
章 9: Chapter 7) Ritual

[Here I am again, the typo with the date has been corrected in the last chapter and I am glad that so far everyone likes my story.]

Here is the long-awaited day, the day when I will awaken my magic core and be able to start conjuring. True , so far without a wand , but it 's even better . This way I can further improve my control over my magic and become closer to her.

Okay, okay, I'm too worried. This is bad, I have to be extremely calm. Today I will have to prepare the mixture for the ritual all day, process the ingredients for the sacrifice to the ritual and remember exactly how to draw it. Also, I must personally supervise the preparation for the venue, I must not make a single mistake.

I can already imagine if this incident gets into the 'Daily Prophet' then I will immediately become the next Dark Lord. Hell, just imagining how that damn old man Dumbledore would oppose my progress in magic research in everything, just because of the slim chance that I could become the next Dark Lord. It's stupid. Becoming a Dark Lord itself is a sign that I will be permanently stalled in development and, even worse, I will be overthrown someday.

Well, enough about the little things, I need to start.

"Archie, tell your father and mother that I'm ready and we have to start making preparations."

"Yes, young master." That's it, we need to go out into the yard and find a suitable place. Going down to the first floor, I meet my father. He looks at me seriously , but at the same time with pride .

"I see you're about to start."

"Yes, Father, we have to prepare everything before the full moon and perform a ritual on the full moon."

"Okay, let's check again what you need each ingredient for." While my father says this and walks ahead of me to the garden. I was thinking, in fact, the moon is not needed for my ritual , well , or it definitely wouldn't be necessary if Daphne wasn't with me. After all, in addition to magical energy, I have a Void. And the energy of the moon will be useful only to Daphne. After all, if my theory is correct, then every wizard has his own imprint of magical energy, and if the Yin-Yang theory is true, then lunar energy will not only purify magical energy for Daphne. But it can open up the possibility for her to form a Core of Moon energy. And this is the area to divinity and to the greatest power. Although this is only in the distant future .

"So unicorn blood"

"Purification of magical energy and its attraction"

"Black sunflower"

"Protection from spoilage"

"Blood Lily"

"Better blood compounds, enhancing the effect of blood and also protecting blood"

"Transparent rose"

"Core protection, purification of magical energy and simplification in its management"

So we kept going and talking about the ingredients . Honestly, one ingredient should have only one property. But because of their highest quality and freshness, plus with proper processing we get such a great effect. To do this, I really had to study potions and alchemy a little.

"Okay, here we are , I 've already chosen a place for you with the most abundant lunar energy this evening , so it's a small matter."

Father , though he still looked serious , but you could catch his pride again , but at the same time happiness . Apparently, because we will get the best of everything. Being a pure blood does have many advantages.

"Father, prepare a straight stone platform, as well as a separate platform or, better, a whole room for my preparation of ingredients."

The father takes out his wand, makes a couple of swings and pronounces the spell "Defodio". He hollowed out a hole corresponding to the size of my ritual, but after a couple more blows. "Hot air charms" dry the formed pits and another wave. The finished flat platform rises from the ground.

"Call Archie to bring the boiler and logs, and also let your mother come and help you with the processing."

After saying that, my father looked at me, turned around and left.

"Archie, call my mother, and prepare all the necessary ingredients."

"Yes , young master ."

"Call Daphne and Astoria again."

"As you command."

The house elf has left to carry out my orders , and I think that soon Astoria will also have a fully prepared magic core and I have two options, either to hold it on her birthday, or to hold it when she is 5 years old. But then there are other problems, the curse of blood. If I perform the same ritual as Daphne and I, it may even strengthen the curse , but to solve the problem with the curse, I definitely need a more advanced ritual, so also a more valuable sacrifice.

"For example, a basilisk."

" Did you say anything , brother ?"

Daphne and Astoria came up rather unexpectedly .

"No, no, sister, I can wish you a happy birthday."

"And happy birthday to you, brother."

"Brother, brother, mom and dad said that you and your sister would do something special, you completely forgot about me."

Said the little girl excitedly banging her little fists on me.

"No, we haven't forgotten about you, little Astoria , it's just that today is a special day when your sister and I will get the opportunity to create magic."

"Just like Mom and Dad?"


"Hooray then when you can do it, will you definitely show me with your sister ?"

Of course we will show"

"Uraaaa. I love you."

Then Mom came up and said.

"Okay, let's start cooking everything."

"Yes, Mom."

Daphne and I went into the prepared room and I lit a fire.

"Well, Daphne, you and I will cut our veins and pour our blood into the cauldron, then mom will heal our wounds. You will sit down to rest , and my mom and I will continue to cook . Do you understand everything ?"

"Yes brother." Daphne said, and although her face looked calm, I can tell by her voice and trembling hands that she is excited.

"Calm down sister, it won't hurt, plus Mom is here and everything will be fine."

She seemed to calm down a little and nodded her head .

"Okay, let's get started."

Fill the cauldron with blood, I began to stir it slowly, over low heat,

"Mom the blood lily."

"Good." After handing me the processed flower, I slowly add it little by little. The longer the preparation of the mixture goes on, the more I understand Snape about the fact that the preparation of potions is also magic. Slowly the hours passed and I added more and more new ingredients .

"And at the end, unicorn blood."

Adding it with extreme caution, I see that the blood in the cauldron is getting brighter and richer. Although there is no smell of blood , from the blood itself there is a strong magical power , pure and beautiful . Everything is ready and I'm fascinated by what happened .

"Well, son, it's time to draw circles and pentagrams."

Nodding my head , I slowly began to draw all the details of my ritual with a dragon brush . The longer I draw and the higher the moon is . The more clearly the magical energy is felt . And even how she gathers in this place, although the ritual has not even begun yet.

"Okay, everything is ready, we can start."

[This is the end of the chapter .Look forward to the continuation. Although you can say that I cut off what was said in the middle , but more than 1200 words were written and I decided that the ritual would take place in two chapters . Oh, I can't wait to write the second part. I wish tomorrow would come sooner]

mamun_220 mamun_220

If you liked it , then wait for the continuation and I will also wait for it .

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


