
章 5: Precognitive Notion

The snarl was a lot bigger up close. It was like a mini sun. A ball of swirling energy that basked the hall in a soft light. 

A line of energy seemed to be pouring out from the bottom of the large sphere and landing in a large fountain like pool in the middle of the hall. I was expecting it to overflow but the blue energy seemed to never reach the very top of the pool.

"So we just touch it right?" Lart asked. He was tapping his foot periodically and then tilting his head as if listening before tapping again. What was up with that? Eh, whatever.

"Is that even safe? This is pure magical energy we're dealing with here."Miri said glancing around. We seemed to be the only ones who had figured out the first clue. "I'll touch the stupid snarl." I said, sighing in exasperation. I walked up to the pool and raised my hand but paused.

With a deep breath I touched the blue energy in the pool. That's an overstatement. I barely touched it and suddenly I felt warmth rushing through me. Then that warmth grew to scalding hot and images and words and people flashed through my mind. 




Some of the thoughts were incomplete while others were just gibberish. And then everything seemed to hit me at once. It was horrible and beautiful. It was pure light and entrapping darkness. It was every single feeling known to man. Anger, sadness, happiness, relief, oh no relief from the memories and thoughts. Every evil deed and every kind gesture. Oh how it hurt! But it also felt good...contradiction, irony, and a thread. No not a thread. String? Hair? The thread seemed to spread creating interconnecting lines. A weave. No. The Weave. This was the very fabric of magic itself. And when I turned around I witnessed powers that should have turned my mind to jelly.


Greater Beings that supposedly created and control the multiverse and everything in it. But this...this was not the benevolent gods that I had always thought of. This was just a bunch of beings concerned with keeping the fabric nice and neat. No rips. No seams. No unfettered attempts at altering all of our realities. THey created the lesser beings we call gods.

And then they turned to me. They looked through me. Into the very depths of my soul. And then I felt a pull that I could not resist. And then it was all gone. My soul and mind slammed into my body with so much force that I flew backwards hitting the floor with a thud. 


"Oh my god, Peren! Are you ok?" Miri asked kneeling next to me. I groaned and sat up. "I'm fine. I think." As I moved to stand up I felt something in my hand. I raised my fist and stared down at the bottle of red liquid sitting in my palm as if it had always been there.

"First item in the scavenger hunt." Lart said. I frowned. Ok. 

"Well come on. We have more to get." I said standing and placing the potion in my pocket. "Um...maybe you should stay and rest." Miri said frowning as she looked me up and down checking for injuries. 

"I'm fine. Don't worry." 


"I said I'm fine, jesus. Come on." I said and began walking not caring where I was going. Eventually the others followed. "What's the next clue?" I asked. Miri said something but I wasn't listening. I was more concerned about the things I saw and heard when I touched the snarl. They were disturbing and Choal had no info. All I knew was that the school was in danger. But i couldn't complain. This was a campaign after all. 

"Uh, Peren? You listening?" Miri asked snapping her fingers in front of my face. I frowned and glared at her. "Ok now I know we just met and all but I can see that you like to keep things to yourself. But right now I'm gonna ask you to trust me. Tell me what's wrong." Miri pleaded taking my hands. I sighed and looked away, feeling guilty.

"I...I'll tell you later. Just...not now. Not here." I said quietly. Miri nodded and looked at the paper with the clues on it again. Lart hovered behind me, his chin brushing the side of my head as he tried to see the paper. How tall was this guy?

"Ok this is the next clue. 'Alumni commission works when they retire seeking promising young mages to inspire.' What does that mean?" Miri asked rolling up the paper and looking at us. "Hmm...Alumni...so former students..looking for more newer students. So maybe a job? Or a place offering jobs?" Lart suggested, his hair wriggling in apprehension. I nod. "That sounds reasonable. Miri you memorized the map right? Any places that come to mind?" I asked the dryad. She frowned. "Umm. ah!" Suddenly she jumped and snapped her fingers petals appearing around her hand and fluttering to the ground. "The Student Art Gallery! Apparently there is artwork in there of former students." Miri said. 

I grinned. "So? Let's move out!" I shouted and grab the both of them pulling them along excitedly. 

We finally reach the gallery and Miri gasps in awe. Its a nice crisp room with white wall and columns that reach from floor to ceiling.. Displayed on both the walls and columns. are pictures and art of former students. I notice a few others in here wearing colorful robes. Prismari students.

"Ok, so now what?" Lart huffed, crossing his arms and making his tunic stretch over his biceps. Wow. Doe he even know how hot he is? 

[Concentrate, please. The quest Complete Orientation has yet to be completed.]

I frowned and rolled my eyes at the system. Thanks, Choal for your unwanted commentary, I thought. 

Alumni's and young students looking for inspiration...inspiration...oh! "The Prismari paintings and photos!" I exclaimed earning a 'shhhh' from a student in the hall.

"These are past students and there are new students in here looking for inspiration. And what school is most associated with inspiration?" I whispered excitedly.

Miri's mouth parted in understanding. "Prismari." she said smiling. 

I snapped my fingers and pointed at her. "Bingo! Now let's go! Examine every Prismari portrait." I said. We split up and checked every painting as much as we could without damaging them. 

"Hey what about this?" Lart says. I ran up to him and notice that he was running his hands over a bronze plaque that read: "At Strixhaven we were all inspired." I grinned. "That's perfect, Lart." I said noticing a small lever beneath the plaque. I pulled it and a box popped out of the wall startling the gorgon. I grabbed it and looked inside to see what looked like a pin/pendant. "A pennant. A Strixhaven pennant." Miri said. She had just joined us. "Ok then that's two down." I said placing the pennant in my pocket and returning the box to the wall. 

We walk out of the gallery and Miri reads the next clue as we walk.

"'Each group deserves a free treat for investment. Serve up this list and enjoy your refreshment.'" She read. "So a bar or something?" Miri asked. "As if they would put a fucking bar in a school..." Lart snorts shaking his head. "Silly dryad..." He flicked her on the forehead playfully and she yelped. "Hey, not funny!" She shouted as Lart began to laugh. His laugh was deep and gravelly like rock against rock but it was also pleasant. His big brother demeanor was comforting.

"Ok, ok. Let's concentrate." I said putting my hands up. "I noticed a cafe when we first got here. Could that work?" Miri placed a hand on her chin in thought. "That actually makes sense." Lart said, almost sounding surprised that something intelligible came out of my mouth. I glared at him and he smirked. Oh my heart. 

My poor gay heart.

CaramelCam26 CaramelCam26

I really need motivation guys. Cause this story gets angsty...at least not now..but I did warn you....also the timeline will be a litte weird since I'm trying to make one book one year at strixhaven. Or is that too much?

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


