
章 18: ch.18

>>>>(11th August 2010, Mount Justice)<<<<

"Recognized: Artemis, B07" The robotic voice of the Zeta-Tube platform rang out, announcing Artemis's arrival in the cave to the rest of the team.

Having been running late, Artemis had used one of the Zeta-Tubes installed in the Mission Room/Training area hoping to make it just in time, only to come face to face with Batman's trademarked batglare.

She in turn glared at Kid Flash as he snickered behind his hand at her expense. 3 days have passed since she joined the rag-tag team of sidekicks, and a day hasn't gone by where she didn't question if she had made a huge mistake by taking Batman's and Green Arrow's offer.

She hadn't even been an official sidekick for a day when she and her team were almost killed by the League of Assassins, her sister at that.

No matter how much the rest of the team wanted to boast about fulfilling their mission, she knew that it was only luck and their opponent's target being Dr. Serling Roquette and not them that kept them alive.

Batman cleared his throat and started his briefing, "now that everyone is finally here we can start the briefing for your next assignment,"

Multiple holographic screens appeared behind Batman as he started to speak.

"For the past 5 years, we have been tracking a situation going on in Asia, Macau to be specific." He pointed to one of the screens with an image of a colorful group of 10, smiling and posing in front of a building, "Most of you have heard of the Hero team, The Hellions I assume."

"Of course we have," Robin and Kid Flash responded incredulously before noticing the confused faces of Superboy and Miss Martian.

"Right, alien new to earth and clone that is only a few months old," Kid Flash muttered before Artemis elbowed him in the side for being insensitive.

"The Hellions are the most popular Hero team in Asia. The people love them, they are even more popular over there than the Justice League." Robin explained to the two confused heroes, his voice full of admiration.

The Hellions didn't have age requirements to join like the Justice League and even had a few underage members. Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad had been following the battles of the Asian based Superhero team for years now.

"They are also the enforcers for the biggest or rather the only gang in Macau," Batman added sternly.

"What?!" Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad yelled at the same time, even Artemis was surprised by that little tidbit of information. Being as connected to the 'Villain' side of things as she was, she expected to have at least heard some noise about The Hellions being Villains and working as enforcers.

Batman waited for them to quiet down before continuing his briefing.

Another holographic screen came to the foreground showing the image of a 16-year-old boy shaking hands with what looked like an important Chinese official, "This is Alexander Xenakis, Founder and Ceo of Xenakis Industries. A company that has grown big enough to compete with the likes of Wayne Enterprises and LexCorp in the 6 short years since its founding."

"Handsome, smart, and rich, mama likes," Artemis quipped not wholly jokingly, her eyes glued to the hologram of Alexander.

Kid Flash made a gagging sound behind her.

Ignoring Artemis's comment and Kid Flash's immaturity, Batman proceeded, "Everything about Alexander-"

"Wait, go back to the part where you accused one of the best Hero teams in the world of being gang members!" Kid Flash insisted urgently.

The cold unamused expression on Batman's face made Wally gulp so hard that no one would be surprised if their closest neighbors a few miles away had heard him.

"Everything about Alexander is fake, his origins are unknown. Our preliminary assumption right now is that he is one of the hundreds of kids that grew up on the streets of Macau." Batman continues as if nothing had happened.

"So he is an orphan that grew up to make something of himself, what is the problem?" Superboy asked gruffly.

"The problem is how he did it. A few years ago he began a hostile takeover of every major gang in Macau before moving on to the smaller ones. He then merged them all into one gang, The Hellions." Batman paused a moment to let that sink in, "By the age of 10, he owned most of the Casinos and had his fingers in every profitable company in Macau."

"More importantly, however, are the rumors of him having the ability to make your wildest dreams come true, and giving powers to those working under him. The Justice League tried to go to Macau in an official capacity to investigate these stories further but we were denied admission," Batman frowned at that last part, "So it is reasonable to assume that the local government is in Alexander's pocket, if he doesn't outright control it."

Robin's eyes went to the picture of The Hellions posing for their fans, "I am guessing that with giving his underlings powers, you mean The Hellions?" Batman nodded, "Is there any intel on how he is giving people powers?"

"Zatara and a consultant of the League have concluded that he is using extremely powerful magic to grant people wishes," Batman replied disgruntled, like most of his fellow non-magic using Heroes he loathed anything having to do with magic. Magic was simply too unlogical to make contingency plans for.

"Pfff Magic, yea right," Kid Flash dismissed.

"Like a genie," Miss Martian said, her eyes glinting. She had watched a few earth-made tv shows and movies about genies when she was still on Mars.

"I am guessing that he isn't granting people's wishes from the goodness of his heart, what does it cost?" Aqualad asked, like always torpedoing straight to the core of the issue.

"Your soul," Batman replied with grim finality.

Silence followed his words as the team came to terms and digested what they had just learned, both about the Hero team they had admired for years and their baffling leader.

"So what is the mission?" Robin asked his posture straight and serious, "A secret infiltration into Macau?"

Kid Flash on the other hand was freaking out, "is no one going to acknowledge the bomb Batman just dropped on us?"

"Shhh," Artemis answered glaring at him, although if someone was to take a closer look at her face they would notice that she was just as freaked out as he was.

Again ignoring Artemis and Kid Flash bickering in the background, Batman answered, "No, we have it on good authority that Alexander will be coming to us. There is a big charity event being held in San Francisco that he is going to attend tonight. After that, he has an appointment with Lex Luthor."

"Luthor, What is that slippery snake scheming this time?!" Kid Flash made a fist. It was frustrating to know that Luthor was doing shady stuff under their very noses while they could do nothing about it without overwhelming and irrefutable evidence. Otherwise, Luthor's team of lawyers will have his case thrown out faster than it took to catch him in the first place.

"Nothing good, I can tell you that much," Robin replied.

Now that they had the information they needed Batman began outlining their mission and what it would entail, "your assignment will be to infiltrate the charity event and figure out what Alexander and Luthor are planning and then report back to the League." Batman gave Superboy and Kid Flash a hard look, "Remember this is a stealth mission, you are not to be discovered by either Alexander or Luthor!"

The team nodded as one. The mission itself wasn't the most difficult one they have been assigned but it was one that required the most stealth so far. Both Alexander and Luthor are very well connected people if the team gets caught spying on them, it would result in a big blow against the Justice League.

"I have sent you all some more information that we were able to collect about Alexander and his accomplices, make sure to read up on it before tonight," Batman ordered before walking away, "Dismissed!"

>>>>(9:30 pm, The sky)<<<<

Miss Martian was currently sitting in the pilot seat of her Bioship, flying the camouflaged alien ship above the clouds of Metropolis.

The rest of the team was in the back, going over their plan and getting ready for their mission.

"Robin, you are too young and will stand out too much. You will stay hidden and try to find out what you can," Aqualad, their leader started outlining everyone's tasks.

Robin nodded at that. He could have used his real identity and gone as the adopted son of Bruce Wayne but it would only put more scrutiny and eyes on him, making it harder for him to disappear when needed.

Therefore he was also the only one dressed in his costume.

"Superboy and I will try to blend in the party with Miss Martian and Artemis as our dates. We will try to find out if anyone at the party knows of any other reason for Alexander's presence in San Francisco." Aqualad and an awkward-looking Superboy were currently wearing expensive black suits and ties to fit into the party.

"Stop playing with your tie!" Artemis chided Superboy, slapping his hand away. Artemis's hair was out of its usual ponytail for the first time in ever, leaving her blond tresses to caress her neck. And instead of her usual mission outfit, she was wearing a blue strapless dress that clung to her form.

"Kid, you will be posing as a server," Aqualad continued.

"Why am I the only one that has to be staff," Kid Flash complained from his seat. Even though he was complaining, Kid Flash was already wearing a waiter's outfit, bow tie and all.

"Because no one will believe you are really a guest at a party as sophisticated as this one," Robin joked from next to him. Getting a glare in response.

"We have arrived," Miss Martian reported, turning her seat around to look at the rest of her team. She was still in her mission outfit but not for long, in front of their very eyes, Miss Martian's outfit began to transform, her hooded cape becoming shorter and shorter until it was completely absorbed by the rest of the outfit. The rest of the outfit started changing until Miss Martian was left wearing a green strapless dress, to finish the transformation her normally red eyes turned amber.

"Wow," Kid Flash muttered out loud.

"Miss Martian, connect us," Aqualad ordered.

Miss Martian nodded and concentrated on connecting all of their minds together while making sure that she only connected their surface thoughts.

"We should go," Superboy grunted out irritated, still not entirely fine with having his mind messed with, despite it being done by a teammate and someone he has grown to trust.

Miss Martian opened a hole in the middle of the Bioship hull before effortlessly and gracefully floating down to the roof using her powers. The rest of the team followed her lead and descended down using the lines, even Superboy, who had learned his lesson after the last time he jumped down and almost betrayed their location to everyone.

Miss Martian ordered the Bioship to pull the lines back up and close the hole she had opened in its hull. The Bioship will stay hovering in place, waiting on the team's return. Invisible to all who cared to look.

"Robin," Aqualad pointed to the ventilation duct's roof vent.

Robin gave him a thumbs up before disappearing into the ventilation ducts in a display of nimbleness and skill. One look at the ease of his movements will tell anyone that this wasn't his first time sneaking into a ventilation duct.

The rest of the team stealthy made their way down the stairs leading to the roof, pausing only to part ways with Kid Flash when they arrived at the kitchens. The party was already well on its way when they reached the ballroom, a live band was playing in the background, and most of America's influential figures were in attendance, mingling with each other.

"Split up and try to blend in with the crowd," Aqualad ordered telepathically. Following his own words, Aqualad offered Artemis his arm and led her to a waiter walking around the room with a tray of champagne flutes. He handed one to Artemis before taking one for himself, "signal the rest of the team if you have eyes on either of the targets."

The two couples walked around the room, making small talk with the other guest. Casually dropping Alexander's name and his attendance at the party into their conversations, trying to figure out if anyone knew his motive for coming to America so abruptly.

"I have spotted Luthor," Kid Flash reported telepathically, "I just served him and his group drinks at the left side of the podium, still no sign of Alexander, however."

"Good work, Kid." Aqualad praised, "Artemis and I will move to Luthor's location and keep watch there, the rest of you keep searching for Alexander."

Artemis and Aqualad excused themselves from the boring conversation they were having about the logistics of moving hundreds of tons of goods without paying extra costs and made their way to Luthor's location.

They found a place where they could easily see Luthor without making it too obvious that they were doing so. Luthor was talking and laughing with a group of other businessmen and women with his assistant Mercy standing behind him.

"Robin, have you found anything?" Aqualad asked.

"I have searched most of the rooms, so far nothing. It seems like they simply chose the benefit event as a convenient location to have their meeting."

"Keep looking for now. If we need you we will let you know."

A waiter strolled up to the group and whispered something in Luthor's ears, making his grin grow slightly larger. Luthor said something to the group before turning and following behind the waiter, Mercy following his every move as always.

"Luthor is on the move!" Artemis told the rest of the team as she and Aqualad trailed after him from a distance.

"And I think I know why," Miss Martian answered, "Alexander just walked into the party."

"Is he as hot in real life as he looks in his pictures?" Artemis asked, her pace increasing slightly.

"Uhm," Miss Martian flushed slightly, not sure how to respond.

"He is a bad guy!" Kid Flash yelled over the connection.

"Hubba Hubba!" Artemis said when she caught sight of Alexander shaking hands with Luthor. Alexander was tall for his age, standing at least 6 feet tall, making the girl on his arm look almost tiny in comparison. He had a handsome face and short black hair but his best features, without doubt, were his emerald green eyes.

Unfortunately, those same eyes were currently set in a stare of disgust.

"Is it me or does he look offended to be in the same room as Luthor, let alone shake hands with him?" Superboy asked the rest of the team. He knew a thing or two about feeling disgusted by Luthor's presence

"Maybe he isn't so bad, after all," Kid Flash commented.

"He is the head of Macau's biggest gang and probably the one pulling the strings of its leaders without the citizens having a clue," Robin replied drily.

"I am just saying, someone that can't stand Luthor as much as us can't be all that bad." Kid Flash peeked from behind the crowd, "Anyway, who is the girl with him?"

"That is Cassandra Cain," Superboy grunted, "Haven't you read the file on his associates, that Batman sent us?"

"Of course I have," Kid Flash lied, "I just didn't get that far in the report."

"She was the first person on the list," Artemis snarked with amusement in her voice, "There is not much known about her, Batman suspects that she is the daughter of David Cain, an assassin related to the League of Assassins. But other than that, we have nothing, she is seldom seen more than a few feet away from Alexander."

"Mysterious and almost certainly an assassin. Got it."

"Luthor is on the move again," Aqualad said, getting ready to follow him, "Miss Martian, you and Superboy keep watch on Alexander.

'Lucky Megan, she gets to observe every little move of the rich hottie while I am stuck following the bald asshole around.' Miss Martian's face went beet red as Artemis's thoughts were broadcasted loud and clear over the team's link.

"He looks bored," Miss Martian observed after a while, "like he doesn't want to be here." She had been watching Alexander make small talk with all sorts of people for a while now and every time they left his fake smile would fall off his face and be replaced by boredom.

She watched as the latest group of wellwishers left his table, before accidentally meeting eyes with Alexander. "Oh, oh," Miss Martian meekly whispered, both over the link and out loud.

"What?" Everyone asked at once.

"He is coming my way," Miss Martian looked over at Superboy for help. Superboy shrugged in response from where he was leaning against the wall a little distance away from her, not knowing what to do either.

"Talk or better yet flirt with him. Try to make him talk about his visit without bringing any suspicion on yourself," Artemis advised her.

"If I knew a beauty like you would be in attendance, I would have arrived a lot sooner," came Alexander's voice from beside her, "the name is Alexander but you can call me Alex."

"Hi," Megan greeted shyly back, "I am Megan."

"Well, Megan I have to thank you for brightening this party with your presence," Alexander flirted, his emerald green eyes boring in her amber ones.

The girl next to Alexander, Cassandra tugged at his arm.

"Ah, I almost forgot about you," Alexander teased, looking down at her with a fond smile. Only to get a fist in the side for his troubles, "this is Cassandra, you can call her Cass. Don't let her size fool you, she packs quite the punch."

"Nice to meet you, Cass," She greeted the slightly shorter girl.

Cassandra smiled and waved in response.

"She doesn't talk much," Alexander explained.

Megan nodded before changing the subject, "I heard people talk about you being from Asia. I have never been to Asia before, what is it like over there?" She was trying to pull some information from him without making it obvious.

"Spying on me, are you?" Megan's heart skipped a beat before speeding up.

Did he figure out what they were doing?

"Does that mean that I wasn't the only one enchanted at first sight?" Alexander said while smiling. Megan let out a sigh of relief.

"Asia is a lot more rigid than America, but in exchange, it is a lot more beautiful."

Alexander looked at something over her shoulder and nodded. Megan looked over just in time to see Mercy, Luthor's assistant walk away.

"Excuse me, duty calls," Alexander said, bringing her attention back to him, "you wouldn't mind keeping Cass company while I talk boring business, would you?"

" Uhm...yeah, I don't mind."

"Thanks and I have to say green is totally your color," Alexander winked before turning to Cassandra, "I won't be long," to Megan's shock, he leaned down slightly and gave her a peck on the lips before walking away.

"Guys, Alex and Luthor are about to have their meeting," Miss Martian informed the rest of the team over the link.

"It is Alex now, is it," Artemis teased, immediately catching on to Megan's friendly way of addressing their target. Miss Martian blushed even redder than her hair.

"Miss Martian stay there and try to get Cassandra talking," Aqualad ordered, "Superboy, you stay with her. Robin, Artemis, and I will follow Alexander and Luthor."

"You two are a couple?" Megan asked Cassandra, trying to break the awkward silence that had fallen over them after Alexander left.

Cassandra nodded with a slight smile on her lips.

"You don't mind…" Megan clumsily fell over her own words before ending in a whisper, "that he flirted with me?"

Cassandra shrugged nonchalantly.


I left Miss Martian and Cassandra to their conversation and went into the hallway where I saw Mercy, Luthor's loyal pet assistant, last.

How do I know that I was talking to Miss Martian, you ask?

Well, after my 16th attempted assassination, I gave myself the ability to see everyone's names above their heads including their jobs. After a while, I started noticing people with strange names that no parents would give their kids and I realized that I wasn't seeing their birth names but the name they identified themselves as.

You would be surprised how many Superheroes and Villains identified themselves as their alter ego rather than their real names. I may not have a PhD in psychology but even I can see how unhealthy that is. It makes them see themselves as more or in some cases less than human. Making it easier to do truly horrible things or not care what happened to them so long if they saved one more person.

But enough about that.

I already spotted two more members of the team and did not doubt that the rest was also snooping around here somewhere. I could have taken them out or changed the time and place of my meeting with Luthor but honestly, it was too much of a drag.

I didn't care if they saw what was about to happen, as far as they would know I would be handing Luthor something before leaving. Nothing illegal would be happening.

Over the years, I have kept a close eye on the information the Justice League had on me. I made sure that they had just the right amount of information on me so that they wouldn't go out of their way to get more while also making sure that everything they knew about me wouldn't matter in the long haul.

It took me a year of observing them from in the background before I finally figured out the League's weakness.

The League wanted to be seen as good, helpers. And not tyrants.

I can already hear you cry out that everyone already knows that. But do they also know how to use that information against them?

To make sure that no one would see them as tyrants, the Justice League did their very best to work with the governments of earth. This means that all I have to do is not be seen as a criminal in the eyes of the world. As long if I do that they can't arrest me. Well, that is not entirely true, they can still arrest me, but I will be out of jail the very next day if not the same day.

Hell, I had closed the entirety of Macau to them, as a test run. To see how they would react.

I had Macau's Chief Executive(Macau's Mayor) tell the League's representative that they weren't needed in Macau. That Macau already had a Hero team of its own that was doing excellent work, a team I owned, and if they do enter the city without permission from the government they would be breaking the law and disregarding a government's wishes.

I had them over my knee, I knew it and Batman knew it too.

Disregarding a government's wishes without a really good reason would set a bad precedent and make other countries question if the Justice League was as good as it made itself appear and not just conquerors in disguise.

Batman's computer may be one of the world's best-protected computers but in front of my power, they were all the same. They had no protection to me simply ripping the knowledge I wanted out of them, I could browse his files whenever I wanted. Always staying one step ahead.

Unless I do something so bad that they can't ignore me anymore, I was virtually untouchable while in Macau and only a bit less so while in America.

Mercy was waiting for me when I turned the corner. She was a stoic woman that only talked when spoken to, you almost forget she is there when not paying attention, which is no doubt what Luthor trained her to do.

I followed Mercy to an elevator, which if you had any sense at all would make alarms start blaring in your mind from suspicion, the whole building was only two stories, after all. What the hell do you need an elevator for.

Mercy swiped her thumb over a secret scan and the elevator started moving down. What almost no one knew is that Luthor owned the building, or better said one of his employees owned the corporation that owned the shell company that owned the building. Luthor might be a rat bastard but at least he knew what he was doing when it came to keeping all blame off himself.

The elevator dinged and opened in an underground room, which I doubt was on the building's plans. Luthor was standing in the middle of the room waiting for me.

I looked up and yep, ventilation ducts big enough to crawl through.

Why do Villains always do this?

I will give my left nut if one of the Heroes isn't currently crawling inside those ducts.

"I have to ask why the sudden change of attitude," Luthor asked before adding with distaste. "normally you sent my messengers back without their heads."

I thought about lying to him but decided to just tell him the truth, "Your little buddy Klarion paid me a visit with an interesting deal. I help your little group with a little problem and I get something of his." All the souls he has collected over the millennia that is.

He didn't have a lot of them because he couldn't use them himself, they were mostly people who had angered him and he had been torturing ever since, but there are probably still quite a bit of them. Klarion was a vindictive bastard, after all.

It was obvious that the little bastard had been planning to cheat me when he gave me his terms. They were just too generous. He no doubt thought that my contracts couldn't bind a being like him and I would only find out after I had already done the task. Well, he is about to learn otherwise.

Klarion had been so focused on cheating me that he didn't even notice the obvious trap in the contract he signed.

In exchange for all the souls he had collected, I had to acquire a piece of Starro from Atlantis for the Light. However, nothing was stopping me from stealing the Starro back later, or better yet stopping me from tampering with it. Arrogant bastards.

The first thing, I did after I stole it was making sure that when the Starro and all the pieces made from it got activated it would alert me and give me the authority to shut them down.

I wasn't about to standby and watch these morons use the Justice League to attack other planets and put the earth on the universe's watchlist.

There were multiple galaxy-spanning empires out there that could pop earth like a pimple. And if it wasn't obvious, I lived on earth.

I put my hand in my pocket and threw Luthor the tiny piece of Starro I cut from the gigantic mass in the Atlantean research building. It was so big that I doubt anyone noticed I took a piece.

The moment Luthor caught the Starro piece, I felt my Mindscape fill with almost a hundred new souls.

It was time to leave and ward my hotel room before Klarion notices that I just ripped him off if he hadn't already.


I was currently lying in the hotel bath with my eyes closed, letting all my stress and worries flow away from me. Cass was doing the same, only instead of feeling the hard porcelain of the bath pressing against her back, she was lying on me with her back to me.

Like always over the past 7 years, a telepathic link was connecting our thoughts together. Making the bliss we were both feeling obvious without having to say a word.

I had taught Cass to talk years ago while using my powers so that she didn't lose her ability to read body movements, but after being brought up without saying a word for 8 years, and me reading her mind while she was still learning to talk, she simply didn't see the use in talking when not needed.

"Green one," Unless in moments like these, that is.

"Megan, what about her?" I asked, even though I knew exactly what she meant.

"Flirting," Cassandra whispered.

I didn't have to see her face to know that she was blushing.

"Jealous?" I teased while sending my love for her over our connection, reassuring her, "No one is ever going to replace you."

Indeed, I went a little overboard with Megan tonight, but it was honestly weird seeing her in real life flesh. I was a bit disappointed that I didn't get the chance to see her in her green Martian form, however. I wasn't kidding when I told her that green was her color.

"Aren't you the one that pulled Nina in bed with us, last week?" I asked Cass before tweaking one of her already hard nipples.

Cassandra squirmed as one of my hands followed her stomach down to her already wet lips, and not from the water.

"Little minx," I said before abruptly plunging a finger in her already leaking slit, my thumb was meanwhile gently caressing her clit.

The rough and gentle treatment had Cassandra gasping and moaning like a whore while rubbing her ass on my throbbing cock wedged in between her ass cheeks.

She tries to double over when I add another finger to her tight cunt, but I keep her held tight against my chest. Delving into her depths while planting sweet, teasing kisses along her neck and ever so slowly twirling her nipple, just as she liked it.

I can tell that she was close. Not wanting her first orgasm of the day to be brought on by my fingers, I remove them just before she can cum. Cassandra whines and tries to force my fingers back into her leaking pussy but stops when I turn her around to lie on her front.

I run my hand through her silky shoulder-length hair and pull her into an aggressive kiss. Cass puts up no resistance, more than happy to have my tongue dancing with hers as she humps her pussy lips on my cock, trying to finish what I started.

My hands slowly caress the small of her back before inching further down and taking hold of her perfect rear. Holding her up, I position my throbbing cock at her entrance, I tease her by rubbing my cockhead up and down her leaking pussy lips until she can't take it anymore and takes hold of me before forcing herself down my cock.

I let out a low groan as my dick gets enveloped by her tight and warm cunt. Cass gives me a smile of triumph as she bounces up and down my cock, she starts slowly at first but after her first screaming orgasm, she picks up the pace and starts bouncing like a woman possessed.

Any other man's pelvis would have shattered into little pieces, with Cassandra jackhammering on them like this. I give her ass a hard slap instead and watch as she pauses to let out an especially hard moan, her pussy walls tightening even further on my cock.

I grin, the little painslut.

Cassandra responds by gyrating her hips from side to side while periodically tightening her pussy around me. Every gyrate is followed by a little twerk on my cock, her ass cheeks shaking hypnotizing.

I can feel myself getting close, the moans and gasps coming from Cass's mouth tell me that she isn't far off either.

Taking hold of her hips, I start to thrust upwards, hard. Trying to match her little twerk, until we are again going at it at full force. She, by bouncing up and down like there is no tomorrow, me, by thrusting upwards trying to get as deep in her snatch as my cock could go.

I let out a roar as I feel my balls tighten and my cock throb. I lock lips with Cass and pull her down until I am balls deep inside her cunt, at the same time I take hold of her nipples and give them a hard pinch before finally cumming. My cum paints her insides white as she cums around my cock, moaning in delight.

The two of us collapse together, arms around each other, still kissing.

I enjoy the bliss of the moment for a minute before standing up and stepping out of the bath, my cock still hard inside of Cassandra, who was already slowly bouncing on my cock, insatiable minx.

I walk us to the queen bed, fucking Cassandra's tight pussy every step of the way.


This was an introductory chapter for the beginning of Canon. To show the team, what the Justice League knows about Alexander, How people see Alexander in general, and Alexander's relationship with the Light.

There was no fighting because what Luthor and Alexander were doing was technically not illegal.

I wrote my first lemon, what did you think? Let me know!

The next two chapters will have more Action and the introduction of the second of the three love interests I have planned for Alexander. There is a hint in this chapter for who it is.

Heavens_Monarch Heavens_Monarch

I also have a Pat-reon, so if you want to read an extra chapter or two faster than the public release or just want to support me by leaving a dollar in the tip jar, you can do so at www - Pat-reon - com - heavensMonarch

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C18
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


