
章 12: Finals' Preparation. (2)

AN__: The video chronicling their journey to the semi-finals was uploaded one day before their semi-final match against Hanamiya and Seki Junior High.  The finals would be played five days after the semi-finals. Don't ask me why, just know that it will be played 5 days later.

Additionally, if you believe that the pacing in this chapter requires improvement, please share your comments and suggestions to help enhance the pacing.

I barely proofread the chapter since I will be extremely busy today. So, if you find mistakes, point them out.

This chapter is 4,407 words.




In the Land of the Rising Sun, YouTube has woven itself into the fabric of daily life. With its boundless possibilities, the platform has found a special place in Japanese society, serving as a conduit for entertainment, learning, and communication.

In the heart of Japan, YouTube shines as a multifaceted gem. But its most profound impact? The world of basketball.

Japanese basketball has embraced YouTube, transforming how the game is played and appreciated. From training drills to game analysis, it's a goldmine of knowledge for players, coaches, and fans alike.

Through YouTube, Japanese players gain exposure, showcasing their skills on a global stage. The platform has birthed a new generation of basketball enthusiasts, from aspiring athletes to die-hard fans.

Channels dedicated to the sport have flourished, dissecting plays, offering tips, and celebrating the game's essence. The basketball community thrives, united by a shared passion.

In the ever-evolving world of Japanese basketball, YouTube stands tall as an influential player, shaping not just the game but the dreams of those who play it.

In the days following the thrilling showdown between Yuuki Junior High and Seki Junior High, the digital realm of Japan buzzed with excitement and anticipation. The online community had become unwittingly captivated by the breathtaking basketball journey of Yuuki Junior High, a story masterfully told through an exceptional video.

Behind the scenes, in the bustling heart of the Koganei family's filming studio, the magic unfolded. A team of skilled videographers, led by Shinji's father, Tsuji, meticulously captured every electrifying moment of their son's journey through the Winter Cup tournament. From the screeching of sneakers on the court to the thunderous cheers of the crowd, no detail was spared in this symphony of sight and sound.

In the adjacent editing suite, Shinji's mother, Haruno, took charge of transforming the raw footage into a mesmerizing visual narrative. Her keen eye for storytelling and her artistry with the editing software allowed her to craft a seamless and emotionally charged video. She poured her heart into each frame, ensuring that every play, every dunk, and every glimpse of determination was perfectly woven into the fabric of the video.

Simultaneously, Shinji's older sister, Akane, donned the role of her brother's agent and the guardian of his burgeoning online presence. She skillfully managed his social media platforms, ensuring that fans stayed connected and engaged with the journey. With her astute understanding of the digital world, she brought Shinji's story to life on the web, spreading the excitement and anticipation even further.

As the video took its final shape and was shared across various platforms, Japan's netizens and basketball enthusiasts found themselves drawn to the captivating narrative. The video had a profound impact on viewers, who were inspired by the raw passion, dedication, and relentless pursuit of excellence displayed by the Yuuki Junior High team.

Japan's netizens, avid basketball fans, and even casual viewers found themselves engrossed in the emotional rollercoaster that the video provided. Each well-executed play, every electrifying dunk, and all the heartfelt moments shared between teammates resonated deeply with the audience.

Comment sections on various social media platforms were flooded with praise and admiration for the Yuuki Junior High team, their journey, and Shinji's remarkable progress as the focal point of the story. The video's editing, seamlessly weaving together exhilarating moments with glimpses of the players' camaraderie, received accolades from viewers, some even comparing it to professional sports documentaries.

The video's popularity continued to surge, and in just three days, it had amassed a staggering 120,000 views. It had become a source of inspiration, sparking discussions and debates among fans, and rekindling the love for basketball in many who had lost touch with the sport.


In the cozy confines of the Koganei family's living room, the scene was set for an intriguing interview that would soon become a hot topic among basketball enthusiasts. Shinji sat comfortably in a plush armchair, surrounded by bright studio lights and camera equipment, ready to share his thoughts and feelings with the world.

The interviewer, a seasoned professional, began with a warm smile and a twinkle in their eye. "Shinji, it's great to have you here today. Let's start with the recent game between Yuuki and Seki. How did you feel about that intense matchup, especially going up against a player like Hanamiya?"

Shinji leaned forward, his eyes reflecting the passion he felt for the game. "Well, that game was a true battle. Hanamiya is a formidable opponent, and I have a lot of respect for his skills. He makes every point hard-earned, and it's a test of our determination. I knew I had to bring my A-game to make any headway against Seki."

The interviewer nodded, intrigued by Shinji's sincerity. "Speaking of the finals just around the corner, what are your expectations for the big game?"

Shinji's face lit up with anticipation. "The finals are going to be epic. We're up against an incredible team in Teiko, and it's a challenge we're ready to embrace. We've come this far with hard work and teamwork, and we're not backing down now. I expect a fierce battle on the court, and I can't wait to give it our all."

As the interview progressed, the conversation inevitably turned to the enigmatic figures known as the "Generation of Miracles." The interviewer posed the question, "The Generation of Miracles is a name synonymous with excellence in basketball. How do you feel about facing off against such extraordinary talents?"

Shinji grinned, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Ah, the GoM. It's a thrilling opportunity to compete against some of the best in the game. They've set the bar high, and I see it as a chance to push our limits. We're not just aiming to win; we want to show our potential and prove that even 'miracles' can be overcome."

The interview continued, with Shinji sharing his thoughts and insights, making the living room feel like an intimate conversation with a close friend. The next question delved into his personal growth:

Interviewer: "Shinji, your journey from a relatively unknown player to a key figure in Yuuki Junior High's success has been remarkable. Can you tell us how you've seen yourself evolve during this season?"

Shinji leaned back, reflecting on his growth. "It's been an incredible journey, for sure. I've learned so much, not just about basketball but about the power of teamwork and resilience. Every game and, every challenge has pushed me to become better, both on and off the court. I couldn't have done it without my amazing teammates and our dedicated coach."

Interviewer: "That's fantastic to hear. Now, as we look ahead to the finals, is there a particular matchup or aspect of the game you're most excited about or that you believe will be a game-changer for your team?"

Shinji's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "Oy! I'm excited about the clash of playing styles. Teiko is known for their incredible individual talents, and we bring a more collective approach. It'll be fascinating to see which approach prevails. I believe our teamwork can be our secret weapon, but we'll need to be at our best to overcome the GoMal brilliance."

The interviewer couldn't help but ask one more question:

Interviewer: "Finally, Shinji, as you've risen to prominence, you've become an inspiration to many young basketball enthusiasts. Do you have any words of advice or encouragement for aspiring players who dream of reaching the same heights you have?"

Shinji's expression softened his words carrying a heartfelt message. "To all the young players out there, I'd say this: Never stop dreaming, and never stop working hard. It's a challenging journey, but with passion, dedication, and the support of your teammates and coaches, you can achieve anything. Believe in yourself, and remember that every setback is an opportunity to grow. Keep playing and never give up on your dreams."

Throughout the interview, Shinji's authenticity and charisma shone through. His words resonated with the audience, reflecting a genuine love for the sport and an unwavering determination to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The living room, transformed into a makeshift studio, buzzed with energy as Shinji's words reached the hearts of those who watched, building excitement for the upcoming finals and a showdown with the Generation of Miracles.


After the interview concluded, Akane offered Shinji a heartfelt and proud smile, providing him with much-needed encouragement.

"You did amazing, Shinji. You came across as confident, genuine, and knowledgeable love for the game and your passion for sharing it with others is shining through. Keep doing what you're doing, and your subscribers will only keep growing."

Akane's words brought a warm smile to Shinji's face. "Thanks, Akane. I was a bit nervous, but I'm glad it came across well."

The experienced interviewer, who had been observing the interaction, chimed in with an approving nod. "I have to agree with Akane. You handled the interview exceptionally well, Shinji. Your responses were not only insightful but also entertaining. It's clear that your passion for the game shines through."

Shinji expressed his gratitude for the positive feedback. "I'm learning from the best," he replied.

As the interviewer left, Akane and Shinji delved into a discussion about their YouTube channel's latest statistics. Akane shared the numbers with her brother, her excitement palpable. "Shinji, in just one week, we've gained an impressive 8,000 subscribers! Our channel now boasts 8,516 subscribers in total. It's incredible how quickly our community is growing."

Shinji's excitement mirrored hers. "That's amazing! Itly inspiring to see so many people interested in our journey and content," he exclaimed, hardly able to believe how quickly their channel was growing. In his previous life, he had managed a YouTube channel but never reached the milestone of 100,000 subscribers.

'Maybe I'll achieve it in this life,' he thought, a growing sense of excitement filling his mind as the prospect of reaching that significant milestone began to take shape. The possibilities were becoming more tangible with each passing day.

The siblings continued their conversation, discussing the specific achievements of their latest video. "The video from our journey to the semi-finals gained more than 300,000 views," Akane mentioned with a proud smile. "People are enjoying our content, Shinji."

Shinji nodded in agreement. "It's great to see so much engagement. The semi-final video is going to be exciting to share. I'm sure our viewers are eager to see how it all unfolded against Seki Junior High."

Akane leaned in, sharing her plans. "Absolutely. I'm planning to post the video of the semi-finals tomorrow, and I have a feeling it's going to be a hit. Our subscribers won't want to miss it."

With anticipation building, the Koganei family was ready to offer their viewers an inside look at their thrilling journey to the semi-finals, knowing that their shared love for basketball was resonating with their ever-growing YouTube community.


The day preceding the highly anticipated Finals, Coach Kimura of Yuuki Junior High found himself immersed in the meticulous craft of game planning. His office was filled with an array of basketball paraphernalia, from scouting reports to meticulously annotated diagrams of the court. There was an aura of purposeful intensity about him as he delved into the preparations.

Morning turned into afternoon, and the hours slipped away as Coach Kimura pored over every detail of the game plan. He knew that the Finals would be an epic clash, and he was committed to ensuring that his team would be well-prepared for the challenge ahead. His eyes scrutinized statistics, rewatched previous games, and analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of their formidable opponent.

The afternoon sun cast a warm glow through the office window as Coach Kimura, with a sense of satisfaction, finally closed the playbook. He had crafted a strategy that was as multifaceted as a diamond, tailored to Yuuki Junior High's unique strengths and the opponent's vulnerabilities. It was a plan that celebrated the spirit of teamwork, emphasized their talents, and was underlined by unwavering belief.


As Coach Kimura returned home after an exhaustive day of meticulous preparation for the imminent Finals, his thoughts were consumed by the unique challenges presented by their upcoming opponents from Teiko Junior High. Two names, in particular, continually resurfaced in his contemplations: Akashi and Aomine. In the depths of his strategic musings, he considered them to be the most formidable adversaries his team would face.

His brow furrowed in deep thought as he pondered the impending matchups. "Akashi and Aomine... They're the ones who concern me the most."

Akashi Seijuro, the prodigious point guard with unparalleled court vision and leadership, was a masterful orchestrator who possessed the uncanny ability to manipulate the game to his advantage. Coach Kimura recognized that dealing with Akashi meant a relentless adaptation to his unpredictable plays and a constant effort to disrupt his rhythm.

"Akashi's capability to read the game and control the tempo is astonishing. We must discover a way to keep him off balance, disrupt his passes, and minimize his influence."

"And then there was Daiki Aomine, whose raw athleticism and scoring prowess were second to none." Coach Kimura acknowledged the daunting challenge of containing Aomine's explosiveness and preventing him from seizing control of the game.

"Aomine's sheer athleticism is a sight to behold. We can't allow him to establish a scoring rhythm. While double-teaming him carries its risks, we must find a way to slow him down."

Coach Kimura was acutely aware that the outcome of the Finals depended, to a significant extent, on how effectively they could manage these two formidable opponents. As he continued to refine his game plan and share his insights with the team, he understood that the clashes against Akashi and Aomine would be the defining moments of the impending championship match. The weight of their talent and the intricacies of the strategy occupied his every thought as he readied his team for the basketball spectacle that awaited them.


In the hallowed gymnasium of Yuuki Junior High, a critical meeting was called by Coach Kimura, and the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. The players, their faces etched with determination and excitement, gathered in a circle, ready to receive their coach's guidance.

Coach Kimura's words carried the authority of his commitment to the team as he addressed them, "Tomorrow, we stand on the cusp of greatness. The Finals. We've labored tirelessly, pushed our limits, and conquered every challenge in our path. Now, one more mountain stands before us, and together, we will climb it."

He meticulously unfolded the game plan he had crafted, breaking down every aspect with precision. His strategy aimed to harness their strengths, exploit their opponent's weaknesses, and, above all, underscore the unbreakable bonds within their team.

"Our anchor is defense, and offense is our weapon. Every play, every pass, every defensive stance—they all matter. Trust in your teammates as you trust in yourselves. Play your roles, and success will be ours. Tomorrow, we etch our names in history."

Coach Kimura's impassioned speech concluded, and the players exchanged determined glances, sharing an unspoken understanding of the magnitude of the moment. They were prepared to shoulder the responsibility that came with it.

As the day before the Finals unfolded, it wasn't just Coach Kimura's precision-crafted game plan that was taking shape. The team of Yuuki Junior High was forging a collective resolve, united in purpose and fortified by strategy, ready to take on the world in basketball.

In the final strategic meeting before the highly anticipated Finals, Coach Kimura turned his attention to the formidable challenge awaiting his team: dealing with Aomine, the prodigious talent on their opponent's roster. The players gathered around, hanging on to every word as they awaited their coach's guidance.

Coach Kimura's voice conveyed unwavering determination as he addressed the team. "Now, let's talk about Aomine. We all know what he's capable of. He's a once-in-a-generation player and can single-handedly change the course of a game. But remember, no player is invincible."

He proceeded to outline the strategy for handling Aomine, underlining the importance of a collective effort. Coach Kimura was well aware that while Aomine was a force to be reckoned with, he could be contained with a well-coordinated team approach.

"First, we'll double-team him whenever possible. We can't afford to give him an inch of space to work with. Let's put relentless pressure on him, contest every shot, and make him earn every point. We'll rely on our team defense to keep him in check."

Coach Kimura then stressed the significance of transition defense, as Aomine excelled in fast breaks. He urged his players to sprint back on defense, close passing lanes, and force Aomine into difficult decisions.

"Offensively, we'll keep the ball moving. Quick passes, smart decisions. We can't afford to get caught in one-on-one battles with Aomine. Our strength lies in our teamwork, and we'll exploit that. Find open teammates, create scoring opportunities."

He also emphasized the role of Yuuki Junior High's big men in protecting the rim and securing rebounds, knowing that rebounding would be vital to limiting second-chance opportunities for Aomine's team.

"Lastly, stay disciplined. We know Aomine has an array of moves, but don't fall for his feints and crossovers. Stick to the fundamentals, maintain your defensive stance, and contest his shots without fouling."

Coach Kimura concluded his remarks, and a collective determination settled over the team. They knew the challenge that lay ahead, but they also understood the path to victory. Aomine might be a formidable opponent, but he was not invincible. With teamwork, strategy, and unwavering resolve, Yuuki Junior High was ready to take on the challenge and chase their championship dreams.

During the pivotal discussion of the game plan, as Coach Kimura addressed the team's approach to dealing with Aomine and the Generation of Miracles, Shinji's hand rose hesitantly. His earnest expression revealed the question brewing in his mind.

Coach Kimura noticed Shinji's raised hand and nodded in acknowledgment, giving him the floor to voice his concerns. Shinji's voice was steady and respectful as he asked, "Coach, what if double-teaming Aomine leaves one of the other Generation of Miracles players open? How should we handle that situation?"

Aware that double-teaming Aomine, the prodigious talent of their opponent's team, could leave a member of the Generation of Miracles open, Coach Kimura addressed this concern with a strategic approach during his final meeting with the Yuuki Junior High basketball players.

Coach Kimura, with calm assurance in his voice, continued, "I understand the risk of double-teaming Aomine, but we can't let him dominate the game. So, here's how we'll deal with that potential threat."

He elaborated on the defensive rotations and helped the defense that would be crucial in such scenarios. When they double-teamed Aomine, the player closest to the open Generation of Miracles member would be tasked with closing out quickly, contesting shots, and preventing easy baskets.

"Communication will be key. We need to talk on the court, call out switches, and ensure that we're covering for each other. If one of us is closing out on an open shooter, the others need to collapse on the boards and secure the rebound."

Coach Kimura also emphasized that their defensive strategy should be flexible. If the open Generation of Miracles player became a consistent threat, they would adjust their tactics accordingly, perhaps shifting to a different defensive scheme or making specific player assignments.

"Remember, our strength lies in teamwork and adaptability. We won't let the open shooter dictate the game. We'll adjust, make necessary changes, and stick to our game plan. Together, we can overcome any challenge."

With this nuanced approach to defense and a focus on effective communication and adaptability, Coach Kimura aimed to mitigate the risk of leaving a Generation of Miracles player open while still containing Aomine. The team left the meeting with a clear sense of purpose, ready to execute their strategy with discipline and unity in the Finals.


As Coach Kimura's speech came to its conclusion and the team began to disperse, Shinji Koganei, an astute observer of his fellow Yuuki Junior High players, found himself gripped by a profound sense of unease. The recent memory of witnessing the Generation of Miracles in action during the Teiko vs. Shoei match lingered heavily in his thoughts.

Deep in contemplation, Shinji couldn't shake the notion that some of his teammates might not fully grasp the extent of the Generation of Miracles' abilities. The sheer display of basketball prowess he had witnessed the previous day had left an indelible impression, and he was acutely aware of just how formidable those players could be.

'They're incredible... Aomine, Kise, Midorima, Murasakibara, and even Akashi. I've seen what they can do on the court. The Generation of Miracles is on a whole different level. But... I can't say that to Coach Kimura right now. He's entirely focused on crafting our game plan for the Finals, and he's unlikely to entertain any player's suggestions at this point.'

Shinji's inner turmoil was evident, but he recognized the dynamics of the team and the critical importance of adhering to the path set by their coach. He understood that Coach Kimura would only be open to a player's input in an extreme situation when all other options had been exhausted.

'I need to have faith in Coach Kimura's judgment. He's the one who's meticulously studied our opponent and devised the strategy. I have to believe in our team, and n our game plan. But if we find ourselves in truly dire straits during the Finals, if we're cornered and under immense pressure... maybe then, Coach will be willing to listen. Until that moment, I'll give my all to support the team, play my role to the best of my ability, and contribute everything I have.'

With this steadfast resolution in mind, Shinji Koganei decided to keep his reservations to himself, fully aware that the moment to voice his concerns would only come when the team faced a desperate situation where his insights might be their last hope. Until then, he focused on being a supportive teammate, trusting in the collective strength of the team, and mentally preparing for the arduous battle that awaited them in the Finals.


In the inner sanctum of Teiko Junior High's basketball court, the Generation of Miracles, still in their second year of junior high, gathered for a critical meeting to discuss their plans and strategies for the upcoming Finals. Their coach, along with Momoi, the indispensable manager, facilitated the meeting, fully aware of the gravity of the situation.

Momoi, armed with a stack of notes and a tablet, had meticulously analyzed Yuuki's previous matches and was ready to present her findings. She began her presentation with a confident tone, recognizing the significance of the impending Finals.

"Gentlemen," she began, "we've all witnessed the evolution of Yuuki Junior High throughout this tournament. They've grown into a formidable team, with enhanced teamwork and coordination."

The Generation of Miracles, comprising Akashi, Aomine, Kise, Midorima, and Murasakibara, watched with rapt attention as Momoi displayed video clips on a screen, highlighting key moments from Yuuki's recent games.

"As you can see," Momoi continued, "they've focused on teamwork to create opportunities for Mitobe, Hideki, and Koganei. Their ability to create isolation plays for Shinji Koganei has been particularly effective."

Aomine, ever the one-on-one specialist, raised a pertinent point. "If we concentrate too much on Shinji, we risk underestimating the others. Let's not forget that Mitobe and Hideki have significantly improved their game. We need a comprehensive approach to deal with them."

Acknowledging Aomine's concern, Momoi responded with a determined look. "You're right, Aomine, which is why I propose that Akashi personally guard Koganei. Akashi's defensive prowess and adaptability make him the ideal candidate to disrupt Koganei's game. This will free up the rest of you to focus on the other key players."

With that strategy in place, Momoi continued to provide detailed instructions on how to counter Hideki and Mitobe, the other critical threats on the Yuuki Junior High team. She assigned specific defenders to each of them, ensuring their unique strengths and playing styles would be challenged effectively.

"Kise, use your agility and speed to keep up with Hideki," she instructed, "Your versatility will be crucial in limiting his offensive options. For Mitobe, we'll have Murasakibara handle him in the low post. His size and shot-blocking ability should make it challenging for Mitobe to score in the paint. Midorima focuses on positioning and anticipating their plays. Akashi, your role is to disrupt Koganei and their team's rhythm."

The room was charged with focused energy as each player recognized their role and responsibilities in countering Yuuki Junior High's multi-dimensional approach.

Momoi continued with her strategic recommendations, emphasizing the importance of exploiting the mismatches created by their skills. She turned her attention to Aomine and Midorima, recognizing that their offensive prowess could be a game-changer.

"Aomine, Midorima, you must capitalize on the mismatches that our defensive assignments will create," Momoi explained. "Koganei, Hideki, and Mitobe will be occupied with our defenders, and they won't be able to offer much help on the defensive end. Utilize this to your advantage and score at will. With your unique abilities, there's little chance anyone on their team can stop you."

Both Aomine and Midorima nodded in agreement, understanding the tactical advantage that their talents could bring to the game.

Akashi, renowned for his analytical mind, brought up an essential point, emphasizing that Yuuki Junior High's three key players would not be on the court for the entire game. "Their coach's decision to limit their playing time provides us with an opportunity," he stated. "We should exploit those moments when Koganei, Hideki, and Mitobe are off the court and intensify our offensive efforts."

Momoi echoed this sentiment, providing advanced instructions on how to maximize these critical periods. "During those moments," she began, "we'll press the advantage and push our offensive efforts to widen the point difference. Aomine, Midorima, be ready to unleash your scoring abilities. Murasakibara, use your size and rebounding prowess to dominate the paint. Kise, create fast break opportunities with your speed. And Akashi, control the tempo and make precise plays during these windows."

With the plan meticulously laid out, the Teiko Junior High team felt prepared to make the most of these strategic opportunities during the game. Under Akashi's leadership and guided by Momoi's precision, they were confident in their ability to seize control and secure victory in the upcoming Finals.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


