
章 7: Breathing

I raise my mental voice, addressing the chip that guides me in this world of virtual possibilities. "Chip! What are the levels within this warrior breathing technique?"

The chip's response echoes in my mind, outlining the different levels of the technique:

"Apprentice Warrior = 1.5 attribute points.

Experienced Warrior = 2.5 attribute points.

True Warrior = 4.0 attributes (Internal body energy stimulated).

Perfect Warrior = 5.0 (Internal body energy stimulated)." [Total Technique Limit!]

Reflecting on these levels, I ponder the implications of this new breathing technique. I pose the question to the chip, inquiring about the ability to stimulate my internal body energy.

"Chip, with this new breathing technique you've enhanced, have you found a formula to stimulate my internal body energy?"

The chip processes my question and emits its electronic response after a brief pause:

"The ability to stimulate internal body energy is possible, but I recommend the host to attempt it only when your body has around 2.8 attribute points; otherwise, it could be potentially dangerous."

After calmly pondering for a moment, a wave of impatience washes over me. "Chip, transfer the optimized breathing technique to the memory zone now!" My voice sounds firmer, determined to obtain what I desire.

The virtual experimentation chip responds promptly, executing my orders without hesitation. Images begin to fill my mind, describing the breathing technique in detailed and precise terms. It's as if I am absorbing knowledge directly from the digital universe.

After a few minutes, the transfer is complete. Gently, I rub my head, trying to dissipate the dizziness. "I feel a bit dizzy, but that is a normal occurrence!"

Now, my brain is filled with detailed memories about the breathing technique and the many corresponding sequences of practical experience. Compared to an average person in this world, I have an extremely unfair advantage.

With the Chip's ability to simulate and analyze, I can achieve the same results as someone who has to go through 20 years of hard work training, and I only need to have the Chip emulate and acquire the experience from the emulation. Moreover, this artificial experience created by the Chip is much more precise than the experience obtained by a common man.

It's true, the breathing technique now inhabiting my mind is complex and full of contradictions. Some nuances demand more than a simple verbal explanation; they require practical understanding, a journey of trial and error that would normally take decades to master.

However, with the power of the Chip, these barriers can be overcome. The chip's analytical capabilities can simplify and accelerate the learning process in ways no one in this world could imagine.

Without hesitation, I issue another mental command: "Chip! Emulate my body training this new technique and then transfer the experience to my memory zone!"

Before me, the hologram takes the form of my body in training. But this time, it's not just a solitary hologram; there are several rows of holograms, all practicing the technique synchronously and perfectly. I watch in awe as each movement is executed with millimetric precision.

After about thirty minutes of intensive simulation, the chip announces: "Work completed! Transferring approximately 213 years of experience..."

Looking at the result, I am a bit stunned by the magnitude of what I have just achieved. In just a few minutes, I acquired the equivalent of centuries of practical experience, so I was underestimating the chip.

With a light joy in my heart, I absorb the vast amounts of information and experiences that the chip pours into my brain.

After digesting the artificial experience, I say, "Chip, shut down my virtual lab," and the virtual world around me begins to fade slowly. The infinite landscapes disappear, replaced by the familiar walls of my room, along with the comforting softness of the bed I am lying on.

I decide to take the next step. With determination, my body moves out of bed and assumes the lotus position on the floor. I take a deep breath, ready to begin.

"I will try!" I decide, focusing my mind on the challenge ahead.

According to the experiences transmitted by the Chip, no special movements are necessary to implement the breathing technique, just finding a comfortable and suitable position.

"First, I need to hold my breath for 55 seconds, then take five long breaths and one short one. The duration and frequency must be..." my mind repeats the instructions as I prepare to start the process.

I meticulously follow the instructions, concentrating on each breath, each movement, each detail of the breathing technique. Gradually, I enter a deep cultivation state, letting myself be carried away by the practice.

At this moment, I seem unconscious, my face turning a bright red while my temples pulse intensely. It's as if I were performing intense physical exercise.

As time passed, a sensation of intense heat began to emanate from my body. The redness on my face intensified, and soon I started sweating a black fluid, dripping from my pores like liquid shadow. A dark smoke with an unpleasant smell began to rise, enveloping me in its dark mantle.

I persisted in this state for more than twenty minutes, immersed in the breathing technique the chip transmitted to me. Each breath was a challenge, each moment an internal battle against the limits of my own body.

Then, the moment came to finally break the cycle. I opened my eyes, letting the reddish glow slowly fade from my irises. With a deep exhalation, I released the accumulated air from my lungs.

"Okay... That was interesting," I murmured, watching a black exhalation disperse in the air in front of me.

From within, strange sounds echoed, as if something was breaking, fragmenting beneath the surface of my skin.

With effort, I rose from the floor, feeling exhaustion and euphoria mixed in my body. I moved my four limbs, feeling each muscle warm and tense. It was as if I had just emerged from an ordeal, a journey through the depths of my being.

"Chip, show my body statistics!" I order firmly, eager to see the results of my cultivation.

The body information is projected before me on a virtual screen, revealing details about myself:

"Body Information" 

Name: Charles Vol

Age: 17 years

Race: Human

Sex: Male

"Body Attributes" 

Strength: 0.9

Agility: 1.1

Stamina: 1.0

I remain impassive before the numbers, concentrating on each detail. "Change the display method. Also, make comparisons with the data before cultivation," I order the Chip, determined to fully understand the impact of my training.

With a flash of light, the image changes, and now my body's statistics are displayed with even greater precision. The last three numbers oscillate constantly, reflecting the dynamic changes in my body.

"Beep! Comparison result!" The Chip responds promptly, transmitting the information I requested.

"Undergoing training increased the host's attributes: 

Strength by 0.2.

Agility by 0.2.

Stamina by 0.2."

I analyze the new statistics with interest, noticing the significant increase in my attributes after just a short period of cultivation. I only cultivated for a little over 20 minutes, but the increase in the data is already quite considerable.

My chip is truly incredible; this technique with 213 years of artificial experiences is about 2000 percent more effective compared to the previous technique. "With perseverance, it's only a matter of time until I have the statistics of a Perfect Warrior!"

But, unfortunately, I find that even my new technique has its limits. The Vol family's breathing technique, adapted and improved for me by the virtual experimentation chip, can only be practiced once a day. Trying to practice more than that would not only bring no additional benefits but could even harm my body.

"Chip, is there any method that allows me to increase the number of times I can practice the breathing technique?" I ask, hopeful for a solution.

"Medicinal items are required as supplements," responds the Chip, its electronic voice echoing in my mind.

"List all the necessary medicinal items!" I order, ready to take measures to expand my limits.

"Creatine element, Protein A, B, and C, Iron dioxide..." The Chip lists a series of medicinal items, all familiar from my previous life.

"Is it possible to substitute any of them with other medicinal items, herbs, or even monster meat?" I ask, even though the task seems impossible.

"A sample is required to analyze the medicinal properties. At this moment, the data is insufficient!" informs the Chip.

Despite the apparent impossibility, I let out a sigh of relief. "As long as there's a way, then it's all right."

I look at my own body, now covered by a large amount of sticky substance produced after practicing the breathing technique. I feel uncomfortably sticky, a sensation that is both unpleasant and repugnant to the touch.

I frown, aware of the state I'm in. "Looks like I'll have to wash up!" I murmur to myself, determined to get rid of this uncomfortable sensation.

With effort, I rise from the floor, "Crack~~" but my body protests, creaking and cracking as if it were stiff from having remained in the same position for several minutes. This is a body unaccustomed to physical exercise, so it's understandable.

I head towards the door, moving my right hand towards the handle, and just as I was about to leave, my intelligent mind makes me hesitate. "What if those boys are still walking the corridors of the airship looking for trouble?" I ponder, remembering the potential threats I encountered earlier. "Besides, I'm not in a favorable position and need to rest. I'll wait until nightfall and go in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep!"

With this decision made, I resign myself to waiting patiently. I turn towards the chair in the room and sit, waiting for the opportune moment to proceed with my plan.


1643 Words



To motivate you, I have established some simple goals:

50 power stones = 1 chapter

100 stones = 2 chapters

200 stones = 3 chapters

500 stones of power = 5 chapters

- 20 - Golden tickets = 1 extra chapter!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


