Worst Soul Reaper Worst Soul Reaper original

Worst Soul Reaper

作者: BoredAsura

© WebNovel

章 1: 1

Ren woke up with a splitting headache. He looked around at the small room he was in and let out a sad sigh. The tatami mats on the floor, the futon he was sleeping in, and the sword that was right beside him. All of it was still there.

'So I'm not dreaming. I've really come to Soul Society.'

'Ren' was a normal human on earth who was a slight nerd. He had read various manga and seen a few anime but he was never a huge fan. More like a casual interest in them. Even still, he had read several stories and seen several shows about being reincarnated or transmigrated. And that is exactly what happened to him.

He was no longer the same man who was working on his law degree. He was also not a recent graduate of the Shinigami Academy who had just finished his exams to try and become a member of the Gotei 13.

'Ren' inherited all of the memories and experiences of the former Ren as well as Lawrence Smith. It was not like he was one who inherited the memories of another but instead it was like the two beings fused souls and had truly become one new individual.

He had taken 3 days to finally understand and accept his new situation but now that he had, he had another issue to face.

He had just taken the examination to be put into the Gotei 13 and passed. The only problem he had was deciding which division to join.

'I don't even know the exact time period I am in or who the captains are. Besides Yamato and Unohana, the rest of the captain positions had been switched around a few times. I have no idea what any of their personalities are like or what they have been through before the main series began.

Ugh. Let's go with what I know.

1st division is under the old man. He has a stick up his ass and is a stickler for the rules. I don't think joining the 1st division would be a good fit for me.

The same goes for the 2nd. Not sure if Yoruichi is in charge right now, but once she is, it turns very strict since she is also in charge of the ninja/assassin division as well.'

He pulled up two fingers as he began counting the divisions that were not suitable for him. He wanted to make sure that he did not skip over anything.

'3rd division will be led by Fox-Face and that depressing guy. Not sure I wanna get involved in that mess.

That also leaves out the 5th and 9th divisions as well since Aizen and Tosen are the captains of those. Out of 13 divisions, 5 have already been knocked out.

Oh. Also no 12th division. Whether Mayuri or Urahara, both of those guys are mad scientists. To be under them would basically be me asking to get killed.

Oh. That would also be the 11th division as well. That is the division where the only way that new captains arrive is by new guys killing the previous ones. Those barbarians are far too savage for my taste.

And Byakuya ruins the 6th division with all of his rules and nobility talk. Renji would make it almost tolerable but I just can't put myself through that. Komamura of the 7th is similar except he is more about honor than rules.

So that's 9 of them out now. Wow. Only 4 divisions left. Who else is there?

Oh. You have the sick guy and the flirt who both have dual-wielded zanpakuto. the first has to deal with the family drama of Rukia while the latter only likes playing with women. That knocks out both of them.'

Ren was going to keep counting but he realized that he had run out of fingers. He slapped his head in frustration as he realized that most of the divisions were truly terrible in his opinion.

'Either that or the show just portrayed them really poorly. That just leaves the 4th and the 10th.

The 10th has the kid prodigy and the sexy lieutenant. They had the least amount of inner faction issues by what I can recall. Not including the movies of course.

Wait. Are the movies canon? Are the fillers? I should have paid more attention to this stuff.

Back on track, Ren. The 10th division's only issue is that they are the first ones who fight the rebels. In fact, I think they get in the most fights out of all the divisions throughout the show. But then again, only the captain and lieutenant are shown fighting. Not really the rest of them.

The other option is the 4th division. Those guys are all healers and I don't think I have seen more than that one guy fight when he unleashed the red wave. Or was that just the ability he got in that video game?

I think they did something during that late manga arc cause I kept seeing something about their captain but I'm not sure what it is. It's only their captain though. Probably was just the one that saved Ichigo or held off some bad guy until a stronger captain arrived.

Since I passed the exam, I have to join a division. That means I am left with the 4th or 10th division if I am looking for a place to slack off. Let's just flip a coin.'

Ren went through his pockets before he found a coin inside. He placed it on his thumb before deciding that the 4th division was Heads and the 10th division was Tails.

He flipped the coin and it flew through the air for a few moments before gravity started to affect it and it came crashing down onto the ground. Ren just looked at it as it touched the ground and saw that his fate had been decided.

'I see. Looks like I am joining them then.'

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


