
章 130: Chapter 125 : Chaos Unleashed by Clones

 Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. We're all going to die. Come watch TV.

~Morty Smith


Underground Laboratory, Haytham Technology, New York.

As Nick Fury approached, Jude had been left behind, and now it was activated. Hundreds of clones were awakened simultaneously. They knocked on the wall, causing the 30-meter-long metal wall to disappear, revealing the hidden armory. With the clones now active, there were prepared weapons and equipment.

The clones quickly put on standard uniforms and selected their favorite weapons from a vast array, including laser guns, sonic guns, shock guns, neutron guns, laser bombs, vibrating bombs, atomic daggers, energy lightsabers, high-energy particle cannons, micro-gravity cohesion fields, anti-gravity devices, and more. These weapons, diverse in their functions, all exuded a sense of advanced science and technology. Many were weapons still in theoretical conjecture in the current era. In an instant, hundreds of clones were armed to the teeth.

The clones first surfaced to deal with the remaining agents, and Iclone with Ivy's blood took control of the three captains, extracting all the information they knew. However, the authority of these three individuals seemed insufficient. Although they knew that Jude and the others had been captured and detained, they were unaware of their location.

"Master, S.H.I.E.L.D. has four secret prisons: the Dome, the Cube, the Mansion, and the Isolated Island."

"The Dome is located at Starger Peak in the Rocky Mountains, primarily holding high-tech super-criminals."

"The Cube is situated in the Mojave Desert in Nevada and detains super-criminals with radiation mutations."

"The Mansion is on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Air and Mothership. It was created by Dr. Hank Pym using Pym particles to shrink a large prison area. Prisoners imprisoned there are reduced in size, and there's no bias towards the type of criminal detained; anyone can end up there."

"The Isolated Island is above the North Atlantic Ocean, boasting the highest level of security. It's the most heavily guarded of the four major prisons, and its inmates are considered the most dangerous."

The representative of the ARGUS added, "After S.H.I.E.L.D., our secret prison is known as the Circus."

Having heard this information, the clones began to discuss.

"The Spiderman was captured by Argus, so he must be in the Circus."

"As for that guy, being a high-tech criminal, he might be in the Dome. And Ivy is a genetic mutation; she may be in the Cube," Clone 28 suggested.

"No, I don't think so. Don't forget the Mansion; any type of criminal could be held there."

"And there's the Isolated Island. Don't you think our danger level is high enough? I can create a super bomb that could sink the entire North American continent at any time."

"Huh... what's that! I can create a toaster that can blow up the entire earth at any time; wouldn't that be more exciting than sinking the North American continent?"

"Shut up! I know that when we gather, there will inevitably be disputes, but now is not the time to argue about who can make a powerful bomb. Even if it blows up the earth, what's the point? Our purpose is to rescue someone. Even if you don't care about saving that guy, we have to rescue the Spider and Ivy."

"So, I propose that since we don't know the specific detention location, we should break into all the prisons and turn the sky upside down. Naturally, we'll find people, and this is also a punishment for these official organizations. I've long been unhappy with them."

"Yes, I've been unhappy for a long time."

"Yes, I don't think I'm happy."

"I agree with this sentiment. If you want to be cool, you have to eliminate them all. This is a provocative punishment."


After a series of discussions, the plan was quickly decided: attack all five major prisons simultaneously and let these organizations know the extent of their power.

The clones were divided into five groups, each prepared to attack one of the major prisons. Ivy Herbert controlled the three captains, contacting their base camp, claiming that there was secret equipment to be moved, and promptly transferred a few large transport planes.

As soon as the planes arrived, the pilots were under control, and batches of clones entered the cabins and took off.

The Rocky Mountains and Starger Peak, covered in snow year-round due to their altitude, presented a harsh environment. Backpackers and explorers rarely ventured there. The Dome had stood there for many years without ever being discovered by the outside world. Even if there were occasional intruders, they would be administered amnestics. At this moment, inside the Dome Prison, in the command room...

The prison guard reported to the supervisor: "Sir, after receiving the request, a batch of remnants of Hydra that has just been caught are being sent over, and there are still five minutes before they arrive."

The supervisor frowned. "Was there any prior notice?"

"No, it was an emergency. The other party said that Director Nick Fury personally gave the order, and now the transport plane is flying towards us."

"Huh? Let them share routes and use satellite positioning." The supervisor spoke cautiously.

Unfortunately, no matter how cautious he was, it was useless because it was the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau communicating with him. After a while, satellite positioning revealed that it was indeed an authentic S.H.I.E.L.D. transport plane, and the password matched. Some prison guards even recognized the pilot from a previous visit.

Originally, this kind of incident should have been reported to the warden, and then the warden would communicate with S.H.I.E.L.D. However, the person arrived in five minutes, and obviously, there was no time for communication. In addition, there have been no accidents in the Dome Prison in the past ten years. Both the prison guards and the management had relaxed their vigilance. After receiving the news, the warden just nodded and said, "Allow entry."

In less than three minutes, a Quinjet transport plane slowly landed on the tarmac, and the supervisor and a team of prison guards came out to receive the criminals. However, upon seeing two identical Jude Herberts, the supervisor instantly sensed something was wrong.


Before the warning could be completed, a laser beam shot through his forehead, and the prison guard who followed was shocked and drew his weapon to fight back. But a rolling grenade was thrown at their feet, and in an instant, a large amount of laser light covered an area within a radius of ten square meters. The high-intensity energy of the laser turned a small team of prison guards into skeletons and then into fly ash.

A prison guard who came out to meet the supposed remnants of Hydra caused an uproar in the Dome Prison. Observing what the monitoring screen displayed, Homer urgently yelled, "Close the door, sound the alarm, activate the defense mechanism, what are you all doing in a daze?"

Simultaneously, Dahomer was sweating on his forehead. The Dome Prison had been safe for the past ten years, and any disturbance under his watch would end his political career. Of course, the prerequisite was that he would survive for the remainder of his life.

"Quickly, contact S.H.I.E.L.D. and report the situation!"

The prison guards stationed here had changed in three batches in the past ten years. After all, the conditions were challenging, and they couldn't pull in recruits. Therefore, most of the current prison guards were newcomers.

They were scared to face an enemy that could be fatal at any time. They had never experienced such a thing before, and immediately, they began to operate frantically.

Outside the door, after solving a small team of prison guards, the clones preventing the Dome door from closing included the symbiote Jude No. 8 and No. 9, who screamed and jumped over.

Their massive limbs hammered the door frantically, preventing it from closing. The power to close the door and the external resistance created a burst of creaking, squeaking, and squealing of electricity. The Dome Prison door froze, and then it was smashed together by two Jude symbiotes.


Twenty other ordinary clones rushed into the prison with various weapons. In response, the ceiling, floor, and walls sunk, and a multitude of firearms emerged from hidden grids, including energy weapons and gunpowder weapons, creating a dense firepower net.

Clone 15 yelled, "Get out of the way; it's time for me to perform."

He pushed his way through the crowd and rushed to the forefront. With a light push on the bracelet, the black bracelet wrapped around his wrist suddenly expanded and turned into a giant shield with sparkling light on the surface. The shield had an overflow of energy.

As the clones advanced, a barrage of bullets ensued. The entire corridor was filled with smoke during the minute-long bullet storm.

In the command room, the nervous prison always asked Homer, "How is it? Have you eliminated them?"

Unfortunately, he couldn't see the action, and neither could anyone else. A prison guard resignedly said, "We have a life detection device."

"Idiot, don't turn it on soon!"

But when the young prison guard wanted to press the start button, a frantic shout interrupted him: "I!"

Within the entire corridor, a blue energy shock zone suddenly formed, and everything it passed through was destroyed. The entire corridor was devastated, and smoke billowed.

In the command room, Dahomer, watching the mysterious operation of the invaders, was overjoyed: "Start the laser barrage immediately; I want to cut them into pieces!"


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C130
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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