
章 35: CHAPTER 35

A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

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They continued to eat and converse merrily as the festivities continued. Right as Elmi was starting to think the future was changed, Quirrell burst into the Great Hall as he screamed for a troll in the dungeons and passed out. Because he knew Quirrell wasn't a whiny little thing, his acting looked flawed, but every other student started to scream with terror. Dumbledore put his wand to his throat and roared,


Everyone stopped screaming, and then Dumbledore said,

"Prefects, lead your Houses back to the dormitories immediately! All students are to remain in their dormitories until further notice. Teachers, follow me!"

As they were leaving the Great Hall, Seraphina Rosier said,

"Where is Pansy? Did anyone see her?"

Higgs said,

"When I was coming back, I saw her getting out of the Great Hall; she might have gone to the dorm."

Upon hearing this, Elmi felt something stuck in his stomach; the future had changed. She wouldn't have gone all the way to the dorm bathrooms; she must be in the public bathrooms on the first floor. Other than Hermione, another girl was in the bathroom. Now, he wasn't sure if someone would be hurt, and he had a bad feeling about this. He didn't want to pull Voldi's attention, but she was there because of him. He was in a really big dilemma: should he leave it to fate, or should he get involved? 

As he walked towards the dorm rooms, he had an inner fight; what if something happened to Pansy? They weren't close, but she wasn't some evil either. He might attract Voldemort's attention, but if something happened to Pansy, his conscience wouldn't be able to handle it. As they were turning a corner, he sneaked into the other corridor then whispered,

"Invisibilis Fumus"

He disappeared in a puff of green smoke. Marcus Flint heard something and turned back to look into the corridor, but all he saw was a disappearing puff of green smoke, and he couldn't understand the meaning of it. He could swear Elmi was right behind him, but he was nowhere to be found. He thought for a second if he should alert the perfect, but then he thought about how those four arrogant kids were talking about their families and decided to remain silent. He mumbled,

"I hope he becomes a troll feed."


Hermione was crying inside the bathroom stall when she heard someone come inside grumbling about someone. Then she heard Elmi's name, which caused her to listen carefully. Pansy was wiping her face and clothes, 

"That git! Look at my uniform. Oww, I wanted to eat the pumpkin pie, and now I am going to miss it. I hate you, Fawley!"

Hermione looked from the crack of the stall to see who she was, but she made a noise; Pansy turned towards the stalls right away.

"Who is there?"

Hermione couldn't remain silent, and she pulled the flush and got out of the stall. Seeing her, Pansy said,

"Ohh, it is you, Miss Know-it-all."

Hermione was sick and tired of being the butt of everyone's jokes, so just as she was going to flare up, they heard a repeating tumbling sound. Pansy curiously looked out of the door and ran inside in terror right away. Hermione looked at her like she was asking what she saw, but Pansy was scared stiff. Hermione walked to the door and looked from the corner of the door and saw a giant troll standing at the end of the corridor 6-7 meters away. She ran into the bathroom and pulled Pansy to one of the stalls. She wanted to get close to the lights, but the tumbling sound started going, and it was getting higher with every passing second. She didn't have the courage to walk out, and the troll had already seen the light in the dimly lit corridor. 

The troll entered the bathroom. Hermione's heart was beating like a drum, and Pansy was closing her own mouth tightly so she would make any sound while her eyes were locked in with Hermione's. Troll got inside and looked around and couldn't find anything that pulled his interest, but just as he was going to leave, he caught a scent; he started sniffing the air, and his giant ears started to shake like he was trying to listen to something. 

His big ears started hearing muffled sounds coming from the stalls, and the scent was coming from here, too. He swung his giant club at the stalls, destroying it. 

Pansy and Hermione started to scream and crawled toward the other stalls as the troll destroyed one of them with every swing; they came to the last one, and Pansy was terrorized. Yes, she was afraid to, but Hermione was not going to go down without a fight. Just as she was getting ready for her last stand, she heard a familiar voice,

"Hey! Dumdass, why don't you take someone of your own size!"

"Oculus Corvi"

Four crow-shaped magical energy started circling around the troll's head and charged toward his eyes. One after another, they burst into its eyes as they exploded. Elmi was using a more volatile kind of course as his magic, but it was still magic, and trolls were known for their magic resistance. Normally, these spells should blind the target temporarily, but for a troll, it just made its eyesight worse because of its magic resistance. The only silver lining was trolls already had bad eyesight, so this spell made his eyes almost blind. Everything was a blur. It was like he was seeing through a foggy glass. 

Elmi successfully managed to pull the troll out of the corridor. 

Troll started swinging its club at this blur right in front of it, but Elmi used another spell without wasting time,

"Invisibilis Fumus!"

He disappeared in a puff of green smoke, and he ran right past the troll from its side. Troll was confused. The small blur had just disappeared. He looked around to crush this little thing, but then he felt a sting behind his legs.

"Ossum Fragilis"

Again, the spell didn't fully work; the troll stumbled, but it didn't fall. Elmi used another approach, and as the troll was about to swing its club, he pulled a move from Ron's book. 

"Wingardium Leviosa"

He pulled the club right out of the troll's hand, but he did it mid-swing. This caused the troll to lose its balance and fall. Right when it was on the ground,

"Aquila Apparitio"

A crested serpent eagle came out of his palm and started to annoy the downed troll. This gave Elmi enough time to make his new move,

"Glaesum Lancia"

An amber-colored spear manifested and charged towards the troll's eye. The beast roared in anger, and the pain made its remaining eye turn back to normal. He was able to see Elmi with one remaining eye. If this spell hit a normal beast without magical resistance, it would surely die. Harry and Ron arrived at this point and started weak charms and jinxes at the beast, too, but this was not enough for a troll. It just made it more angry. 

Troll reached towards Elmi to grab him, ignoring Harry and Ron, but Elmi managed to dodge his giant hand by casting, 

"Invisibilis Fumus" 

He became invisible and ran to the opposite side, and he was still holding the club in the air with a levitation charm; he moved his wand and slammed the giant club onto the troll's head. The troll might be resistant to magic, but it was not towards blunt force, as it had happened in the book; when the club fell on its head, the beast passed out.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C35
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


