
章 3: Third life

At an airport-like-looking place, there were 1200 counters, each with women in uniform entertaining the passengers for their journey.

"You have been given the chance to live, grow, and love"

"Been there, done that, what are the cheats, I do not want to waste any more of my time."

At counter seven I saw a young man bickering about something, I chose to ignore it as something blinded me. I removed the ticket that was on my eyes, blindfolding me.

[Ticket to life in the cultivation world

Sanctioned under- Truck-kun

Talent/Cheat- a second young master of the Heng sect, son of the elder brother of the clan master.

Time of departure- Now]

"Oh, the ticket flew out of my hands"

There was a young man, who was arguing about something at the counter. I stood there as I saw the backside of the ticket for information about where I was.

The young man walked towards me, with a somewhat anxious face.

"Bastard skeleton, do you know who I am? You should have brought it back to the owner something flew out of my hand. Now give me the damn ticket before I crush your bones to powder."

The man was angry. I extended my arm to return the piece of paper, and he took it in a snatch motion.

Teenagers these days...

"You are courting death your bitch! I will officially complain that the workers have no respect. Do you know who I am? I am a cultivation hero in the new world! You dare not bow before me!

'Man this looks too forced of a development. I am perplexed by the amount of stupidity here'

"He is indeed courting Death, the thing is who are you?" replied the beautiful Death, in his/her lady form coming from behind. Looks like the procedures have been made.

"I am Xuan Xua, the hero of the continent Xian my lady. May I invite you for some elixir tea, Why are you with this bone pile, come with me let's have a drink or two."

Death looked at me and then at him, and from her face, I could tell that our thoughts matched about this young man.

"My lady-



Suddenly a truck came and hit the young man, and he went flying.

"Oh! sorry, I was banned from driving in the port but sometimes you just need a truck in your life. How are you doing Death?

"I am good, just here for some official business, you know the deal."

"Oh! so he is that soul. I curse Uatu for his negligence, I mean he was good at gambling but this line of work did not suit him."

"Yeah I met him in hell, apparently he had a track record of similar tragedies, so he was punished in retirement."

"But it is a big deal. The last time a Death came here for sending into worlds I was a kid, there was no concept of me, but now I am their billboard for transmigration. How time flies.

"Umm... Will I have to come under this Truck to start my journey to the afterlife?

"No, we already have your ticket, for smooth travels. Truck-kun is for emergency bookings. Here you go. Go to counter no. 3 and then platform 12. You have my blessings.

[Ticket to a normal world with minimal violence, peaceful life.

Aim- peaceful life

Authority who sanctioned this ticket- Death (20th in this millennium)

Talent/Cheats- Very strong mind and mindscape for the body to cope with 650+ years of life.

Mark of Draugr Death Overlord. (Soul)

soste Gun ! ]

I left the lovely company of Death and turned towards counter no.3. There was no queue so I gave the ticket to the lady, and she checked it.

I was set to be an orphan, in a nice orphanage and then picked up by a lovely old couple who wanted but could not have a child of their own at age four. Afterward, life was mine to live.

I took the ticket, which had been punched two holes into. Picked up my suitcase, which was empty, but it looked cool.

Platform no. ELEVEN was a colored-themed platform. It had a well in the center and I had to jump in the well.

I tore my ticket as I was supposed to and jumped into the well.




/At platform no. 12/

Death was waiting for his protege whom she had taught for 13 years about basic behaviors at her own expense. He had to come here, now but he was nowhere to be seen.

Then she saw across the station, at platform no. eleven a humanoid figure jumping into the well.

"Fucking son of a bitch!

She flew and changed platform to see that the falling figure was now far enough to look like a dot now.

"Thantanos call the authority figure here and ask where is that well set to be. Also, give minor intelligence to the Draugr. Ask Friga to give it to him."





"I have been falling for an hour here. Not that I am complaining.

It feels good to free fall, to cut all the strings of attachment.

I still looked like myself, a Draugr, and I am proud as well as ashamed of my looks.

I am excited about my new journey. I am thinking of this chance to turn around and start anew, so obviously I am seeking a new name.

Hope for the good.

It's been a while.

I am still falling.


Am I supposed to do something?

I swam in the air to pick up the torn ticket.

Nope. It says here torn and slide.

Let's just wait.


922 words

Free fall chapter.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


