
章 5: Gon Freecss x Creature x Danger

You had to admire anyone who put any effort into doing anything. Jett could vouch for those people who said 'Do you think it was easy getting my body this strong', making your body stronger wasn't easy at all. The constant hours of hard work you had to put in, the heat that made your body sweat making your clothes stick to your skin, it was gross. That said, Jett still didn't give up. 

In a small clearing right at the edge of the forest, you could see a small boy doing a handstand, it wouldn't have been weird if it wasn't because many children play around like that, doing car wheels and the lot. What would make people question their eyes was the fact that this boy had a small boulder on his feet while doing a handstand. 

Jett was doing handstand push-ups while holding the boulder. From a normal person's perspective, they would only be able to see Jett and the rock. If a Nen user were to see this scene and active Gyo, they would see Jett using Nen to cover his body. Indeed Jett still hadn't given up on control over his nen. He used it in every activity even muscle training, while it did leave him more exhausted than a regular workout, the difference was only noticeable for those who practiced nen. His muscles weren't the only thing getting stronger while doing this kind of workout. It was also his endurance or stamina that grew stronger. He had to say the training his other self had come up with was indeed working. 

He could now hold his Ren for a lot longer than usual before you could say that he couldn't hold Ren for even a minute. Although the progress was less than he thought, he could now hold his Ren for thirty minutes. Jett didn't know if that was a lot of time, he didn't have anyone to compare himself to. He was doing everything alone and had no teacher, he could only follow the training method his other self had set. 

Yes, you could say that holding your Ren for thirty minutes was the standard. The standard for a genius that had awakened their nen for only a few months. While you couldn't compare him to either Gon or Killua who were geniuses in their own right, the body of the child Jett inhabited wasn't far behind them, and with the training method he was doing that gap would be reached. Then again what Jett failed to calculate was that he was constantly using Ren in his everyday life, which left him more tired when doing his training. What was becoming common sense to him, would eventually become a crazy method of training to others, well to those who weren't geniuses. 

There were a few other things that Jett overlooked, especially about himself. While his thinking and rationality hadn't been affected, his emotions and personality had slowly started to change since he entered the world. It was said before that both the body and soul were one half of the same coin. The body affected the soul and the soul affected the body in this case the brain, which held all the information of the human body. 

Over the few years, Jett had inhabited the body of the now-dead Jett, his small body started affecting his personality. His emotions which he was able to control during the first year, were now showing like a light in the dark after some time had passed. While he hadn't interacted with anyone other than his grandmother, her affection for him had started affecting his emotions. Children by nature were more susceptible, they were influenced by the people around them, which was why children often took after their parents. True he was becoming more like a child emotionally that is, his way of thinking had not been affected, but if someone were to interact with him, they would simply think of him as an intelligent child. Which in a sense he was, since he knew nothing of himself, not even his age. Even if Jett did discover these changes, he would not mind, after all, it didn't change the fact that he had to get stronger. 

Jett was going through his training routine again, he had been doing it for four months already. As dusk came around he was doing his stretches, while he did want muscle he didn't want bulky muscle that would affect his speed and flexibility. He stretched every time he started his workout and in the end, doing this had help and he could see the results. His body still looks like that of a child who hadn't worked out at all, but if he were to lift a boulder people would be surprised because his body contradicted the muscle mass it took to lift the boulder. It also gave his muscles the space to grow until he became an adult. 

He had only been working out for four months, and while his strength didn't increase dramatically like some main characters that could punch people and send them flying, his strength was enough to finally start practicing his flash step. As Jett had finally decided to learn the flash step, on the other end of town another boy also made a decision. 


The reason both Jett and the main character Gon had not met wasn't something complicated. For Jett, he simply wanted to train to take the hunter exam. As for Gon he had been excited that someone his age had also wanted to take the hunter exam. He had wanted to visit the moment he heard about Jett, but when he was told that Jett was training to become a hunter he decided against it. 

Gon also had his own task to do, he needed to catch the master of the pond. His aunt had told him if he wasn't able to capture it, then he could forget about taking the hunter exam. He had yet to capture it, all the fishing rots he tried to use had ended up braking, or the line had snapped. After having broken another fishing rot again, Gon needed to go to town to buy another rot and fishing line. 

While in town Gon remembers his grandmother talking about Jett. It was about to get dark and his aunt Mito had told him to go back for dinner. While walking back to his home Gon stopped, and he made a decision to go talk to Jett. He didn't have any friends his age, maybe Jett would give him some ideas on how to capture the Master of the pond, but that was just an excuse. 

Gon ran confident of his running speed. He followed the directions his great-grandmother had given him and found the house where Jett the only other boy on the island lived. As he knocked on the door an elderly woman opened the door. 

"Yes?" she asks. 

"Hi granny, I'm Gon Freecss, I'm looking for Jett," Gon said with an innocent child smile. 

"Oh, Gon hello, hello come on in, Jett isn't back yet, Would you like to wait for him?, he won't be back for a while," she said. 

"Is okay Granny, I'll go look for him, do you know where he is?" Gon asked. 

"Yes, that child doesn't come home all day until midnight, makes me worry. You can find him inside the forest in a clearing out back, is not far from the edge, you can't miss it." She told him. Having a destination Gon ran to the back of the house into the forest. It didn't take long for him to find the clearing that the old granny was talking about. Gon had heard that Jett was training, which is why he expected to find him training. What he found instead was something different. 

The sun had already gone down and the shadows of the island claimed their domain. The only light that made everything visible was the light of the moonlight. The scene that Gon came to see was of a boy standing on top of a small boulder while facing a creature that looked up at him. 

The boy was his age, he wore a torn red shirt with white pants, barefoot, while standing on the small boulder. His appearance wouldn't have attracted anyone's attention, he was cute just like any other child, but for some reason, this kid attracted Gon's attention more than he should have. His hair danced in the small breeze, his hair was so dark that it seemed like shadows were dancing at the top of his head. His eyes gave him the feeling of looking at a silent and empty darkness, they had no emotion, Gon hadn't seen anything like it before. If it wasn't because Gon could see a thin close smile on the boy's lips, he would have thought he couldn't express any emotion. 

In contrast to the boy the creature he was facing was scary. Gon was liked by animals, it was said that was what made a good hunter. As Gon looked at the creature facing Jett, a chill couldn't help but run down his back. The creature was a bipedal lizard, Gon knew that this creature wasn't native to Whale Island because he had never seen it before in the forest. The bipedal creature had the same eyes as Jett, yet Gon could feel they were different because when he looked at the creature's eyes, the only thing he could feel was fear. They were cold like a marble, they had emotions, but that emotion was only hunger. A hunger that viewed everything as prey. 

[An hour before Gon arrived]

Jett had already started his training on mastering the flash step. The first time he put it into practice wasn't good, because as soon as he wanted to move he crashed into the ground sliding for a few ten feet. Even after an hour, the same thing kept happening, On the last attempt just before Gon arrived, Jett who was ready to perform the flash step felt something in his back, instinctively his body moved on his own, landing softly on the rock he had been using to train. 

Jett rapidly turned around as all the hairs on the back of his neck warned him of danger. Fifteen feet away from him was a strange bipedal lizard. Except this lizard didn't have any scales covering his body, instead of scales it was covered in fur. Its cold reptile eyes darted around looking at his surroundings. Jett couldn't help but put a bitter smile on his face. If he hadn't already been ready to perform the flash step, he would have died. He hadn't heard it come behind him or even felt its presence. He could feel it now, but only because it was standing in front of him. 

'Was it Zetsu?' Jett thought, and with a bit of effort, he activated Gyo, an advanced form of Nen. While it did take some effort to place Nen in his eyes, it wasn't that difficult since he had been training that aspect of Nen nonstop. As he activated Gyo, he could see no nen aura around the creature. 

'Then it must have been its natural instinct as a predator.' Jett deduce. It was at this point that Gon had arrived, Jett had seen him out of the corner of his eye, but no way in hell was he taking his eyes away from the creature standing in front of him. Because right now all his senses were screaming at him to run for his life. Jett couldn't do that, if he turned his back on this thing he would die for sure. He was feeling helpless, this thing was strong. Jett didn't have any experience fighting let alone using Nen in a fight. He had been lucky that he escaped the sneak attack. 

He had been able to see that the creature had seen Gon as well, yet it had done nothing, all the thing focus was on him, and if that was right, why him? The only thing that came to mind was that he had Nen, while the boy who had shown up didn't. While Jett had been thinking he had blinked, and in that instant the creature was gone from his view. Jett was franticly searching for it not knowing where it had gone. Until he heard the boys shout.

"Above you!" Gon screams, bravely and stupidly trying to run and save him. 

"Oops, I'm in danger," Jett said with a wry smile on his face. He saw everything in slow motion the creature's fist broke the rock into pieces, and at the same time it spun in place and was about to hit Jett with is tail. Jett in an act to protect himself activated his Ren in full force, the tail hit him since he was in mid-air. 


Jett crashed into three trees and slid on the dirt for twenty feet before stopping. Jett coughs trying to catch his breath that had been knocked out of him as he hits the trees. His vision was blurry but he was still conscious. He didn't know why, maybe it was the adrenaline, or maybe it was something else. He could feel something inside him starting to awaken as if it was notch awake by that hit he received just now. 

As Jett stood he could see the creature coming at him, it raised its fist about to land a punch to his face. At the same time in that exact moment, Jett was able to feel a burning sensation at the back of his right shoulder, making his Nen explode. His body felt lighter and his mind felt so clear, the information flashed in his mind as if he had just seen or read about it, the anime he had seen, and all the information about both nen and martial arts techniques. He could feel if he tried he would be able to perform any of those anime moves right now. At that moment the images of a blond big boob ninja and a blue fat fish man pop into his head. Allocating Nen to his right fist and standing in a karate stance, while pulling his right fist back, Jett whispers. 

"Five Thousand Tile true Punch." while this move was performed with water, the nature of it was the same, Jett also applied the dispersion of nen into a single point, just like Tsunade's punch that could shatter the earth. The lizard creature sensing danger guarded by putting his hands in front of him at the last minute. This time it was his turn to be sent flying, its body following the same path Jett's body had come from, landing on the destroyed boulder creating an explosion. 

Jett was happy thinking he had done some damage, but not only did that thing not suffer any injuries, Jett could feel this thing had awakened its nen from the punch he had just hit it with. 

"Damn, I haven't even done anything, and I think I'm about to die today," Jett said, seeing the creature explode with killing intent directed directly at him. 

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If you find any mistakes, is becasue my mind is thinking faster than i can type, i'm sure some of you have the same problem. I will try to corret them when i edit it. Autocorret correcting my words also doesn't help. Thank you for reading my work.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


