The Ninth Reincarnation The Ninth Reincarnation original

The Ninth Reincarnation

作者: imenload

© WebNovel

章 1: The Lord Shall Be Awoken

Universal Calendar, Year 9982, 20 April


[Warning! Warning!]

[Detected an unusual human activity!]

[Searching for further details...]

[Warning! Discovered a crime in active]

[Preparing to inform the local police station...]

[Attention! Attention! Patrolling robot 1A120009 has discovered a crime scene at the coordination of XXX XXX...]

[Changing decision after further investigation, Informing Imperial Sky as the culprit is suspected to be a cultivator...]

[Imperial Sky! Took notice of the case!]

[Imperial Sky! Took charge!]

[Detecting! A level three wanted criminal "Demonic Baby Eater"]

[Beginning to analyze the suspect!]

[Discovered two Level 4 Authority user, initiating two Heavenly Law Security Measures Code #2, Code #3]

[Lifting The Seal forcefully, for the time being, is ongoing..]

[Count down starts before the seal to be restored...]

Flying up and down in the sky, two twittering small blue robots were issuing strings of warnings and commands while observing and analyzing a scene that was going on down them in a small blocked alley at the end of a small yellowed road by the center of the slums block in the city.

The screen on the face of the two robots was originally glowing with blue light but suddenly it changed to golden colored light.


Down at the small alley was playing an astonishing scene, a scene that could strike fear and panic into any cold bloodied emotionless killer.

There were three people down there, One man and two kids, and this was not strange actually. But what was strange no! Horrible! Was that this man no longer looked anything like humans, as half of his face was covered by a strange white illusionary glow which was constantly changing into different faces of young children.

The man was about two meters tall and had no special features on his face except his dark skin on the other half of his face, and all of his body was covered by a black assassin's old fashioned suit.

In front of him were two kids, one little boy with pure white eyes as surprisingly he was blind, and he looked so ordinary that you may not even discover him if you saw him in the middle of a crowd in the streets but maybe if you focused especially on him you may figure out something amazing about him.

The second one is a little girl which was so beautifully done that simply it was the gift of the creator even though she is still a kid, starting from her beautiful blue hair to her green eyes which were as pure as nature to her jade perfect white creamy skin and finally her perfect long slender legs which was a great combination with her well-propositioned body giving a stunning little beautiful vibe in contrast to the other boy standing in front of her.

The two kids looked about seven to eight years old from their looks but strangely enough, there was no resemblance of any humans feeling in them as if they were some kind of block of ice.

The two kids were also behaving suspiciously strange as there was no kind of fear in their eyes which was abnormal considering their age، and then there was also calmness deep in their eyes which made it seem as if the whole scene has no connection to them at all.

The little boy who was standing in front of the girl looked so determined as he said something even he thought it was naive to the strange man in front of him, "What do you want from us? Do you know that this society has laws and no one is above the law even the alliance leader!"

"And do you dare to lay your hands on us after knowing the influences behind us?"

The man's Black eyes seemed to change into a huge black hole as it threatened to swallow the boy which was reflected in them, as he laughed with hoarseness and said, "Laws? Hahaha! Little bunny who doesn't know what he is saying, Do you know that laws only existed for three things?"

The man paused for a minute before continuing, "One, To protect the weakling."

"Two, To be bypassed by the strong as they have the privilege to do so."

Then the man's eye seemed to reflect a laugh which didn't manifest through his mouth as he said the last reason, "Three, To serve the one who put the law and no one else!"

The two kids pursued their lips as they figured out a lot of things from his words.

The man did not even allow them to respond before he moved his hand like a shadow as it bypassed the boy grabbed the little girl raising her upward and his mouth opened and kept widening until it became like a huge black hole threatening to swallow the little girl while his dirty yellow sharp teeth came to view as if he was a monster and not a human.

But she did not even panic nor did she even look afraid which stunned the man a little as he felt that there was something strange before he chose to ignore her strangeness and his gut feeling.

But suddenly the boy grabbed the girl's leg's with his hands and pulled her down as lightly as a feather, but to the man, it was as if an elephant was pulling him down and he plunged to the ground like a dead fly leaving a huge human print along with the trembling of the earth around him.

As for the two kids, they started walking away normally as if all of this did not happen.

But suddenly they both felt something and their bodies tightened as they looked back and found that the man standing there like nothing happened and if not for the human print on the ground, no one would think that a thing happened here before a moment ago.

The man kept twisting his neck around as his hoarse voice rang through the alley, acting against his thoughts and fears, "And I was wondering what the Leader was worrying about, so it was you kid!"

'How can this happen? How can he have this kind of strength?! I- If not for the protective gear I have implanted in my body, this kind of power could have crushed me to death'

While the man was talking, his face was now deathly pale like someone who just revived from death and his eyes were now filled with fear and surprise as he gazed at the young boy in front of him while thinking madly inside of his mind.

"I have to say it, I am surprised! What did your parents feed you? But this will not work with me as I am a cultivator and not any normal human being and besides that, I have a protective gear implanted inside of me." As he was speaking his flattened face was returning to his original look but now all of his faces were covered with the white illusionary glow while swirling transparent energy seemed to gather around both of his hands letting out a chilling breath.

The two kids looked at him helplessly as he let out a punch in the direction of them while the boy again positioned himself in front of the girl ignoring the girl's worried eyes and the plea in her beautiful eyes, sadly the boy who could have stopped this punch suddenly felt himself freeze in place while a sudden feeling of thirst and hunger suddenly appearing inside of him with each second passes and with the closing distance between the punch and him.

Then the punch reached the boy fastly as it struck his head like lightning and made him shoot backward like a rocket imprinting into the walls while the boy's eyes turned even more white from the power and then it turned completely black again strangely with a ring of blue ancient symbols twirling inside his eyes.

And while the man did not take notice was that some of the Qi which surrounded his hand had shrunken a little to some unknown reason.

"W-What???! How can it be? You didn't die?*

The man took back his hand while grabbing the little girl again trying to swallow her, but then he sensed something as he looked towards the boy who stood again while ignoring the girl that fainted from the lack of oxygen in his hand from his tightened grasp.

"Y-You are a cultivator as well? But how? I didn't feel any kind of spiritual qi from you earlier? Wait! Did you absorb my qi from my punch earlier??"

He looked at the boy in front of him and he looked dumbfounded as he never imagined that the boy would stand again, also he knows that the boy was someone who was born with divine strength as it wasn't a rare sight in this age with a little genetic modification.

But still, it could not face against Qi Cultivators as they both were entirely different things which were not at the same level at all. But what stunned him into fear was another thing and that was that he could sense a string of weak Qi coming from the little boy's body and it was his qi!.

'Wait! How did his eyes, hair, and aura change all of a sudden? I had to get out of here! But my body! I cannot move Body.'

The boy in front of him changed entirely as all of his hair darkened and his eyes became deep black as if it became a huge black hole, while his lips arched to form a strange smile which did not reach his eyes, then his eyes changed again into deep blue as if it was the world's most precious blue gem, as the blue ring in the boy's eyes enlarged and swallowed the boy's eyes until it was the only existence in it.


The boy's voice and words changed from the normal baby's voice and words to strange syllables which struck the man's heavily in his head like a roar of thunder as he felt a strange feeling of suffocation from those strange syllables and subconsciously he loosened his grasp on the little girl letting her fall to the ground.


The little girl fell to the ground with a thud lying there like a dead leaf as she had already fainted and was going to die soon if not for the sudden accident.


Sadly enough, Imperial sky was still counting while all of this was happening.

The sound woke the man and he wanted to run but he still could not as before, he found himself stuck to the ground and his eyes stuck to the blue eyes in front of him and he could not move them away anymore.

"Lowly Live! How dare you? A familiar smell! How alluring? I am hungry! Let me eat you to satisfy my hunger, You should be honored child! You love to eat humans then you should be eaten as a payback!"

The boy's mouth started drooling as salvia started to drop to the floor while he was uttering the strange syllables.

The man's body could not even tremble in fear, suddenly he found the information in his head and he found that the boy's syllables had been translated into his head and when he figured them out, he found a mouth close to his neck and he could not even summon his Qi no matter how he tried as if they weren't his, to begin with, which made him feel despair more.

The boy's little mouth opened up a bit as his white teeth pierced through the neck of the man's and started sucking and to the man's horror he found that all of the Qi which he gathered for more than a hundred years is being sucked away from him and he felt his breath and life are even being tucked away until the last bits of it got sucked, he looked blankly in front of him as he remembered his leader's words and his reply to him before he took the mission.

"Amon, You have to be careful when handling this mission, as everyone who ever tried to take this mission disappeared from this earth with no further info about where did they disappear to."

"Leader, Do not worry, how could those weak chickens compare to a Qi Cultivator like me? Hahaha, I will have a good meal tonight!"

The man was named Amon and was one of the last little bit of cultivators on modern Earth, as thousands of years ago when spiritual Qi got depleted and cultivators fell one after another, the original cultivation world changed to become this mortal world where normal mortals lived.

And now Amon was dying from being sucked of all of his life force and Qi alive.

He, Amon was feeling sad about the mockery of heavens, he who ate people to train his Qi got eaten also for Qi and this was simply hilarious for him.

And while this was happening, the little girl's body started shining as some of the Qi got sucked into her body as well but the boy did not seem to notice it or maybe he noticed it but did not care much about it.

And after who knows how long...

[0! the Seal has been restored, preparing to clean the scene.]

As Imperial Sky issued the last count down.

A white Ray of light struck down from the deep dark sky and pulled the little girl's up into the deepest part of it before dispersing along with the girl.

The little boy's eyes slowly got back to normal and when he found himself on top of someone's body, he suddenly looked around in search of something and found no one except the dead body of the Amon beneath him.

He sat down helplessly as he stared at the dark sky, he knows that the little girl had been taken away by her family again and that he would not be able to find her again. They both were of different worlds and he could not help her in situations like this like what he had done before and now her family had intervened and took her away and they will surely not make her come back ever again.

The boy did not notice that his eyes were now black and not the original white color, as now he could see, and nor did he notice that his body had something added new in it.

The boy did not remember anything from what happened just a couple of minutes and for now, he did not find anything strange about himself.

He sat there until ten shadows crept to the front of him from the dark walls along the streets while he sat there, as they materialized into ten strong men dressed in black kneeling on one knee in front of the little boy.


They all called In a union as they looked with zealous respect, fear, and admiration at the little boy while noticing the dead Amon.

"You are all late! My wife got taken back to her family again, You all be prepared to be punished and also collect as many books as you can about the Qi Cultivation, I am starving for books right now."

"Also don't call me boss! How many times I have to tell you to call me Master?"

The little boy said to them in a cold and annoyed tone while standing and Dusting his clothes and walking away.


Far away in a huge white castle decorated with strange looking symbols, there is the highest point of it sat an old man looking into the deepest part of the sky.

"The darkened largest star finally glowed, The final era finally began and the seals are ought to be broken"

"The darkness which would invade."

"The Lord then shall be awoken, And the world then would be in chaos."

"Wars shall rule, the hidden darkness shall be awoken and humans will be tainted with it."

The old man was wearing a white long dress, along with a couple of his silver hair covered half of his face while hanging down, he looked no different from an insane old man with his reddened eyes and unkempt appearance as he kept muttering something repeatedly like an insane man while his voice kept getting higher and higher until it awoke some slumbering beings in the world like thunder.

He kept talking until his body began turning into flying bits of light as he dispersed completely along with the roaring thunder atop his head which shrouded the dark sky.

Unknown to all, countless beings woke up and raised their heads to look into the dark sky while listening to the voice which kept ringing in the sky all over the world with eyes shining red from excitement, then they began to roar and cheer, laugh and cry...

imenload imenload

Sorry guys i know i was so late, but i had studies and some personal problems, so sorry again and i hope you will like the novel

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


