
章 12: Battles

Today was the day of the arena battles and from what Thor understood he would be going last after everyone else as a climatic match. The arena was just a hole in the ground with wooden bleachers and a stand where the Warmothers sit. From what he saw the main thing the other kids would be going up against was animals like bears, but he heard from his grandpa that in response to their bragging about Thor's strength the Warmothers decided to put their own heirs up against Slaves as well.

Thor right now was just waiting for the battles to start and see where other kids were compared to him, if he had to guess the only ones that might be able to compare would be Sejuani and Ashe, because although they are still kids they have the talent to become some of the strongest in the world in the future so he is sure they are head and shoulders above other kids. "Are you prepared" Thor turns his head to see that it was Eorlund who just sat next to him who asked the question "Yes even if the slave is strong, if I use my magic I could end it in a instant" Thor says unconcerned about his match "Ay that's true, so is there anything you are curious about" Eorlund questions "I wonder if there are any kids that can compare to me" Where as some might have just thought Thor was being arrogant Eorlund knew he was very strong and the only thing limiting him is experience and age. "I hear the daughters of the Warmothers are both exceptional so maybe you can be friends with them after this" Eorlund says, hoping Thor would make some friends while he was still young. Thor just looks at his grandpa already knowing his worries about his antisocial ways "I'll try grandpa" Thor says before looking back at the arena seeing the preparations were about to be done. "Ay that is all I can ask" Eorlund says while patting him on the shoulder as Fralia also walks over after getting done talking to the Warmothers as it seems they have hit it off quite well.


Everyone quiets down after seeing one of the guards next to the Warmothers slam their spear down. "The preparations are complete so let us start the battles" Hejian says while waving to a guard that has a line of kids behind him so he sends the first into the pit. As the kid hops into the pit other guards responsible for releasing the animals come and release a wolf into the arena. Noise erupts from around the arena whether cheering, laughing, talking and all the like. Thor could tell the kid was putting on a strong front as even though he tried to keep his face calm you could see his arms and legs shaking. He kept his shield out in front of him with his hatchet to the side eyeing the wolf that was circling him. As the tension rose the wolf rushes him leaving the boy startled as it pounces but the boy reacts fast enough to get his shield up and block the wolf although that was a mistake for him as the wolf his far stronger than his 10 year old body so he falls onto his back with the wolf still on top of his shield trying to bite his throat.

Unfortunately for the wolf the boy uses his other arm to swing his hatchet at the wolf's neck from the side as it was too focused on killing him rather than being wary of his weapon. The wolf whines and falls to the ground next to the boy as it takes its last breath as the boy puts the axe through its jugular. Roaring erupts from the crowd and a victorious yell comes from the boy before a guard leads him out. The next 15 fights were similar to that one with the difference of some injuries such as bites and broken bones but it seems all the kids were good enough to kill their opponent without dying themselves.

Till finally someone with a Shield and flail enters the arena, she had blonde hair and blue eyes with a build bigger than most her age but still smaller than Thor and a fierce look on her face. The murmuring of the crowd only confirmed his guess as that was Sejuani the granddaughter of the winter's claw Warmothers and future leader of a third of the freljord. Thor didn't get to see either Ashe or Sejuani these past few days as his abode is on the edge of the camp next to Eorlund and Fralia's whereas theirs was in the middle of the camp. The guards open the gate of the arena which seems to be connected to the slaves holding arena and drag out a hardened looking fellow with worn out Noxian armor on and a sword.

A/N: Looks like this

If Thor had to guess they gave him back his armor for the fight so he could fight near his best. As the crowd goes into a frenzy of cheering and jeering it quiets down as the Warmothers speak. "Noxian warrior if you are able to kill your opponent we will set you free and will not look for you we hope that is enough incentive to fight at your best and that will be the same conditions for all the slaves fighting" They say loud enough for the slaves behind the bars of the arena to hear and a frenzy is all Thor could call it as the slaves were practically killing each other just to be the one next to the gate with the higher possibility of being chosen. After the words were spoken and the frenzy started the fight finally began.

A/N: This to explain something in case some misunderstand Thor's awakening as an Iceborn was unique, all other Iceborn are born as such.

The warrior charged Sejuani and she did the same back while winding up her flail. The warrior when he came in range swung his sword at her head will a yell but she quickly ducked under it and swung her flail that was winding up for a while at the side of his body which made a loud crunching bang as part of the armor on the side was caved in and if you looked close enough you could see some ice growing there but it was faint for now. The warrior after the hit backed up with a grunt before they started circling each other as the warrior realized he can't be reckless even though it's a child. The fight continued on with the occasional hits and the few cuts the warrior would give Sejuani before finally after numerous collisions of Sejuani's mace with him he started freezing at a visible rate and it left him in shock but he didn't have time to change the outcome before he was frozen solid. The way the match ended made the surroundings roar with delight at seeing the famed Iceborn blood at work as reverence was visible on their faces.

After Thor seeing the way the match ended understood that what she just showed would be her most well known ability in the future as after she gets her True Ice Flail her ability will be greatly heightened to the point where instead of numerous hits she just needs a few to turn someone to ice and each hit with the true ice just by itself will slow the enemies body even if they don't get frozen. Sejuani simply walked out of the arena seemingly not bothered by the outcome but as she stood next to her grandmother if you looked closely you could see her eyes glancing at her grandmother Hejian seemingly begging for approval and praise.

As the surroundings quieted the next participant came down into the arena. She was a Blonde haired blue eyed girl like Sejuani but she had a more slender build and carried a bow in her hands with a dagger on her waist and quiver on her back. Seeing her, Thor was honestly surprised as she and Sejuani looked like twins besides some differences. 'I guess there were multiple reasons why those two were called the incarnations of Avarosa and Serylda'

A/N: For those who may confuse the wording and get the wrong idea, incarnation is different from reincarnation and rebirth. From how the lore put it and by the definition they are considered the incarnations not because they have their memories or the like but because they share the same dreams and look similar. As an example in the lore it says that Ashe was actually uncomfortable being called the incarnation of Avarosa as she herself did not believe herself to be.

Not long after another slave was thrown into the arena, this time a tower shield and spear user. Thor was honestly curious how this match would go as it would be hard for her arrows to penetrate the armor. The match started with Ashe quickly backing off and gaining distance while firing shots at the Noxian. The Noxian in return just put his shield in front of his armor and rushed towards her as fast as he could not seeing the smirk making its way onto her face as he got 10 feet from her he slipped on to his back and had his breath knocked out of him before she quickly closed the distance kicked his spear and shield away and put two arrows into the holes of his helmet that were meant for his eyes. The arena was silent for a moment before even more cheering erupted. Thor himself was amazed at the subtlety of what she has done at her age as when she was retreating she manipulated her Ice manipulation to make a large quantity of Ice in front of her hidden under the soft snow and baited the Noxian in heavy armor to rush her and led him onto the ice. As Ashe was heading to stand next to her mother all she could hear among the cheering were words praising her mother for having such an amazing child and that they are happy to know she would be leading them in the future, and for her that made the pressure on her shoulders feel that much bigger even though she didn't want to lead.

'Alright let's create a spectacle' Thor thought while walking towards the Arena with all eyes on him

A/N: 1,800 words like Jesus this was a long chapter. Anyway tell me what you feel about the chapter. Also I would appreciate it if you review the book with your honest opinions and if you feel it is worth it some power stones are cool even though it doesn't matter to me much right now as I don't have enough words to be on the ranking yet

Deus_Dakota Deus_Dakota

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


