

Chapter 3


I think by now we've established that I am a man of a very few words... A man who's always overthinking.

"What are your plans today?" my father asked waking into my room, "Omar?" he repeated as he passed me my keys.

We lived in a penthouse, all his works. My mother passed away when I was younger so he was all I had. He served as my role model, my friend and most importantly helped me face many obstacles but what he did not understand is that I wasn't willing to go back to taekwondo no matter how much it meant to him or my mother…especially after realizing that it was the cause of many of the trials in our life.

"I have a new student to attend to these days, I'm just packing my gee."

"Can we talk about something …" he said, walking towards me

"If this is about the upcoming nationals in taekwondo then we can't, I left the sport long ago…why do you still have to bring it up?" I said furiously zipping up my bag.

"I thought this kickboxing thing was just a phase, that you'll come back to your senses. You'll gain much more in taekwondo!"

"Dad…please just drop it. It doesn't matter anymore."

"it does and it always will… but it's your choice. sorry for raising my voice I just hoped that at least you of all your siblings would carry our legacy, you were such a bright boy…"

"I'll be late…see you after dinner."

"You're eating out again?"

"I have to prepare for the black belt gradings as well, don't wait up,"

I said leaving...

Sometimes it gets really tough to fight against my father especially since he's such a sincere man which I never intended to hurt.

I arrived at the dojo and after a quick change then went over to Zakira's office.

"She's waiting for you in the spare training room, she's the one I was telling you about," Zakira said pointing towards her

"Noted," I replied leaving the office, it was the biggest surprise ever.

You know that childhood crush that you admire while going to school...who eventually becomes the reason you enjoy school, I never thought I would see her after so many years.

She turned towards me, my mind already set towards one thing. Love at first glance I of course questioned if I were going insane but the entire room lit up immediately as she approached me. I had always admired her and tried my best to be near her before she moved away, I bet she doesn't remember anything though. We are all supposed to grow out of our puppy love phase but for a person who has never gone searching for love…I think we can all say that my destined lover has finally arrived.

And class after class it never got easier. Trying to talk to her normally, not make my feelings look too obvious and trying not lash out at her like I usually do with other students.

Unfortunately, there was a rule that stated not to mix pleasure with business and that women and men should never interact with each other unless necessary…so eventually I took up the role of the overbearing sensei who always looked upset and frustrated. The one who said very little and only listened. Then for some reason that lead to continuous quarrelling…

Looks like it's going to be a very interesting journey.

"You're awfully close to me these days, what happened to all the I'm busy's and maybe some other time," Owais asked tossing the equipment to me as I packed it.

"Do you not want me here then," I replied attempting to leave."


"What no, don't be so petty…I was just asking you a simple question. Anywho how's your junior class doing?"

"All is well…"

"And Elizah?" he said smirking

"Don't start please, I should be asking you these questions. When do you finally get to have your own class?"

"I'm not sure, I told Zakira I don't mind being her Junior for a little longer though. After all, I'm still not ready to confess…"

"You're a bit open about yourself towards someone who you hardly know."

"The more people know the better, besides…I know I can trust you and by the looks of it you'll be head over heels for my bestie Elizah soon."

"What makes you think that?"

"Your socializing," he said patting my shoulder before leaving class.

Now I know why Elizah is always yelling at him. He is annoying. I hope I don't end up like him though, in a situationship(confused relationship).

Later that day I joined a few of my old buddies for lunch, they wanted to have a cheat day before going on a strict diet again...which is very essential before large competitions.

"This is the first time you've accepted my invitation since you left taekwondo," he said taking his seat next to me.

An old comrade that hardly socialized with me in the past was suddenly questioning me.

"You're my childhood friend I would never ditch you on purpose," I replied with a fake smile

"I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear any of that, so are you still not coming back..." he asked looking away

My father probably sent them...

"I don't understand why I have to always explain this phenomenon every single time. I'm not coming back, ever…"

"I was just asking… we all miss you terribly."

"I have to get ready for work, we'll meet up some other time."

"Jee," he replied waving towards me.

That will be my last lunch with them...

I worked a few part-time jobs while I'm away from the dojo. I don't like spending money I don't make especially since I'm an adult now. A lot of people find my thinking old-fashioned, but I just think that a wiser man is one who does something for himself rather than depending on others to do it for him. Luckily my grandfather has always been around to pass on his wisdom…

Drawing back to Elizah, I wouldn't say that I wanted to pursue her, for now at least, her company is all I really wanted. Even if it meant pretending, I even stopped going to that pond since our 'friendly' encounter the other day…that place will always hold a special in my heart it was where I usually went to lament over my mother's passing.

"Your home late again?" my father asked switching the lights on.

"I had to work, the restaurant was busy today."

"If you did taekwondo you would be earning enough to make a living."

"I hear that every day, I'm emotionally tired of those words now…please let it go already."

"I won't…I can't."

"Then I'm moving out, I can't take it anymore…this is why I don't speak to any of my old friends anymore."

"You're being petty…you can't move out."

"I've made up my mind, just give me a few days to clear my things up.."I said rushing upstairs.

Yes, he was right, life would have been easier with me still being a taekwondo sensei, competing and carrying on his legacy. I wouldn't be this lonely, or tired. Maybe just maybe would I have been happy too, but to me, that's how one would choose to live a fake life. I'm tired of listening and watching and sitting…not doing anything about the constant reminder, I won't be able to move on if I choose to stay where I am.

I have thought about it for a while now…I want to change, I'm hungry for it.

I sat on the floor tossing my clothing into a bag as I furiously thought about all that had endured while staying here... I don't even know where to go.

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


