
章 18: New Home.

Kyouske while eating with the Yamanaka family said " I'll be purchasing a house Aunty"

Ino with a sad expression asked " Can't you live with us? "

Kyouske shaking his head said " no, you'll help me right? to find a new home? "

Ino nodded her head and said "if you can't live here then sure "

Mrs.Yamanaka while serving more meat on Kyouske's plate said " We don't have much but we'll help you out with money Kyouske Chan "

Inoichi nodded and said " Yes, after all, that you've been through, I'll try my best "

Kyouske shaking his head smiled and said " Thank you, but I've enough money to buy a house, I am taking Ino because she's my best friend and her choice is great"

Inoichi looked into Kyouske's eye for some time then smiled and said " Very well then, go to the west of the village, there you'll find a broker, he'll help you get any kind of house if you still feel uncomfortable I can come with you "

Kyouske smiled and thanked him but said" No, Aunty and Ino will be enough, I've also gotten permission from Lord Hokage so don't worry about me "

After they finished their dinner Kyouske wanted to go to Uchiha District to take out his money but Mrs.Yamanaka Insisted on Kyouske staying here for tonight, tomorrow morning they'll go together.

Kyouske while lying on a bed looked at the ceiling and from his eyes slowly drops of tears came out.

After some time he fell asleep.

The next morning Kyouske woke up and after eating breakfast, Kyouske said " Aunty, I'll go to my old home, all my savings are there, after that I'll come here and you can take me to the agent who sells houses "

Mrs.Yamanaka nodded, Ino asked " can I come with you? "

Kyouske smiled and said " Sure "

As they were walking towards Uchiha District many eyes landed on Kyouske because he's now wearing a shirt with the Uchiha logo, people know only two little boy's survived the Uchiha massacre.

Kyouske didn't get agitated or anything but Ino held his hand and said " How weird"

Kyouske smiled and said " Don't worry about it"

After reaching the Uchiha district Kyouske saw yellow labels everywhere, it said ' Caution '

Kyouske and Ino ignoring the yellow tape proceeded inside.

Kyouske while walking saw the empty roads, while entering his house he saw there was more yellow tape.

Kyouske removed them and proceeded Inside, In his room he saw a similar shelf, taking out a big empty bag, Kyouske took all his clothes, then 3 sealing scrolls and some Photo albums.

After doing that Kyouske and Ino proceeded to his parent's room.

seeing the chalk marking Kyouske's eye got moist, couldn't bear watching it, they left the Uchiha district.

Kyouske after coming out said " Ino, you make a bouquet, I'll visit them now, let's go to the garden first"

Ino holding his hand nodded then they proceeded towards Konoha garden, Ino made a little bouquet that consists of only white flowers.

Kyouske and Ino while walking towards Konoha cemetery got a lot of attention but Kyouske straight up ignored them.

Standing Infront of his parent's grave, Kyouske kneeled and placed the bouquet in front of the grave.

After staying silent for half-hour they left. Ino didn't talk much with him, as she was also very sad.

Kyouske and Ino came back home, Mrs.Yamanaka closed her shop for the time being and said " Let's go Kyouske Chan " then she took them towards the west of the village.

After reaching the office of the broker they sat down.

An old lazy-looking person came and said " You want to purchase right?"

Kyouske nodded his head and presented the purchasing documents he got from Hokage.

The old man seeing the document, the laziness in his eyes was gone, and bowing his head he said " So you're an Uchiha, I am sorry for your loss, in which district do you want your new home?"

Kyouske looked at Ino, Ino looking into Kyouske's eye she said " I want a house in the middle area "

Mrs.Yamanaka ' ahem ' and said " Ino Chan, the middle area is too expensive "

Kyouske looking towards the old man said " Middle area it is "

The old man nodding his head said " Wait a minute " and went inside.

Mrs.Yamanaka said " Kyouske Chan, the Middle area in the village is too expensive, you can save your money a little "

Kyouske smiled and thanked her for her concern but said " Aunty don't worry, I have the money, I've earned it actually "

Mrs.Yamanaka didn't ask anymore seeing the happy look on Ino's face.

The old man came out with a book in hand and said "Young Lord, we have a total 3 houses available at this moment, 2 of them being apartments and 1 of them is a duplex"

Kyouske asked " How many rooms are there in the duplex? I need a reading room and 2 bedrooms"

The old man nodding his head said " That fit's perfect with the duplex we have, the ground floor has a living room and kitchen, and the upper floor consists of 2 bedrooms and 1 reading room"

Kyouske smiled and looked at Ino, Ino nodded her head with her sparkling eyes.

Kyouske asked " How much? I'll need furniture and My Clan's logo painted on the outer wall "

The old man taking out a calculator took some time and replied " It will cost you, 9 million ryõ, It was more expensive but considering you're the son of Lord Fugaku I've lessened the price "

Mrs.Yamanaka with a concerned face said " Kyouske chan "

Kyouske smiled and said" I have that much don't worry Aunty" then he brought out a sealing scroll from his bag and gave it to the Old man.

The old man taking the scroll checked it with a machine and said " It has 5,00,000 ryõ extra, young Lord"

Kyouske smiled and said " yes, buy high-quality products with that "

The old man nodding his head said " Very well then, Thank you for your purchase, Your house will be decorated by ninja mission so don't worry about it, tomorrow morning, I'll take you personally from Yamanaka Flower Shop "

Kyouske nodded and got up, taking the documents which were prepared by the broker.

Kyouske and Ino walking around saw a restaurant and wanted to eat there, Mrs.Yamanaka just said " before it goes dark both of you must return "

Kyouske smilingly said, " Don't worry, we are just going to eat lunch, why don't you join us as well?"

Mrs.Yamanaka ruffling both of their heads said " Some other time Kyouske Chan " and then she left them.

Kyouske took Ino to the restaurant, It was a classy restaurant, seeing the little Children, the waiter asked if they were waiting for someone, which in reply Kyouske said " Bring the menu, we're on a date "

The waiter had an astonished face at first then smiled at them, then Kyouske and Ino ordered some dishes.

While waiting Ino asked " Kyouske, did I cause you trouble? with the house? "

Kyouske holding her hand said " No, why would you cause trouble? I was quite happy I guess "

Ino smiled brilliantly and said " I'll make some flower bouquets for your new house"

Kyouske smilingly said " Well, Thank you "

At that moment the waiter broke their moment by presenting dishes on the table.

After Kyouske and Ino finished their meal, they left the restaurant and walked into the village, Ino seeing Sakura standing Infront of their shop ran ahead.

Sakura seeing Kyouske had a very sad face then said " I am sorry Kyouske Kun "

Kyouske smiled and said " It's alright, How are you? "

Sakura replied " I am fine, everyone is very concerned about you "

Kyouske asked " What about Sasuke? "

Sakura replied " Same as ever only colder than before"

Kyouske just nodded his head, Kyouske had asked Hokage about Sasuke, and in this 1 week's time, Sasuke had never once visited their parents grave.

Kyouske went inside the Yamanaka house, giving Sakura and Ino space to talk.

The next morning, Kyouske was eating breakfast with Ino, Mrs.Yamanaka was in the shop and Inoichi didn't return from work.

At that moment that old man came and took Kyouske and Ino to the new house.

It was a 10-minute walk from Ino's house, In a bustling road, a square-shaped duplex house.

Kyouske and Ino saw the Uchiha logo on the outside and at the gate, there was a name template saying 'Kyouske Uchiha'

Entering the house they saw the left side was a big kitchen with a built-in dining table, and the right side was a living room with a sofa and tea table.

The stairs go up from the middle of the house, the second floor had three doors, the left, and right doors being bedrooms, and the central door was the reading room.

Ino wanted to check out the bedroom and Kyouske wanted to check the reading room so they split up.

Kyouske entering the center door saw many empty shelves and a huge table with one relaxing chair.

Ino checking the bedrooms saw both of them have personal bathroom and toilet.

The bed was big, too big for Kyouske so she thought sometimes they could sleep together.

After giving Kyouske the keys and new documents for the house the Old man left.

tiko_tiko tiko_tiko

Fun fact: Fan fiction's are bullshit!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C18
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


