
章 11: You really wanna see this.

Grey woke up and felt someone holding him . He looked to his side only to see a sleeping Gwen. 

' What the fuck ' He thought. 

He then remembered how he cried like a little bitch yesterday. 

' This is ..... embarrassing ' He thought. 

Despite his reason being wayyyy valid he thought he shouldn't have cried like that especially in front of Gwen.

As he was about to get out Gwen slowly opened her eyes to see Grey who was looking back at her. 

She blinked twice still sleepy but when she actually regained her senses to see who he was she blushed.

" Um good morning ?" Grey said unsure of what to say.

" G-good morning " Gwen responded.

Grey got out of the bed and Gwen followed suit before hurriedly going to her bed . 

When Grey got out of the room he met George who he admittedly hadn't seen in a long time.

" Hey kiddo how are you holding up " George asked with a little too much of care. It was as of he knew he was disturbed.

" Am okay, life's great" Grey gave off his best smile. He certainly didn't want George trying to comfort him.

George looked at him questioningly he was about to say something but refrained from saying what he thought.

" Just remember kiddo, am here " George said.

Grey smiled at him and nodded at him. 

_-_-_--_-_-_- Evening that day _-_-_-_-_

Gwen was with Peter at the roof of a building looking at Queens. 

" So Gwen what's this about? You know I still need to get back to Mary Jane . " Peter said.

Gwen slightly frowned at hearing Mary Jane being mentioned.

" Have you noticed anything ,umm strange with Grey today?" She asked.

Peter tilted his head .

" Why ask me ?" He asked.

" You two this days seem close. " Gwen said.

Peter couldn't deny this. He first feared and hated the guy. But currently he saw him as some kind of acquaintance of his.

" Well he seemed normal if you ask me. Why are you asking me Gwen ?" Peter asked wanting to know more details.

" Um well . Grey came back yesterday as sad as the day his mother died. He talked about a kid dying because of him but when he started crying he was saying ' how could she leave me '. To be honest I have never been this surprised.

Peter widened his eyes quite surprised. 

" Are you sure Grey cried ?" He asked still unbelieving her words.

Gwen nodded.

" The Grey , the one we know ?" He asked.

Gwen nodded.

Peter sighed. 

" Ok , he said ' how could she leave me right '?" Gwen once again nodded.

Peter thought for some while before a light bulb shined on his head. 

" That's it !" 

" That's what ?" 

Gwen rubbed the back of his head. 

" Um well when I was unsure of Grey I looked at his background. I wanted to see who we were dealing with " Peter said quite ashamed of what he said.

Gwen frowned but gestured him to continue.

" Grey's life was pretty normal, that came tumbling down when his father died because that's when his half sister left " Peter said. 

Gwen was shocked. She didn't know Grey had a sister. 

" Surprised you too huh " Peter said. 

Gwen nodded. 

" To be honest that's all I could find " Peter said.

" What was his sister's name ?" 

" Anna Marie , why ?" Peter asked.

" I'll go check my dad's file for more info. Thanks a lot. " Gwen said before jumping out of the rooftop. "

" Anytime . " Peter said slightly smiling at Gwen jumping away.

He felt slightly happy to see Gwen going so far for someone because that meant her little crush off him would end and he couldn't hurt their friendship.


Grey was in the clouds... literally. 

He was currently texting his little fling.

May : I miss you . When are you going to visit me. 

Grey : Very soon . Am just currently busy with some homework.

May : You could come here and study with Peter. 

Grey : Don't worry am coming tomorrow. Prepare yourself for a terrific night. 

May : Oh~ So what are we gonna do ? 

Grey : Something fun ~ 

May : Can't wait .

Grey ended the chat with a slight smile as he put his phone on his pocket and looked at the horizon. 

It was a military base on the outside but secretly controlled by Hydra. 

Luckily for this base there was no child prisoners so he could loosen up a bit. 

With a sonic boom he moved swiftly through the base destroying everything. 

The base that seemed peaceful suddenly turned chaotic.


Grey grinned widely as he saw the pesky mortals squirming all over. He flew through them omniman style. 

The base finally retaliated with multiple tanks firing at him . 

This slightly hurt him but he healed quickly. 

He erected a force field as people with RPG and multiple tanks came to attack him . 

He waited until he saw everyone was there before smiling. 

This was his time to test his destructive powers on them . 

The forcefield broke as he tanked the attacks.

His eyes glowed purple as he raised his hands at the soldiers. 

" Destroy " 

Suddenly everything was quiet. There was nothing apart from the base and the destruction of the battle. 

' This really ain't flashy , how am I going to instill fear on them then ?' He thought as he skipped to the base. 

There were currently scientist trying to run away and adult prisoners. 

He cared for neither of them so he could try another power. 

He absorbed all the energy on the atmosphere before condensing it before releasing it. 

The result ? A bomb . 

As the fire died down , he looked around at his majestic creation savoring the view before flying away. 

_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Avengers _-_-_-_-_-_-

The avengers got orders to check on the base but they arrived late. 

They looked at the view quite surprised by what they saw. 

" What the hell happened " Natasha said. 

Ironman used his tech to search until he spotted something. 

He flew to it to see a camera. 

He traced it to the security office or rather what was left of it. He saw the computer was thoroughly broken but that wasn't a problem.

" Jarvis , such the security footage for the last 1 hour. " 

Jarvis searched and showed to Stark .

" Um guys, you really gonna wanna see this. "

_-_-_-_-_-_-_- A/N _-_-_-_-_-_

Well good news about the poll for me that is because most of you have voted what I wanted to do 

So I'mma lose all my restraints and focus on character development. 

Consider all this as prologue , the real story starts at the next chapter.

Don't forget power stones too.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


