/ Eastern / My Checkpoint System Turned Me Into The Godfather of Humanity

My Checkpoint System Turned Me Into The Godfather of Humanity

My Checkpoint System Turned Me Into The Godfather of Humanity

Eastern 完了 498 章 1.8M ビュー

作者: I Really Like Eating Chilli翻訳者: EndlessFantasy Translation 編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation


3.1 (87 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


Chu He transmigrated into a barren world as a lowly odd-jobber in the Xia clan. He had initially accepted his fate and was ready to spend his life ordinarily and peacefully. Little did he expect himself to suddenly awaken the Checkpoint System which rewarded him for checking into places! Ding, congratulations to the Host for successful checking-in. For your first check-in, your reward is the Golden Nine Turns. Ding, congratulations to the Host for successful checking-in. For your twenty-one-thousandth check-in, your reward is the Golden Manifestation of Buddha's Form. Chu He was certain that the world outside was too dangerous, so he resolved to not leave the book depository until he became truly invincible and peerless, and thus he stayed for a hundred years. A hundred years later, the Tiger clan attacked the Xia clan and planned to massacre countless humans, it was at that moment that Chu He finally showed his hand!

  1. Dwan_Bledsoe
    Dwan_Bledsoe 貢献した 6214
  2. FiReStArTeR076
    FiReStArTeR076 貢献した 6045
  3. Chixuan
    Chixuan 貢献した 6026


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    GUYS, Hold the phone about your negative reviews!!!! I promise you all, this story is 100% gold. I read the mtl novel of this and there is zero romance from the time i’M reading the mtl novel which is chapter 326. The mc actually cares about the world around him, i kid you not. The system rewards that he get he actually shares with the rest of continent when they no longer are of use to him. This is a kingdom building novel that has incredibly intersting things to read about. Guys, please don’t miss out on this one, it’s really REALLY interesting when compared to other sign in novels, including sign in buddha’s palm. Its raw name is this: 签到千年我怎么成人族隐藏老祖了

    32 の返信を表示する

    Webnovel disapoints again, by publishing the same story with a different title, I don't know what they're thinking. Even the character's names are the same...

    10 の返信を表示する

    Basically the same thing as the previous sign in novels. Like the Banished one. MC gets sent into bad spot==> Discovers System==> "Attempts to stay lowkey"==> Becomes OP==> Destroys enemies. And then rinse and repeat ignoring the first two parts

    5 の返信を表示する

    Sign in for a Millennium, How Do I Hide My Ancestors Sign in for a Millennium, How Do I Hide My Ancestors Sign in for a Millennium, How Do I Hide My Ancestors

    1 の返信を表示する

    There is nothing "lowkey" about this Mc. its your typical Sign-in novel mc wants to become strong>meets girl>trains girl>pokes his nose into everything that revolves around her. its not lowkey its more of a Wannabe lowkey mc

    9 の返信を表示する

    There is no soul to these works anymore. I feel like I am being fed plastic foods instead of real food. Qidian seriously needs to rethink its goals.

    1 の返信を表示する
    LV 14 Badge

    Is the collapse of Webnovel soon? It seems like six months ago it was perfectly fine but now we are getting 1/3rd the chapters of half the usual amount of books per week, most of which are trash-tier copycat novels from faloo or are just plain bottom-of-the-barrel racist trash. I can hardly even remember any books this year in trial read that had above a 3.5 rating after a week. And that’s honestly hard to achieve with Webnovel’s bots and behind-the-scenes manipulation.

    2 の返信を表示する

    all check in novel look the same MC .keep cultivation in quite then some assassin's come to murder side character and MC save them😅😏👍👍👍

    1 の返信を表示する

    unoriginal unoriginal unoriginal unoriginal unoriginal unoriginal unoriginal unoriginal unoriginal unoriginal unoriginal unoriginal unoriginal unoriginal unoriginal

    0 の返信を表示する

    i am very disappointed i thought its was a check point system not a check-in system ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    4 の返信を表示する

    Translation quality dropped after Chapter 44 (MTL is probably better). Don't waste your money on this. I don't understand why qidian keeps hiring the translator "549690339". His translations are so bad. Every single novel that he translates becomes garbage even if the source material his pretty good or has some potential. It is quite impressive to be so bad at your job and still be able to keep it.

    1 の返信を表示する

    look at the rating mfs , how trash can something even get. Dont[img=update] Dont[img=update] Dont[img=update] Dont[img=update] Dont[img=update]

    3 の返信を表示する

    I don't give 5 stars but some idiots lowered the rating by giving 1 star without even reading the story. Let me tell you all that this story is OG. It was published at around same time as Sign In Buddha Palm, The initiator of the Sign in Trope. And this is written much better than anything else. If you want to know what a Chilling in Cultivation world is... Read this story!

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    1 の返信を表示する

    🖐️🤏🤦kur*aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaąjvydtdubiguftdrxi jgjftfkhivyftd s Sybin ctdrfihugyftgihjvtxrdknctdeikpbyses fubkbyftdtdubicrdt

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    2 の返信を表示する

    Very good novel, it does not deserve its rating.

    0 の返信を表示する

    This is just shameful. Check the previous 10 check-in novels and to your absolute shock...you'll find they're the exact same but with a slighty (I stress slightly) different theme. There's nothing wrong in being unoriginal, or reusing a successful concept - but come on, it's not a different story if you just change one word every sentence.

    4 の返信を表示する
    LV 4 Badge

    I have read the MLT version of this story and it was just extremely generic. The guy stays in the library, saves the clan, teaches two little girls secretly(I don't know what his obsession with teaching little girls is) but ya overall it was meh. It's like a copy and paste of all the other sign-in novels.

    3 の返信を表示する

    作者 I Really Like Eating Chilli

    翻訳者 EndlessFantasy Translation

    Editor EndlessFantasy Translation