
章 9: Chapter 4. Ember Island. Part 3.

I knew it.

As a trainer, my father was worse than me. Throughout his "great training," some images and memories started to surface in my mind. It seems that in a previous life, I must have been involved in some kind of sports, otherwise how could I understand that push-ups and pull-ups alone would be as useful as milk from a male goat?

Indeed, that was my father's training plan. Do ten push-ups, rest, ten pull-ups, rest, and so on in a loop until I collapse from exhaustion.

To me, it seemed more like some sophisticated method of punishment than a real attempt to start training me. So much time without a thought, and now he decides to start. Sure, I believe that.

So, he had me running around all evening, even making me run on the sand. The fiend.

And I don't like sand. It's coarse, rough, irritating. It gets everywhere. For some reason, this phrase made me grimace involuntarily, as if recalling something unpleasant. Hmm, wonder why?

In the morning, everything my tyrant of a father had worked was sore. Arms, chest, and legs a bit. To simply get out of bed took me a good ten minutes because the muscle soreness was intense. Oh, I need to find a way to get out of these so-called "great" training sessions. I could come up with a more quality approach myself... or maybe coax Mei's warm-up routine before her Firebending out of her. She must have one, right?

During breakfast, my father's gaze carried exceedingly satisfied notes. Like someone who did what he long wanted to do. The jerk. And not a word about morning exercises. Didn't even suggest stretching the muscles to alleviate the pain a bit. What a jerk. So it was punishment after all.

Well, nothing, the thought is still correct - it's time to get myself into some form. Thankfully, this self-torture stirred something in my memory, and methods emerged.

Alright, now it's time to apologize to Mei. Because she was clearly upset.


"You didn't come yesterday."

Mei was sitting, as always, on her half of the rotten stump, where we together enjoy the ocean views. And even though I approached quietly and from behind, she noticed and, without turning around, immediately threw a complaint.

"Hi, Little one!" I waved, collapsing next to her, "Sorry, yesterday my father suddenly remembered I exist and, without letting me get away, made me train. I wanted to warn you, honestly."

"Hmm," the girl raised an eyebrow, "well alright, I forgive you this time. But don't ditch me again! I thought you wouldn't come back at all."

With some absolutely childish, even uncharacteristic directness, Mei laid out her fears in front of me.

"Little one, don't worry—I won't abandon you. And know that if something like this happens, it's either because I was forced or I'm dead. There's no middle ground. Agreed?"

"Mhm," she mumbled, trying not to show how much she liked that answer. Nonetheless, she couldn't hide her joy, which shone through clearly. "And training is good. It won't be superfluous even for a non-bender."

"Yeah, if it's proper training. I have a feeling he just decided to punish me or mock me, making me do push-ups, pull-ups, and run on the sand until exhaustion."

"Nonsense," the little one succinctly and accurately expressed.

"Yeah, that's what I thought too. But he gave me a good idea, I should really start taking care of myself somehow. Any thoughts?"

"Nope," the girl simply shrugged her shoulders, "I was prepared for firebending and not heavily loaded. Stretching and running. And then straight to Firebending. Everyone usually follows the same program."

"Hm," damn. I should have guessed they wouldn't have a little girl training for strength. In any case, I don't need that either. Early problems with heart, bones, joints—not to mention, it might stunt my growth at best.

I'll have to consider this when planning my own training regimen. Although, listening to myself, I understand that I probably wouldn't be into muscle-building anyway. Given that I'll have to avoid local bending, there's even less reason to focus on strength training. Though "avoid" might be putting it lightly—more like run in the opposite direction from any bender, yeah.

So for now, I'll just stick to running. It doesn't seem too hard for me, as I noticed. Despite the excessive "training," my legs are only slightly sore. And I did run quite a bit. Considering I hadn't trained at all before, it seems running is my thing.

"Today, I can't hang out for long," Mei interrupted my thoughts, "something happened, so our parents suddenly remembered us, and my mom wants me to be in sight."

"Hm, what could have happened?" I disagreed, "probably just a coincidence. Bad, of course, but at least I can train in peace without you seeing my disgrace."

The little one just chuckled at that.

"At least I'll see the results. And if I don't like them—I'll chase you with fire to make you train better!" Mei tried to sound menacing, even threatening with a little fist, though a smile desperately wanted to break free from under the control of her facial muscles, which she was trying to keep in a serious expression.

"Ha, maybe that way something decent will come out of it."

We sat and chatted about this and that for about half an hour, during which people slowly began to appear on the beach. After all, it was morning, and most people head to the beach closer to noon.

Then Mei finally said goodbye and headed home. And I decided it was time to go for a run.

But not on the beach; better to find a more suitable place for that. There's nothing close to the water, so I had to head deeper into the island—there are quite large forested areas there, and it felt more natural than sand.

Right beyond the wild beach, if you walk about a hundred meters, was the entrance to one of these wooded areas. Without much thought, I just started running down the nearest path, pondering the meaning of life.

Or rather, what to do next. So far, everything's going pretty well, and if I didn't know the disaster that awaited, I wouldn't worry at all. My studies are going well, there are plenty of job options—everywhere I look, I'm confident I can do better than the locals. Though where this confidence comes from isn't clear, but whatever. The main thing is to have the audacity to get where I want, and experience will come with time.

Ah, if only things were that simple. The first thing I'd tackle is the local steampunk monstrosity. Every time I see it, my head itches with the thought that it's complete nonsense. I'm sure if I delve deeper into its structure, ideas will definitely emerge.

However, logically speaking, the locals aren't fools either. Likely, such systems are cheaper/easier to produce/can be mass-produced—select the necessary option. Rather than concocting something with a decent efficiency and arriving at the same conclusion as in my world.

Namely, that "No, this is absurd, we need to look for alternative options."

And somehow, I don't even want to push towards such conclusions; I'm satisfied with the local flavor. Besides, knowing the locals, it would kickstart a move towards new fossils, wars, intrigues, money, and so forth. And the upcoming turmoil is enough for me; let me survive Agni and then settle down better.

Maybe it's time to start working on firearms? After all, it's not a development that takes just one year. I keep talking and talking, but the D-day is getting closer and closer. I might just run out of time. There, the events span roughly half a year to a year, supposedly.

I'm not sure, my memory is still a bit fuzzy.

In any case, it's time to start and quietly gather things, set up a young chemist's lab because making the weapon itself isn't hard, after all, even a double-barrel shotgun, the whole difficulty is in the powder...


Only now did I notice what was happening around me. And I was running.

No, not like that.

I WAS FUCKING RUNNING. Speeding at a tremendous velocity, a speed no human could achieve. As soon as I realized this and pondered it, I immediately tripped and fell. Fell very hard because the speed was indeed great. Scraped all the skin off my elbows and knees...

And I had run far. Groaning like an old man, I got up and realized I had run uphill, and now there was a good view of the entire coastal area. So, even running back, well, the normal kind, would take at least twenty minutes minimum.

Wait, stop. My thoughts are drifting off course.

I need to think about the pressing issue.




Though who am I kidding, I know what it was. It was what I've been waiting for.

At this thought, my mouth involuntarily stretched into a silly smile.


Don't forget every 300 power stones and there will be an extra chapter.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


