
章 7: The Tryst Meaning

Bath times.

I don't like these now.

Yes, I could see my mother fully nude and I could even accidentally touch her down there, but I was a good child and didn't indulge in such lewds at this age.

I kept myself limited to her milkers only, but the problem wasn't this. The problem was…

"Mhm~, all clean in the front. Now come, turn around, let mumma clean you in the back."

This, this right here was the damn problem!

My mother would clean my back, but she would also go so far to give me PTSD regarding those fairies forest incident.

What I mean is, she would clean my butt and also put a finger in that forbidden place to clean my insides.

This wasn't a lewd gesture from her as she was simply cleaning me, but this was bad nonetheless.

I was ticked off by such things and was going to ask her to not do it, but then more problems would arise due to it.

You see, in this noble family, children under ten were cleaned by the maids properly to be presentable.

If it wasn't the maids, then it would be their mothers.

And to be properly cleaned meant to have yourself cleansed from the insides as well.

Children under ten were believed to be immature. They couldn't clean themselves and someone had to do it for them. After ten, they were left on their own to do it, but until then… no mercy whatsoever.

If I had rejected my mother from doing this, I would've had some strange maid do it for me, which was more unacceptable.

Thus, I sucked it up and let things be.

If I develop a fetish where I started liking rimjobs, both to give and to get, then all the blame should be put on the Ignis family and not me.

Anyway, I had made a mental note to get back at my mother regarding this thing in future. She'll surely be punished for it.

After bath, we slept and as usual, I had milk before sleep.

I was seven years old now and still having milk. My mother never refused, I never stopped, the milkers hadn't run dry, so I just continued on.

How long would this go? I didn't know, but I'd drag it out as much as possible.

Hey, I wanted strong bones alright?


Ten years passed.

I had grown to be a handsome young man and a damn lady-killer.

Due to not practicing the stupid Ignis arts, I wasn't frail anymore and in the last ten years, I ensured to make the most out of my stay here in the archipelago.

I did as much as I could to build my foundation and also ended up suppressing all the lil shits who could potentially cause trouble in my awakening.

I was out in the open when I did things, but I was always cautious enough to not go overboard and give the Ignis family a reason to cause troubles to me.

My mother had noticed this and was really proud of my scheming mindset. I joked with her that I got such a fox-like attitude from her, which resulted in her laughing out loud.

My relationship with my mother was great. There weren't any distances present between us and we were really open.

I could still suck on her breasts if I wanted to, but I refrained from doing so ever since I turned ten.

It was because my baby dragon had started turning into a mighty dragon.

I bathed with her once in a few months and also slept nude, but it wasn't an everyday thing anymore.

She could feel my boners when we slept but she didn't seem to mind it and just let things be.

I was going to be given a sex talk, but I told her to delay it and give it to me after the awakening ceremony. Until then, I'd rather focus on training.

I trained like a madman and I used to be so tired everyday that I would crash on my bed and sleep right away.

I got lots of boners due to the heavy training and due to being a growing teenager, but I controlled myself and never once succumbed to masturbation or ejaculated.

It was tough. It was really really tough, but it had to be done.

It was necessary for my awakening ceremony and to keep myself away from accidentally having nightfalls, I trained in a special art that put my mighty dragon in a slumber.

My mother would be concerned to see the limp thing as a growing boy should not have such a reaction, but I assured her that it was normal because of the arts I was practicing and so on.

It was also due to this that I could sleep with her worry free.

Leya was now twenty-seven years old, managing mother's business empire in the Eastern Continent whereas Lisa, my eldest sister, she was roaming around doing her things.

She had business too, but her reputation had hit rock bottom when she came out in the open, stating that she had turned into a futanari and now liked women.

It had caused a huge outrage in the world and the Ignis family had to spend a great deal of money to suppress all news regarding that.

My mother and father were called by the Patriarch and had a lot of explaining to do, but eventually, nothing of note happened to either of them.

My mother wasn't worried about my sister turning into a futanari and neither was I.

We both knew that was impossible. The bloodline she had would never allow such a thing to happen.

My mother only knew this much, but I knew more about this.

Our bloodlines that were a result of two Elvish Gods mating together, was something that always kept male as male and female as female.

Pure bloods never had any chance to convert themselves to either of the other gender.

The word Tryst that was our last name, it literally meant 'secret meeting between two lovers', and this was the name adopted by those Elvish Gods.

They were lovers and their bloodlines would always follow a similar path. The Emperor side of the bloodline didn't allow for a gender change and the same was the case with the Empress side of things.

Although the bloodlines within us were still dormant, it was so powerful that we couldn't change our genders even if we wanted to.

There were stuff available in this world that could help a man have boobs or a woman have a dick, but none of those worked on us.

I knew about it because I had been forcefully fed a gender changing pill and thrown into a ritual regarding the same in my past life by my cousins.

They did their best, but I never got converted, so in their anger, they just beat me up and threw me in a dumpster.

Well, I have yet to take revenge on that thing. I was busy so I'll do everything after the awakening ceremony.

I was a petty person but also focused and disciplined. I knew that if I deviated, I'd fuck myself royally in the future and the tragedies would repeat.

For the pleasure of a moment, I couldn't let my future life be ruined.

My cousins were still safe for this reason.

In any case, whatever Lisa was doing, mother had no objections to it as long as she met her once every six months.

She had not met us in two years and I knew for a fact what would happen to her if she delayed it further.

Not to worry though, we'll meet soon after my awakening ceremony.

My awakening ceremony was in a week and until then, I meditated in my room and relaxed with my mother.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


