
章 6: I Like The New Look In Your Eyes.

In a dark school corridor, Kai and Reika are walking together, holding hands. Reika clings to Kai's arm, feeling scared of the darkness. Kai tries to distract his thoughts from becoming too provocative.

To take his mind off things, Kai strikes up a conversation with Reika. "Do your parents worry about you? They must be wondering why you're not home yet."

Reika paused for a moment, looking down, remembering the quiet house she returns to every day.

Shaking her head, Reika says, "No one's waiting for me at home... I live alone," her voice choking a little.

Kai feels his heart ache seeing Reika's loneliness. He stops walking and gives her a tight hug, trying to comfort her, just as she did for him earlier.

Touched by Kai's gesture, Reika buries her face in his chest once again, hugging him back tightly.

These two lonely souls are doing their best to comfort one another. It's as if their paths are intertwined, both facing similar situations. 

Ding! New system feature unlocked! 

While Kai indulges himself in comforting Reika, a bell suddenly rings through Kai's brain. He then opens it to check.

[Chain Quest]

[Conquer Sakazuki - Reika's Love]

Name: Reika Sakazuki

Race: Human

Age: 18

Conquered points: 100/100

Romance: 0/100

Status: Virgin

Body Constitution: Locked.

Gain 100 Romance Points.

No time Limit. 


[A] [Random]Cultivation Method for Reika]

[B] $100000000.

Note: You can only pick one. Please choose wisely.

When Kai saw the new quest, his lips couldn't help but twitch.

'Shouldn't I make her fall in love with me first so I could conquer her? But when I think carefully, the first quest asks me if I want to steal her, or should I say conquer her? In that situation, the best way is to take that route to conquer her faster… If I consider the effect of the Conqueror's points, that is indeed the best option.'

'It seems like the system is providing me with the best scenarios to make it easier for me to complete the quest.'

Kai shakes his head, putting the thought to the back of his mind. He will check the rewards and the new feature later on.

After calming down Reika, they resumed their progress. Taking each step cautiously, they made their way down the stairs. Just as they rounded a corner, their eyes widened as they were confronted by an unexpected presence.

The beam of a flashlight pierced through the darkness, highlighting every detail of their faces. "Who's there?" the security guard barked, his stern tone echoing down the corridor.

In front of them stood a middle-aged man wearing a security guard outfit, with a physique reminiscent of a sculpted warrior honed in the crucible of training and discipline. Compared to other security guards, who usually have big bellies, this security guard possessed a muscular and chiseled frame, exuding an unwavering strength that demanded respect.

"Rick, it's me, it's me," Kai answered, waving his hand while holding a phone.

"Oh! Kai! I should have–" But before Rick, the guard could complete his words, the little head of the beautiful girl suddenly appeared from the back of Kai, looking at him curiously and nervously.

"I see," Rick said as he smirked mischievously at Kai. "It looks like you're late because of a different reason this time, eyy!"

Rick walked towards Kai as his lips turned up into a wide grin. He then tapped Kai's shoulder as he laughed heartily. "Hahaha! Not bad. Not bad, kid! You are finally using that handsome face of yours! Hahaha!"

"Ouch! It hurts. You brute!" Kai said, faking his anger and punched at Rick but his fist was caught by Rick's palm.

Rick looked into Kai's eyes and was shocked for a moment. The dead fish eyes were now gone. He then looked at the girl with Kai and understanding flashed in his head.

Rick laughed again, but this time it was much louder. "Hahaha! I like the new look in your eyes. I'm really happy for you, kid! It looks like I will be drinking a lot today! Hahaha!"

Rick laughed heartily with his head raised up. His laughter reverberated throughout the hallway.

Kai and Rick have known each other for a long time now. To Rick, Kai is like a son to him as he always gives Kai life experience advice every time he catches him coming home late. But no matter what advice he gives, Kai's dead eyes don't even flinch, which frustrates him. 

So instead, he teaches Kai how to fight, just in case someone tries to bully him, as this kind of kid always gets picked on. Over time, they become really close, like father and son. When Rick sees Kai's eyes sparkling in the dim hallway, which is full of life and with a beautiful girlfriend, it really makes him happy.

As for Kai, he couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over him. Rick's apparent happiness for him is a source of immense joy. Among all the people who continuously bothered and teased him, Rick is the one who stands out by treating him with kindness and respect. In fact, Rick's unwavering support and encouragement are what motivate Kai to keep going to school, even during the toughest of times.

Thinking back on everything they had been through, Kai couldn't help but smile, appreciating the significant impact that Rick had made in his life. It was reassuring to know that he had someone like Rick in his corner, someone who genuinely cared for him and wanted to see him succeed.

Kai turned his gaze towards him, his expression serious and determined, as he said, "I'll take everything you've taught me to heart, so... don't worry."

Seeing Kai's determination, Rick tears up a little. 'It looks like the sleeping dragon has finally awakened,' Rick nods approvingly and says, "Kid, always remember, I'm always here, proud of you."

Kai smiled at him and said, "Thank you."

Kai raised his fist, and so did Rick as they fist bumped.

Rick then looks at the girl with Kai and asks, smiling, "What's your name?"

Reika didn't respond right away. Instead, she looked to Kai for confirmation. Kai nodded, indicating that there was nothing to worry about. She smiled at him sweetly, and took a step forward. 

Trying to suppress her nervousness, Reika smiled shyly and began to introduce herself. "H-hello! My name is Reika."

"Please... take good care of him," he urged, his voice brimming with an unexpected tenderness.

Reika's surprise surged within her, as if Rick's request had unlocked a hidden chamber of emotions. Every ounce of determination etched itself onto her adorable face as she met his gaze, her voice laced with determination.

"I-I don't know yet what I can do for him, seeing as we've only just met. But I promise, I'll give it my all to be there for him, to shower him with the love and care he deserves."

Ding! +5 Romance Points.

Hearing Reika's declaration and the system notice, Kai's heart suddenly swelled with sweetness. His hand, holding Reika's small hand, clenched tightly, afraid that someone might take her away from him again.

A fierce determination gleamed in his eyes, reflecting the coldness that had settled over his heart. 'No one can take anyone from me now! Those who want to take something from me will experience worse than death!'

Rick nodded in response, satisfaction evident in his expression to Reika's words. "Alright, I won't hold you both back any longer. You two lovebirds should head home now. Your parents might be getting all worked up and stuff, ya know?" he said, waving them off with a look of satisfaction all over his face.

They bid farewell to Rick and resume their journey towards Kai's home.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


