
章 20: To hunt

I have arrived ... a new world ... another world. I smell the danger in the air and big mysteries. Interesting. Humans aren't the only living sentient beings in this world. This is similar to my previous world. I look down and see a boat docking on an island that screams of importance to this world. The world seems 'giddy' in a sense. So whatever this world is about, I can only assume that the 'main character' is on this boat. 

After I understand the essence of the Multiverse and Omniverse, I can look into what makes a world special. However, I don't do this right away because a journey where you know the end is nothing but a task. I can sense that something important will happen here. Something that will benefit me greatly. There is potential in these humans, something is special about them and it is both similar and yet different from the living beings in the pirating world. 

I descend and land on the ship. There I am witness to an interesting scene. I watch as a small boy, with spiky black hair and green attire, says goodbye to his mother. 

"Bye, Aunt Mito! You watch! I'll come back as a great hunter!!", the boy screams. I guess it is not his mother but his aunt. I was going off feeling here. So I guess even though she might not be his biological mother, he is his mother nonetheless. Interesting, I have to keep this in mind. I don't just see the truth, I see my truth ... and to imagine that people argue about their beliefs ... 

"Heh heh heh ... Great hunter, he says ... thinks he's got it in the bag. There's a dozen aspiring hunters right here, kid. That's a tiny fraction of the number that apply for the yearly exam. And only a handful of those are accepted. 

Even if you are, there's every chance that the exam is the last thing you'll ever attempt in your life. So don't go getting cocky ... kid."

"He is right.", I say and the kid turns towards me. The other men also looked at me in surprise because none of them noticed me until I just revealed myself. 

"What are you talking about mister?", the boy asks. 

"You should learn from everyone. But follow no one.", I tell him. He doesn't seem to understand what I'm telling him, so I try it differently. 

"Try to take what that gentleman said to heart. Then you review what he said and try to weigh it. Was what he said the truth? Could he be trying to trick me? Does this matter? Is what he is saying friendly advice? Is it advice? If what he is saying is advice, then take it. You should learn from everyone, but follow no one."

"Who are you?"

"You can call me Sid and who are you?"

"My name's Gon. I want to become a hunter."

"Is that so? And why do you want to become a hunter, Gon?"

"I want to find my father and understand why my dad desired so much to be a hunter. He left me long ago and I want to understand his reason for leaving."

"A worthy dream to have. However, such a reason might not get you very far. Try to get a more personal dream. Something that will carry you beyond what your father did or can do. Otherwise, you will always chase him."

"I see ... and why do you want to become a hunter?"

"I don't want to become a hunter."

"Then why are you here?"

"Because I choose to."


"Don't worry about it. Enjoy yourself Gon, I will see you later.", I tell him and leave.


A massive storm hits the boat during the night and shakes all of the applicants through. I can feel only three of the applicants still being conscious or not feeling seasick. I thought that there would be stronger people attempting this exam. The base strength of the humans in this world is lower than in the pirating world. 

The day after that another storm hits us. When the Captain informs the applicants about this, most leave the ship on lifeboats. All except three people and me. The Captain asks us three to tell him our reasoning for becoming a hunter. The first one is Gon, who excitedly tells him that he wants to find out why his father wanted to become a hunter. 

The second one is a blond-haired boy who carries a lot of pain. I can see his thirst for vengeance that has taken hold of his entire body. He is very committed to seeing his revenge through. 

"I am the last survivor of the Kurtka Clan. Four years ago, my clan was annihilated by a ban on criminals. I wish to become a hunter and hunt down that band, the Phantom Troupe.", Kurapika, that his name, says.

"So you want to become a bounty hunter? The Phantom Troupe is a Class-A bounty. You'd be throwing away your life.", the Captain says. 

"I do not fear death. I fear only that my rage toward the Phantom Troupe will fade over time.", Kurapika reveals. 

"How sad.", I mutter. Kurapika picks up on that and turns towards me. He looks at me with multiple emotions. I can see anger, conviction and sadness. 

"What right do you have for judging me?", he asks me.

"You misunderstand young one. I am not judging you. I am sad for you."

"What? Why is that? You don't know me?"

"I know that holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. By being angry and holding on to that anger, you won't gain strength, you let other's mistakes and bad deeds punish you.", I tell him.

I can see that this surprises him and his resolve seems to slip for a moment. I believe there are even tears forming in his eyes but he forcefully stops them from falling. He sees that as a weakness. He has a long way to go.

After a moment, the last person, Leorio, reveals his reason for wanting to become a hunter. 

"My reason? I'll make it quick. I want to make money. Money can get you everything. A big house! A nice car!", Leorio says and makes these big gestures. I find that hilarious and sad at the same time. He is hiding behind his goofy personality. I guess he didn't say everything. 

"And you, why do you want to become a hunter?", the Captain asks me finally. 

"I don't want to become a hunter.", I tell him the same I told Gon."

"Huh? Then why are you on this boat?"

"Because I choose to."

"Is that so ... interesting."


I can see that the way towards the exam itself will take time and I am not interested in playing someone else's game. I will reach this place without anyone's help. It will also be much quicker. So when the ship finally reaches land, the captain gives us one clue. 

"If you reach that pine tree up on that hill, you might get a clue as to where the hunter exam will be."

I smile at the Captain's attempt to appear mysterious and cryptic. But that's not something that interests me. I say goodbye to the three and then disappear from there. 


I follow my feelings and appear in a rather dark room. I can see that some people have already arrived here. Surprised gasp go through the people who are here already and I am handed a number. 28.

I decide to sit down and wait for the exam to begin. I meditate until I feel something rather annoying looking at me. And when I open my eyes I see ... a clown. How fascinating. I haven't had someone look at me like that for a while now. The last time someone looked at me with such lust was when they tried to find out my secrets on the Saturn guy's island. 

I feel that he is trying to get a reaction out of me by using his killer instinct on me. How sad, that someone that young already has such a twisted and broken character. I feel pity for him. After a sigh, I close my eyes and continue my meditation. That is until something flies towards me. 

As it flies towards me, I contemplate whether I should let this pass or teach this sad piece of dust a lesson. I catch the object, a playing card between my fingers and with a flick of my wrist and am just about to shoot it back where it came from when I stop. I open my eyes and look at the card. There is an aura attached to this card. It has a strange feeling to it, like gum ... bubble gum. How peculiar indeed. 

I then look at the clown with interest. This is what I felt before. This is this world's version of vitality. So instead of using the will and spirit, this world takes the usage of its vitality as a power source. I must say this is very interesting. The application of this energy seems to be ... nigh limitless. Such versatility is impressive. 


I look towards the clown and send him a warning. I flick my fingers and shoot the playing card back to him. He is not fast enough to dodge and the card lodges itself into his forehead. I didn't use enough force to break his skull, but enough to have it crack it at least, ever so slightly. 

After that, I get back to meditating. Now however I am interested in this energy. I will use Kenbunshoku no haki to find out more about it. I want it to be a surprise. 

After waiting for a while, the first test begins and we are all expected to keep up with the examiner called Satotz. He doesn't tell us that it's the first test in the beginning and only says that he will guide us to the second phase. I find such word games to be useless. Nonetheless, I follow him by floating in the air. I have my staff beside me and just watch the other applicants complain about me not even running and the like. 

I simply float and listen in to other's discussions. I learn of the boy called Killua and his reason for taking the hunter exam. I find out why Kurapika's clan was killed. For the colours, their eyes have when they die. I don't know but this just makes me sad. To kill an entire clan because of the colour of their eyes is even more ridiculous than killing someone for their skin colour. 

After running ... well floating for about 80 kilometres, there comes a set of stairs and after that, we finally reach the second stage of the first exam. 

The Numere Wetlands, also known as Swindlers Swamp. This is where we are currently and I must say that this is an interesting world. We must cross these wetlands to reach Phase Two of the exam. Satotz warns us that this area is extremely dangerous, because 'magical' beasts inhabit this area. Many of them are cunning, insatiable creatures who deceive humans and prey upon them. 

"If you let them fool you ... you are dead.", Satotz says. 

After this, something interesting happens. I watch from above as the clown in his arrogance and perversion decides to play god and judge if the others have it in them to be hunters or not. What is interesting is the fact that Leorio, unlike others might believe doesn't run away from this fight and instead attacks the clown. 

Before the clown can hurt Leorio however, Gon arrives to back him up. I watch as the clown knocks Leorio out and then proceeds to play with Gon. Gon shows his talent but still ends up in the clown's grasp, as the latter chokes him. I can feel the clown's lust and greed but it suddenly dies when Gon gives up.

"Don't worry. I didn't kill your friend. He's going to be just fine. And that's because he passed. And yes, you pass as well. Now go and become a good hunter.", the clown says as he smiles at Gon. 

"Yare yare ... I am impressed with your strength, clown. But please remember to humble yourself ... or I will do it for you."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C20
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


