missed opportunity to extract vital information. "Tsk, if only you had allowed me to proceed, Kuzan-san," I murmured under my breath, unable to contain the simmering resentment towards my senior for obstructing my efforts to uncover the truth, regardless of the consequences.


Kuzan's gaze remained fixed ahead, his silence a testament to the lingering tension between us. Though I understood his objections to resorting to torture, the urgency of the situation demanded swift and decisive action.

As expected, the Marines were forced to step back, and Garp, unable to bear any more humiliation, stormed out in a fit of frustration. Kuzan and I followed in his wake, tracing his path to where the decommissioned warships lay abandoned.


Approaching the area, we witnessed a scene of raw fury: Garp, in a display of sheer strength, unleashed his pent-up frustration upon the hapless warships. With each resounding "Boom... Boom" of his fists against the metal-plated hulls, the ships groaned and shuddered under the onslaught. He eschewed the use of Haki, relying solely on the force of his bare fists to dent and deform the once-mighty vessels.


Each punch left a deep mark, a physical manifestation of Garp's anguish and rage. One could almost feel the weight of his emotions with every blow he landed, a testament to the depth of his sorrow and the magnitude of his loss. As we watched in solemn silence, it became clear that for Garp, the warships bore the brunt of his frustrations, serving as a tangible outlet for the turmoil raging within him.


As Garp noticed our arrival, he made an effort to rein in his anger. Yet, when his gaze fell upon me, I sensed a hint of gratitude in his eyes. Earlier, when I had shared my concerns, only Dragon supported the possibility I raised. Garp, unaware that my confidence stemmed from knowledge acquired in another life, initially dismissed my concerns. However, after a lengthy discussion, he relented, choosing to leave his entire squad behind in Marineford based on a hunch.


"You should have tried to convince me harder. Maybe I would have stayed back." Garp's voice was tinged with guilt and sorrow.


"It wouldn't have worked, Garp-sensei," I replied earnestly. "Everyone would have known that the Marine Hero was still within Marineford, and they would not have dared to carry out their plan. Your own Marines would have blown the whistle to alert the enemies."


Silent_stiele Silent_stiele

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