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Bab 5: Ch. 5: Whiterun

The group was going along the main road when they spotted a dead elk up ahead, Erikur motioned for a stop

"Vosnyak go check it out, take Volfir with you" he ordered

"Aye", "Un..." the captain received verbal affirmation as the duo started walked towards the dead body

"Listen here kid, the reason cap'n told us to check it out is for several reasons" started explaining Vosnyak, giving Volfir a glance to make sure he is listening

"Firstly, it could be dead because of other wild animals, a pack of wolves or a stray bear that is getting ready for hibernation" Volfir nodded in understanding, "that would mean we need to hunt them down if they get so close to the main road, for safety reasons"

"Or, secondly, it could be dead at the hands of highway bandits, that couldn't get rid of it because they spotted our approach" he finished

"How do we know if it were bandits?" asked Volfir

"There would be an arrow stuck in its head obviously, or a number of arrows across the body if the archer is a dunce" answered Vosnyak as they approached the felled body of a huge elk

"Go ahead, inspect it, I'll be the lookout and help you out if you have any questions"

"Un..." nodded Volfir with an unsure tone of verbal confirmation

'So... look for arrows, bite or claw marks..?' he told himself, as he moved over to the other side of the body and started inspecting the dead elk

It wasn't exactly a pretty sight, the elk's stomach area was clawed through, its innards spilling out onto the road, Volfir also took note of the bite marks adorning the elk's back legs. After reaching the conclusion that he has enough information on its cause of death, he walked back up to Vosnyak, who had climbed atop a thick tree near the dead body

"Claw and bite marks, specifically around the back legs, I think it got killed by a pack of wolves" stated the kid, his voice unwavering

"Not a bad deduction, a bear would have chewed through the back legs, so if there are only bite marks, then it most probably is a wolf or a pack of them" complimented Vosnyak

"What is it, if not wolves?" asked Volfir, confused why the probability was high and not definite

"Well, the parts around Whiterun are plagued with werewolves for some reason, been that way for ages and nobody has an explanation for that phenomenon" the nimble and energetic guard answered, as he jumped off the tree

"I didn't see anything in the near area, so the wolves must have run off for some reason, let's get back to captain Erikur, we will probably have to move the body away from the main road in order to avoid attracting predators, but first..." he paused, letting Volfir focus his full attention at him

"I need to take a quick piss" Vosnyak made a silly smile as he went behind the tree he just jumped off, a few moments later letting the stream go

'Why do I even...' Volfir has never felt more tired after recently waking up than this, not even when he had to spend hours mining for iron ore back in captivity

A few moments later the duo were reporting back to Erikur about their assumptions, led to a dispatch of a couple of guards to clear the body away from the main road, just as Vosnyak predicted

The process didn't take long and the group resumed their march around the Brittleshin Mountains, it already has been a few hours since they left Riverwood, thankfully no trouble has happened along the way yet, but the signs of recent wolf activity painted a picture of a possible altercation in the near future

"Awoooo" and just as the veteran guard group expected, the howls soon interrupted their travel, unsavoury expressions now decorating everybody's faces

The air became thick with tension, the kind that precedes a storm or, in this case, what could be a dangerous battle. The sky above Skyrim had taken on a brooding hue, clouds roiling as if to mirror the unrest on the ground below. But the guards stood ready. Swords gleamed in the high noon light, axes were hoisted with grim determination, and bows were strung tight, arrows nocked and ready to fly. It was a moment frozen in time, a breath held before the plunge


The silence of anticipation was shattered by more howls as a big pack of wolves came out of the woods, surrounding the group

"Listen here Volfir, don't panic and just shoot the arrows like I taught you along the way, got it? Just treat as practice I wanted you to get" Vosnyak gave a wry smile of reassurance

"Okay..." Volfir gave an equally wry smile, full of insecurity towards utilising his new skill in archery, but he didn't have any time left to contemplate about any of that as the wolves started moving

They surged forward, a tidal wave of fur and fangs, and the battle that had been simmering erupted into full fury, The guard vanguard which got into their positions by Erikur's order started defending against the lunges of the feral beasts

Steel clashed against tooth and claw, each strike a desperate bid for survival. The guards fought back-to-back, their camaraderie and experience forged in the heat of countless battles. Swords sliced through the air, finding their mark time and again, while axes swung in deadly arcs, cleaving through hide and bone. The archers among them let loose volleys of arrows, each one singing a deadly lullaby before finding its rest in lupine flesh.

Volfir tried his best to keep up with the retaliation to the attack, but found it extremely tiring to continuously draw back and shoot arrows that most of the time missed their targets, but still managing to fell a number of the beasts

Yet for every wolf that fell, it seemed two more took its place. The creatures fought with a ferocity that was almost admirable, their bites delivering pain and despair in equal measure. But guards didn't feel despair, instead letting the thrill of battle take over their actions as they started fighting with the heart of Skyrim itself - unyielding and fierce

When at last the tide began to turn, when the ground was slick with the evidence of their struggle and the wolves' numbers considerably dwindled, and the remaining once turning tail and running off, the men knew they had overcome the road trial

Breathing heavily, they stood amidst the carnage they had wrought, victorious yet humbled by the ordeal, as wounded clutched their bitten or clawed parts of the bodies and cold sweat soaking everybody's clothes

Thankfully they were all properly armoured, so the wounded parts were either superficial or on danger free places. There were also those that came out of the battle unscathed, an evident example being Volfir and the other archers. A testament to the competence of the shield-brothers that made up the vanguard

Spending some time bandaging the wounded parts, the group once again cleared the main road of the dead bodies, as they did with the elk, and started going to their destination, the walk now full of laughter and lively talks about the recent altercation 

-Scene Break-

Hours later as the sun was beginning to set, being around halfway to Whiterun, the group decided to make camp, to have a proper meal and get a few hours of shut-eye. The veteran guards took mere minutes in setting up the appropriate conditions to start cooking and a bit more time later they set up a spacious tent, letting the more tired guards go inside to take a nap on their bedrolls

While Gerd, the designated cook, was already busy making a rabbit stew, from the wild game that was hunted by Volfir, under Vosnyak's tutelage

Just as the sun was already ready to go behind the horizon, painting an extremely beautiful sight of vibrant colours that shined through the misty atmosphere of the tall and thick forest, the sleeping men were woken up to attend the dinner that soon turned into an evening full of conversations about the past and different experiences

Even Volfir, being more than detached towards most things, at one point eagerly leaned in, his ears perked up, as the guards imparted their invaluable wisdom. Their words resonated deeply within him as they emphasized the significance of trust and communication among group members. The guards stressed the importance of coordination and teamwork in the midst of battle, enlightening Volfir to the fact that there was so much more to learn beyond the mere art of wielding a sword or a bow

He then started thinking about his actions during the battle with the pack of wolves, he was sure that few times that Gerd and Erikur which stood infront of him, got grazed due to his negligence and struggling. Taking a mental note to practice his spatial awareness, he continued to listen

Volfir couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude towards the guards. Their guidance in the short span of time, while travelling from Riverwood to Whiterun, had not only sharpened his nonexistant physical combat skills but had also opened his eyes to a whole new perspective on the intricacies of warfare

He now understood that being a skilled warrior encompassed more than just sheer physical strength; it demanded mental agility and the ability to adapt swiftly to ever-changing circumstances. This newfound comprehension had ignited a fire within Volfir, fueling his determination to become a well-rounded and formidable force on the battlefield and a reliable ally to his companions

'Nothing like what happened with Ravund, will happen ever again' Volfir vowed to himseslf, the talk of comradarie, trust and communication hitting a deep chord within the boy, for all those things symbolised his life in the mines along his friend

Volfir knew that the path to becoming a well-rounded fighter would not be easy and would require tremendous amount of time... but he was willing to put in the effort. The guards had given him the basic tools and knowledge he needed to succeed, and now it was up to him to apply them in practice, just as he has done with hunting

As the night fell and the camp grew more quiet, Volfir's mind continued to buzz with excitement and determination. With the guards' guidance still echoing in his ears, he entered the tent, found himself an empty bedroll and closed his eyes, envisioning himself as the warrior he aspired to be. And with that image firmly planted in his mind, he drifted off to sleep

-Scene Break-

The group's excitement grew exponentially as they drew near the towering walls of Whiterun, adorned with blazing torches and watchmen going about their duty. Even though it was deep in the night and the city part outside the safe walls of the capital was covered by darkness, there was still a lot of activity present

The great amount of carriages parked near the stables, along with groups of guards checking the wares of the to-be traders painted the picture of a bustling and rich city during the day. One particular trading campsite captured Volfir's attention

It was bigger than most, and figures that were foreign to Volfir's information base were busy with different things

"Are those Beastfolk? The Khajiit?" Volfir's question tone betrayed a sense of wonder and interest that was foreign to the group of guards, this being the first time hearing such a thing from the kid

"Huh? Oh... yeah, that's a Khajiit trading caravan, heard that they came to Whiterun not long ago, trying to get a place for trade" explained Erikur, surprised with Volfir's interest

"But we don't let them into the cities, the Beastfolk are better than the Mer, but most Khajiit are sneaky thieves and skooma peddlers" chimed in Gerd, his expression sour as he looked at the trading caravan as they passed by the first gate entrance

Volfir's interest took a hit as he heard a very familiar item name, one that has a lot to do with his past and how he came to be sold into slavery

'Skooma...' Volfir repeated the name in his head, as his eyes once again took on the familiar dead bleak, not going unnoticed by his companions

Some time later the group crossed the threshold of the second city gates, they were immediately struck by the awe-inspiring architecture that surrounded them. The towering structures, adorned with intricate carvings and majestic spires, stood as a testament to the rich history and grandeur of Whiterun. 

"If I were to count, then I could say I have been here a moderate amount of times... But this view always makes me feel small..." said the guard captain

"Aye..." agreed his subordinates

'I think Helgen and Riverwood combined would still fall short of the size of this city' Volfir was snapping his head in different directions, taking in the sights of Skyrim's trading hub. The boy could just imagine the sounds of merchants haggling and the clinking of coins filling the streets, creating a symphony of commerce that echoed through the bustling streets.

But the boy was taken out of his reverie by Erikur, as he stopped the group and dismounted his horse, helping Volfir down as well. The other two riders also dismounted and held their steeds by their reins

"These are the guard's barracks, take a mental note of the building, Volfir, if you will join the Whiterun Hold guards, this is where you will need to go"

"Un..." the boy nodded

"Now, let's go meet Commander Caius, I hope you didn't forget about what happened in that Mine kid"

"I will never forget that place" those words brought the mood down a notch, but the guards dismissed it and entered the barracks, followed by Volfir

-Scene Break-

"So you are telling me the whole group of bandits died to an accidental awakening of draugr?" asked the commander in a condescending and tired voice

"I can confirm that, commander, when we were checking out the mine, some of the draugr went back to sleep near the entrance and all across different parts of the mine... after they couldn't find any more moving targets I guess" added the guard captain

"I sure hope you killed them, Erikur" changed targets the commander

"I made sure they wouldn't ever wake up again" Erikur steadily answered

"Good..." said Caius, rubbing the balding part of his head as he tiredly watched the kid in front of him being as still as a corpse on a chair

'This kid gives me the creeps... should just throw him in the dungeon and be done with it, but...' he looked towards the group of armoured men being silent and looking straight at him in the eyes


"What's done is done, it's good that the mine was ridded of a bandit organisation, the... Gray-Manes have a claim over that mine, so it would be good to inform them of the situation, I trust that you understand the situation... Erikur" spoke the commander, choosing his words carefully in the presence of the kid

"I do, I will deal with that issue" again answered Erikur calmly

"Make sure that you do... dissmissed" Caius gave the order and got up to return back to his beauty sleep

The men watched as the commander left the room, then exchanged glances between each other and also stood up to leave

"Vosnyak, take Erikur to the Temple of Kynareth, I'll go the Gray-Mane manor, see you all in the morning" said the captain guard

"No problem!" spoke the ball of armoured energy, once again loudly

""See you"" the rest mirriored each others' responses and went ahead to get a room at one of the inns in the city

"Let's go Volfir! I still want to get to drink a nightly bottle of mead in the Bannered Mare!" exclaimed Vosnyak, successfully making the detached Volfir roll his eyes

-Scene Break-

"Coming! Coming!" somebody behind big ornamented doors raised their voice, before opening them aggresively

"Who in their right mind bangs on the temple doors during the deep of the night?!" started scolding a Kynareth priestess, making Vosnyak crumble into a ball of pity

"I was told to seek help from the Temple of Kynareth, I have some sort of affliction... or multiple..." Volfir decided to interrupt the verbal bashing of his companion, even if he was openly enjoying it

'He was smiling at my misery, wasn't he?! I saw it! The scary smile along with those azure glowing eyes!' while Vosnyak was crying inside, the priestess pulled the kid under a torch to better see his complexion

Volfir in turn started rolling up his sleeves and dropped his hood, letting the woman see his sorry state

"By the divines... where... what even happened to you?" she asked with a troubled expression, taking him into the temple

"He was forced into labour by a group of bandi- Ack!" Vosnyak started explaining, before getting smacked in the head by a walking stick

"Get out, you imbecile!" the priestess angrily said, slamming the doors in Vosnyak's face


"Ehe~ Guess I'll go drink that mead bottle I wanted!~" the young man spoke to himself, lightly hopping towards his inn of destination

***A/N: if you want, you can join the discord server I created, I think it will mostly be used for discussion and probably future artwork, just write this instead of the full invite link: B2UrrzeDuW

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