
章 2: I Wish For Beauties

Life.... Countless journeys were unable to give it a clear meaning. Each ending in despair while a chosen few found it without taking a step outside of the boundaries of their homes.

My entire life was wasted in trying to do something meaningful, only to find myself lying in a pile of my own blood. Lost and scared, inching closer to death with every second.

Yet a strange relief filled my heart. Nothing capable of hurting me anymore, scaring me out of my wits, pressuring me to do my best..... I could just relax and let go.

But a normal death would be meaningless..... No, all deaths are meaningless. Nevertheless, a glorious death would be cooler. So I want to die a glorious death.

One may wonder, what's wrong with this 12-year old kid.

Sadly, they are mistaken. Something is wrong with me..... However, I'm not 12. In simple words, one could call me, a reincarnator. A person who had retained the memories of their past lives.

And that's not all. The world I was reborn in, seems to be a universe that I had seen a lot of times.

Boku no Hero Academia.

A roller-coaster of emotions created by the journey to become a so-called hero. In some ways, it was dark and disheartening while it also had a charm of its own. 

Depicting the duality of life, it soon became a famous manga. 

Though it was confusing since heroes weren't all good and villains weren't all bad. It made one reconsider what was the definition of right and wrong.

That's not all. It was very, very, very dangerous. 

Imagine chilling in your house and a war starts outside. The reason? Because a young, 20~25 years old brat is throwing a tantrum.

Suprisingly, I was born quirkless. Not that I was bullied for it. People bullied me for my strange habits but decided to quit it while they saw me bench-pressing 20 kg..... During class.

As strange as that may be, teachers started to ignore it after a while.

Still I wasn't completely abandoned as I had a special 'gift' too.

'Glorious Death System! A mouthful thing to say.'

From the name itself, one can concur that the end goal of this system is to die..... Perfect for a madman.


Host: Anzai Masato

Age: 12

Condition: Weight Constraints (20 kg); Stamina decreases at twice the rate


- Physique: 41 (36)

- Agility: 17 (37)

- Stamina: 51

- Senses: 19

Note: Average attribute of an adult is 10.

⌈Skills⌋: ⟪Hachimon Tonkou(3/8); Rank S⟫

⌈Items⌋: ⟬Personalized Training Module⟭



Although there was an inventory, it could only hold system given items.

As for the physique, it was slightly increased because of the weight bracelets given by Kaito. It also decreased agility by 20. Which was a welcome effect to train agility effectively.

But the greatest thing was the fact that I had 'Hachimon Tonkou', the cheat that could scare even Gods.

Well, the full strength of that skill can only be realized a few moments before death so it seemed custom-made for a suicidal idiot.

'..... Did I just diss myself?'

"You're monologuing again, aren't you?"

Arch-nemesis, a term given to one's worst enemy. And this guy to the right was my Arch-nemesis.

"Shut up, Kid. I'm listening to the lesson."

Not that I never paid attention to class but it was just rare. Like a 'blood moon' rare.

"You do know that school's over, right?"

With his punchable smile, Kaito pointed at the empty classroom.

".... Okay, I was monologuing, Kid. What's it to you?"

For some reason, this brat had gotten attached. Couldn't he understand the meaning of a 'One-Night Stand'? Or in my case, 'One-Time Kindness'?

"You should pay more attention to class, Rank 37~"

Again with his kind smile that hid his two-faced personality, he stood up with a bag over his shoulder.

"Let's go, Rank 37~"


Perspective-wise, it wasn't that bad of a rank..... But when considered from the POV of the rank 1, it was just like all the other insects beneath.

Yes, Kurasaki Kaito was the Rank 1 in the entire grade.

"I can get into Top 20 if I try really hard, okay?"

That was a flimsy defense, wasn't it?

".... I'm Rank 1!!"

Glancing over his shoulder, he gave out a delighted smile.

It wouldn't be so bad for the world to end at this right moment. Alas, Almight didn't join U.A. yet, meaning that the plot hadn't begin.

'What exactly was the story of the manga? I'm sure it roamed around U.A. and a green-haired boy, but I can't remember the details. I remember some important incidents and interesting characters.'

Memories were a strange thing.

One may not even remember the food they had for breakfast while remembering a strange act they did a decade ago. Writhing in cringe everytime they did remember it.

There were a lot of manga in my previous world so precisely remembering the entire plot of a single one was too demanding.

"Are you monol-"

"I'm not! What do you want anyway? Go home, Kid!"

Kaito showed nothing but a kind smile, true to his two-faced, snake-like personality.

"We haven't even gotten out of school yet."

Like chiding an impatient child, he spoke in a motherly tone.

It only made his words seem more irritating. And how could a middle schooler even make a motherly tone? What are you, Kurasaki Kaito!?

Was he a villain undercover? No matter how lovely that would be, it wasn't possible because.....

"Hey, do you want to come with me to an event I'm going?"

"Ah! What I can't go? Such a shame~ Sorry, my mom just disagreed."

I acted like I just got off from a call. Except there was no phone.

"Free food? Protein-covered, free food? To top it off, how about new body weights?"


This brat was an angel. No, he was an Archangel.

We were both orphans but he was one because his parents were ruling the heavens and had no time to come to Earth.

"Well, I will pick you up tomorrow then. At around 7. Be dressed neatly."

Understanding the silent consent, he continued.

'Well, I probably need to dress him up myself.'

Kaito threw out an scrutinizing gaze. 

Black, shabby hair with strands of brown, dark brown irises, an eternally bored face, compact muscles hidden underneath the uniform. An average height of 142 cm. Although a bit handsome, it didn't even compare to Kaito's face.

'He would look better if he smiled. But~'

Somehow, he couldn't imagine an innocent smile on my face. The most he imagine was a sarcastic one or a sadistic one.

"Are you thinking of something strange?"

I noticed his examining gaze and narrowed my eyes. Like a prey caught in trap, he looked away hurriedly.

"Just thinking how cool you looked."

'Aw~ Isn't he an ange-'

"I guess that is strange, huh?"

'This brat!!'

Grinding my teeth, I swore that I would take him down before dying a glorious death.

"See you later."


Reaching the front gates of the school, we bid each other farewell. He had a black limousine waiting for him, oozing out the scent of sweet, sweet money.

".... You do know that you aren't wearing your school bag."

Before parting, he pointed out something he knew from the start. Waiting only until we got out of school before saying it.

"..... BRATTT! Tell me that faster!"

Entering his limousine, he made a swift exit.

Perhaps dashing after him may help but I wasn't free enough to do that. I needed to get my bag, hurry to my illegal part-time job and work-out.

'Hachimon Tonkou' was a great cheat but to completely activate it, one needed the physical strength to activate it.

Each of its gates acted as a mutiplier. The higher the base stats, the better they affected one's strength.

Even at the 8th Gate, everyone's strength differed depending on the training they did.

'Thankfully, I have a [Personalized Training Module].'

It was a quest reward that was given recently.

It went like this:

1) Dumb child walking the street alone.

2) Truck, commissioned to elimate the child, moving at full speed.

3) Quest arrived to the hero.

4) Hero drop-kick-Ahem, pushed the child aside and got hit by the truck.

5) The truck was slowing down and the hero didn't die.... Though the medical bills were not better than any death sentence.

That explanation was quite easy to understand. Why doesn't everybody do it this way?

'It took me two months to completely recover. Otherwise, I would have completely mastered the 3rd gate and not only opened it.'

However, with the help of specialized training, the lost months would be recovered soon enough. One always needs to think about what to invest into.

Thinking happy thoughts of death, I skipped towards my classroom.

What? Can't a suicidal man even skip happily?

This body was only 12. It showed some rare moments of inevitable happiness.

- Ding!

[You have received a Side Quest! Would you like to open it?]

.... And there goes another few months of training.

"Ah~ I swear if I don't get something like a time-chamber, I'm not getting hit by a truck!"

Maybe a cool fighting technique would do. No, a time-chamber would be perfect..... Perhaps a really cool martial art technique.

'Control, Masato, control yourself. Don't settle for anything less than a time-chamber. Learn from Son Gok-Wrong world.'

"Oh! I could do it for a strange ball with stars inside it too!"

Well, 'Hachimon Tonkou' was already here. Didn't matter if we brought Shen Long here too.

[..... Opening Quest page!]

'Oi! What's the '.....' for? You don't even speak!'

Shaking off the disappointing system, I glanced over the new quest.


Side Quest: Vampires deserve love and acceptance too!

Details: Someone needs your help! Make her feel accepted! Even if you die in the process, don't turn your back on others! What's the worst that can happen? Death? We love death!!

(Note: Head towards class 1-D)

Condition: Be a good friend to the vampiric quirk user!

Reward: [Personalized Training Module], [Blood Recovery; Rank C]

Penalty: Immotality


'Oi, oi, oi, immortality as a penalty? That's even better than the reward.... Still, immortality sounds too draining and demanding! Death is our one great-.... I sound like a cult, don't I?'

Snickering at my own words, I made my way towards class 1-D.

Was I forgetting something? Did it even matter if I couldn't remember it?


In class 1-B.

A solitary school bag waited for its owner to show up. Unfortunately, its owner had already forgotten all about it.... Again.

'Man, I wish my next life is surrounded by beauties and not such a dumb, muscle-head.'

The bag's wishes remain unheard till this day.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


