
章 24: False Slander Isn’t Tolerated

After Song Jiahao left, He An immediately called up the management team and scolded them harshly. It wasn't until he was certain they learned their lesson that he sighed and said, "Regardless of what happens with the stars in our company, you are still expected to take care of them. I don't want to see this happen again."

He watched them nod eagerly before dismissing them. It was only his first day in this world and he was already so tired.

[Host! I gained more information about Song Jiahao~ (^o^)]

"What is it?" He An stared at the little spirit.

[He's so young yet he joined the company just last year. He doesn't have many major roles, but he's known for all the scandals he caused... and guess what! O_O Our mission here is to help him become a Film Emperor! >_<]

He An rubbed his temples, "...I already know this. Six, you really do contribute nothing—is there a way to switch systems?"

[Wahh! Host, it's not my fault! The main system never taught me... QAQ]

"Redeem yourself by finding a way to clear a path for Song Jiahao's career." He An nonchalantly expressed. Although He An had no confidence in this system of his, he still asked it for help.

[Wuwu... okay, leave it to me!!!]

Little Six sobbed before disappearing once more to heaven knows where.

While the system was busy doing whatever, He An scrolled through Weibo posts with the hashtag '#SongJiahao' and frowned at the posts. Almost all of them was bashing Song Jiahao.

This feisty little guy had way too much problems on his plate.

[This scum is always causing trouble! He thinks he's ready to be an actor with no skills and only scandals? He should just leave the entertainment circle!]

[User above, I agree. I thought I could overlook his previous actions since he's barely an adult, yet he actually did something as horrible as sexually harassing Meng FeiFei.]

[Song Jiahao leave the entertainment circle!]

[Die, you dirty human waste!]

[Go to hell. You think women are toys for you to treat them like that? Harassing girls because they reject you? You think everyone likes you or something? Meng FeiFei deserves an apology from you!]

As He An read the comments, his frown grew deeper until he eventually had to turn off his phone. This situation reminded him of when he was a rookie model who was bashed on the Internet for something he never did.

The reason was quite stupid as well. On his first runway show, he had been caught backstage walking towards a crying model and when somebody posted the picture online, everyone immediately blamed him. They all cursed at him for making the model cry despite him not having ever interacted with the other model.

Back then, he felt extremely uncomfortable and anxious. He was also angry that he was wronged by just a picture. What gave them the right to scold him?

If he was feeling this way just by reading these comments, he wondered how Song Jiahao felt about being the center of the topic.


On the other side, Song Jiahao was also looking at the comments about himself. Instead of being depressed, however, he was on an alt account angrily arguing with the anti-fans slandering him.

Jiaohaoisthemosthandsome: [What? You Meng FeiFei fans are all so brainwashed! Believing her just because she cried?]

[Are you not embarrassed??? How shameless! To think people still support that scum! You're just like him!]

After a few minutes of arguing back and forth, the party on the other end eventually was too angered and stopped replying to him. Song Jiahao smirked arrogantly and took this as his victory.

Feeling bored, he went to go take a shower and fell onto his bed lazily.

He might as well waste time arguing with more anti-fans. He picked up his phone and logged back into Weibo, but just as he searched up his name, a trending topic caught his eye.



He clicked on the topic and saw the screenshot of He An's tweet.

(V)He An: [Untrue words will result in you being on the losing end. Let this be a reminder for everyone that He Entertainment does not tolerate false slander.]

With his words, the comments were going insane. It was only expected since He An's popularity rivaled the most famous stars in China. Once his post blew up, this caused many spectators—who were just watching from the sidelines—to join in.

[OMG!!! CEO He has spoken!! Could Meng FeiFei have lied after all???]

[I knew there was something fishy about this situation. In the original picture, you could see that Song Jiahao was unconscious. How could he have harassed Meng FeiFei?]

[What the hell? You all are hypocrites! Believing He An's words with no proof, huh? Our FeiFei Goddess would never lie!]

[User above, aren't you also going off on your own without any evidence? Until both sides provide solid proof, I won't believe anyone.]

[Forget Meng FeiFei or Song Jiahao, CEO He give us selfies!!!]


[Our CEO is still assertive as always~]

While two factions created a bloody war in the comments, Song Jiahao almost choked on his own saliva after seeing the post. Although He An had told him he would help, he didn't expect him to outright post something like this! He really was too bold.

Yet his lips subconsciously turned upwards into a smile.

After pondering for a bit, he switched to his main account and reposted He An's post with the comment 'Thank you~'

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C24
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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