Overlord Of Light and Darkness Overlord Of Light and Darkness original

Overlord Of Light and Darkness

作者: Elliza_Faith

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1 - Changes

Suzuki Satoru is luckier than most.

In a world filled with corruption, wether they be the air, the water or civilisation itself, he counts himself luckier than the corpse currently sprawled beneath his feet.

It's skin is melting off of it's flesh. Sizzling could be heard and even seen as the exposed flesh started to get cooked under the searing rain. He was glad he could only smell the plastic of his hazmat suit and was spared the scent.

He didn't know what came over him, but he just knelt. He then straightened the body and then placed both hands on top of the stomach.

It was a kind gesture. He didn't know why, but it was all the kindness he could give. A corpse, he was being kind to a corpse. And still despite lamenting his blatant stupidity. There is a hope within him. A spark that keeps telling, that there is a life next to this one.

A better life.

It was a childish hope. One he couldn't help but try and disparage with all the things he had seen and gone through... and yet he yearned for it...

A wish he knew....no, hoped! to be real.

Suzuki looked up and saw for himself the stormy clouds that covered the sky. Rumbles of thunder and the constant rain of acid mixed with the poisonous fume that could actually be seen by the naked eye dominated his vision.

This was his world. A dying world, barely left alive by the sins of the past.

His breath halted. As his eyes shaped to a glare. The stretching of leather barely registering to his ears as his fist clenched whilst looking upon this broken world.

But before anger could set in, he calmed with a sudden realization. His feet's first step was heavy as he walked briskly through the dark alleys. Soon he found himself on a jog as he rushed towards his destination.

He entered his home and got cleaned quickly off of his hazmat suit. And as he suddenly entered his apartment, he was greeted by a heartwarming smile. And a voice so soft that it washed away all his weariness and rage.

"Ah... Suzuki, I thought it was you."

There was relief and a soft welcome coming from her voice. A feeling he relished in.

"I'm home mother." Suzuki said.

"Welcome home." she replied.

Suzuki scratch the back of his head as he saw her strained smile. The sadness and pain her eyes was there as she gazed upon his haggard form. Not wanting to let his beloved mother continue to drown herself in guilt and regret, he walked towards her and embraced her softly.

They both simply shared each other's presence, neither one wanting to ruin the soft and peaceful moment they shared.

Hearing his mother release a deep breath she had been holding, he looked down at her and saw some color return to her once more. It was a welcoming sight as it gave him some semblance of strength.

She then cupped his face with her hands and pulled him down as she kissed his forehead. A loving gesture that invoked a smile upon Suzuki's face.

"...today is the day isn't it?" she asked, making Suzuki nod. "Then have your dinner so that you can join me as soon as you can ok?"

"Yes mother." he replied softly.

He smiled as she walked towards the other room and ate his meal as fast as he could. Joining his mother, he saw her already laid down on a reclined chair with a dive gear upon her head. He smiled at what he saw and decided to join her.

As soon as the screen popped up he was greeted by the usual menu screen.


One of the most successful DMMO-RPG ever as it boasted a huge amount of freedom unto it's players. From exploration to creation and combat, it excelled in its unique nature. During its hey day, the game is known to have been a hub for players numbering in the millions. The game was a an escape from their reality to a better world. A fantasy world but still, a better world. But now... now he welcomes the end after a decade of service.

He was soon greeted by his character. Momonga and commanded start immediately.

------------------- break -------------------

Inside a grand hall with pure marble walls, pillars and a large marble table in the middle, surrounded by forty one marble chairs, decorated in both obsidian and gold, sat three creatures. One was a dark slime oozing in shadow and seemingly born of darkness. Its form is ever flowing as if it was a constant stream of lava. He was speaking in such a self deprecating way that the others present could even feel his weariness and pain. There was suffering mixed with his tired and beaten voice.

A person barely holding on to dear life. His name is Hero-Hero. An elder black ooze.

"...I'm sorry I had wasted your time on my rambling..."

"Don't be. I have told you before, you are always welcome here." replied a soothing voice. While the other occupant simply sent a smile and a thumbs up emoji.

The two of them sitting side by side showed off quite the contrasting sight.

The soothing voice came from a silver haired beauty with sharp black eyes and red puffy lips highlighted by a gloss. Her silvery straight hair reachied down all the way to her ankles matching perfectly with her white dress that is accentuated with golden frills and trims. Her curves were further emphasized as her dress hugged her body tightly around her waist, making her breast and ass more pronounced. Adding to her beauty is the three pairs of wings behind her along with an elegently decorated halo atop her head that natural gave her a divine glow.

This is Suzuki's mother, or as her in-game name goes, Lady Celestia as everyone called her. She is a Seraph, an angel of the First Sphere.

Next to her is one that can be coined as a Dark Knight. Wearing a black full plate armor, a pair of heavy pauldrons connected with a golden chain across a high collard armor chest. His belt is more akin to a metal brace around his waist. A pair of vambraces covering his forearms and elbows all the way to the tip of his fingers. And his legs just as protected, from his thighs to the soles of his feet. His full black armor is further highlighted with golden trimmings but what completed his menacing armor are his shoulders, belt, elbows and knees. As each armor piece is shaped into a skull with shining golden eyes emitting a soft golden smoke. Runes of unknown origin glowing in gold could be seen in his chest, arm and leg. Added with a few spikes here and there to further accentuate its menacing feature. Finished with a blood red cloak partially covering his arm that draped heavily behind him, weighted in golden trims at the bottom edge.

And then there is his face. Short dark brown hair bordering on black. Skin bordering on pale, soft lips plastered on a small smirk and a pair of sharp eyes that took the cake. Golden eyes on black sclera.

This is Artix Von Krieger. The World Champion of Midgard. Or as the players had conned him, The Champion of Darkness.

Wearing his favorite set, the Legion Paladin Armor.

He admits, his boss looks cool.

That train of thought though was shattered as another person appeared within the chamber.

His armor followed the same theme as Artix but in a more dominatingly exaggerated form. His armor is completely oversized in terms of majesty, size and height. The skulls are now horned with large sharpened teeth and a pair of fangs now littering every piece from the shoulders to the knee guards, further emphasized by a few spikes from time to time. His back is shrouded in a tattered black cloak, held into his back by a pair of horns as wide as his huge stature, mixing seemlessly with his horned shoulders.

His helmet has two horns, one on each temple spread widely to the side with his face plate looking more of a visor shaped into a 'Y'. Nothing could be seen within but the blue pane of glass that hid everything underneath.

Momonga. Or as he was known across YGGDRASIL, as the World Champion of Helheim.

Of course him and his friends preferred his more homely title.

The Evolved Paragon of Ainz Ooal Gown.

Momonga stared at the form of Hero-Hero for quite some time and then spoke.

"It is good to see you here Hero-Hero."

Hero-Hero laughed at his words as he could even hear the softness of relief, gratitude and joy within them. And so he answered with as much emotion as he could as well.

"It is good to be home Momonga."

Sending a nod in return, Momonga then turned to his mother and sent her smile emoji. Seeing his actions, Celestia giggled into her hands and then sent her son a kiss emoji in return. Prompting him to bow his head abashed while his two friends laughed at his predicament.

Oh how she had wanted to hugg her son, but it would not be good for them to be ejected from the game for R18 actions. Not during the last moments of the game.

"Welcome Momonga." greeted Artix.

"Thank you Artix."

"While this is a good and touching reunion and all, why don't we spend it in the throne room. I for one would like to to see Solution one last time." suggested Hero-Hero.

They all agreed and just as they were about to leave, Momonga turned to the side and gazed upon their guild weapon. A weapon built upon by all their efforts, dedication and loyalty to each other, forged in tears, both of sorrow and joy. A weapon that symbolized their collective bond and hope.

The Elemental Blade of Awe. A sword capable of switching through and wielding eight different elements, each processing incredible prowess of its own. This very weapon carved a path to victory that bought glory into the name of their guild.

It's creation was an adventure of incredible proportion. A time shared with friends. Even interaction with near lifelike NPC's.

'I never really did found out what happened to Drakonan after the Fire War. A shame, I would have liked to have seen a redemption arc for him or something.'

Focusing on the sword that raised the name Ainz Ooal Gown from the seventh to the Third most powerful guild ever. He smiled softly at the memories and then grabbed the weapon. He then deactivated the passive effects of the sword, reverting it to it's base form. The Primale Bade of Awe.

Nodding at it's current form he began making his way to the throne room.

He soon found himself opening the doors to Throne Room. As he looked around, he begun to remember the battle that occured within this sacred grounds. Where two hundred players, remnants of a coalition of nearly three thousand, actually made it to the ninth floor and was met with the infamous 'Forty One'.

It was here that the Guild Weapon made it's debut. A Weapon that made the community explode in complaints from the apparent cheat like abilities to the buggy guild weapon during the final battle. A weapon that rivals the prowess of a World Item.

He laughed softly at the memory of it, the imposing image of his character sitting upon his obsidian throne, holding a weapon opposing his very nature, one that can only be described as divine. And beside him stood a maid of unmatched beauty.

An Undead Overlord and a Divine Weapon, together, as one. It was an image that flooded the community of Yggdrasil. Even a few fictional love stories between him and the maid.

Right behind his pictures were images of Two Artix characters going toe to toe. One wielding the Blinding Axe of Destiny while another held the Necrotic Sword of Doom. It was a grand battle. But to Momonga, it was fun.

He suddenly held his face plate in embarrassment when he remembered the Role Play he did when his mother was struck down. After their victory, him alongside his friends relished and rejoiced in their hard earned glory.

Hearing a series of laughter took him out of reverie. He walked forward with his armored feet planting softly unto the red carpet.

Hearing a soft singing, he looked up to see the roof of the throne room or the lack thereof. High above floated chandeliers or multiple colors and above it is the clear blue sky, with white clouds softly flowing up above and at it's center is like a sun but instead of blinding light, it's image is more soft to the eyes, painting a more welcoming image.

'The Gates of Heaven as Luci-fer has dubbed it. I hear he even made a lore about it.'

His guildmates has dedicated a huge amount of time designing their guild, doing their best to paint the image they hoped to convey.

'To think you succeeded. You would be proud Luci-fer-san, Blue Planet-san... Yamaiko-san.'

Looking forward he saw his mother close Albedo's setting screen with a wide smile on her face. He sighed seeing it, already knowing she probably have something for him.

"Take a sit Momonga." said Artix as he gestures to a throne made in one single black stone with a high back towering behind it like a monolith with purple crystals splayed beside the throne from behind, serving as a backdrop. The Throne of Kings.

Upon taking a sit only then did he finally notice that there were others in the room.

The Pleiades Seven Sisters lead by the Head Butler, Sebas tian. Touch-Me's creation.

The first of the Pleiades, Aureole Omega, wearing a Miko Outfit. Her hair is stright with a short bob hair framing her face, styled beautifully with a decorated pin in the form of a Lily. Her eyes remained closed with a soft smile upon her red lips.

Followed by Yuri Alpha with her hair tied to a single bun with her braided hair tied around it and a soft curled hair falling to the side of her face, a strict beauty further emphasized by a pair of glasses.

And then there is Lupus Regina Beta, a red haired werewolf with her hair tied into twin braids falling behind her and her ears tucked underneath a hat. She dons a playful smile on her face, akin to joyful character compared to the rest.

CZ2128 Delta. Unlike the mature beauties of those before she is more of a childish frame. Her face is blank showing no emotion at all. Her long red and gold hair covers her back all the way to her ankles, almost touching the ground. And her most striking feature is her softly glowing green eye with an iris styled into a crosshair and an eye patch on the other.

Skipping one due to Hero-Hero fawning over the maid. His eyes landed on Narberal Gamma. Suzuki blushed a little as he saw her. 'A stoic beauty, firm but not stubborn, loving and motherly.' Those were the words he gave to Nishikienrai. And like with every single maid, she possesses porcelain white skin, unblemished to perfection. Not too chesty but not shy of it either. Again he blushed as his eyes travelled lower remembering in which asset she actually excelled at.

Shaking his thoughts away his eyes fell on Entoma Vasilisa Zeta. An insectoid maid. But this time with a more human like form like the others. Unlike the mask she used to wear, she had actually been given a cute face like the rest upon reaching level 100. A smile adorn her with a pair of fangs protruding from the sides and a pair of large doey red eyes. While her hair does look more like hair, they in fact are her threads, sharp and deadly threads, rolled into into the sides of her head.

Seeing Hero-Hero stand to his side his eyes finally landed on Solution Epsilon. A noble looking beauty with golden blonde hair curled at the tips with a pair of beautiful blue eyes. She has a mature beauty like the rest. In terms of form, she is actually more voluptuous than the others, all except for Yuri Alpha.

'But then again, Yuri's clothes hid much of her... assets.'

Momonga laughed slightly as he looked at Hero-Hero, who's eyes have remained planted on the maid's body.

'....Project Waifu.... I didn't think they would actually go through with it.' His eyes travelled to Narberal Gamma and felt his face burn in shyness.

It was then that he realized his mother had been standing right beside him who then sent him a smug emoji.

Momonga's eyes widened and opened the master source immediately. From there he saw the recent changes, aside from Yuri Alpha receiving additional equipments and items from Artix along with a change in one of the NPCs of the eight floor, he found one of the changes she made.

Looking to his left he saw the last NPC on the throne room, Albedo - The Guardian Overseer. Her name showing the latest change in the master source with his mother's name right beside it.

Immediately opening her settings unhindered by his mother's giggling and the laughter of his two friends. His mind nearly exploded as he saw a veritable amount of information written into it, but he knew his mother. She wouldn't have gone through all of them so he kept scrolling until he reached the end and froze....

"...she is madly in love with Momonga..."

His mother then started laughing and then nudged the guild weapon away, urging him to a halt.

"It is a gift..." His mother said kindly. "It is better this way, better than who she was."

Momonga simply slumped. He knew his mother. She wouldn't have done it as a joke. Not solely for amusement and so he relented, placing his unwavering trust unto her.

Seeing her still looking at him expectantly he decided to nod in affirmation at her words. His action was met with a smile and a cheer from his friends bringing a round of laughter into their sacred halls.

The atmosphere was broken with a ringing sound followed by a child's voice.

"Momonga onii-chan.! It's time! Please wake up!"

All turned to Artix who was scratching his head in embarrassment forgetting about the alarm he had set up using one of Bukubukuchagama's wrist watches.

It was then that they were bought back to reality as they saw the time. One minute left.

A somber feeling engulfed everyone. Knowing that the end has come. But before the end, Momonga did something that surprised everyone.

Using the guild master source he summoned two NPC's to throne room. Making them appear in a flash of light.

Aranx - The Ruler of the Unknown.

Guardian of the Seventh Floor.

And then there is Empress Gravelyn - Champion of Light.

Guardian of the Eight Floor.

Momonga smiled as both his mother and his friend Artix looked at their personal creations in utter surprised in which he said.

"I thought it'd be nice to have them with us. During such trying times."

"....thank you, Suzuki." his mother replied softly while Artix nodded. The two NPCs stood by kneeling on the side of the hall opposite of the maids.

Seeing the last seconds tick by, Suzuki sent out his last parting words.

"...it was fun while it lasted... Truly it was."




"What the..."

"Is something the matter, Momonga-sama."

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


