
章 8: Maria

With her translucent form blushing intensely, the woman took a few steps back, floating in the air in a gesture of disbelief at my audacity. "How dare you?! Aren't you afraid to die?" she exclaimed, her voice laden with surprise and indignation.

Seizing the opportunity, I continued to bathe, letting the water wash away the dirt from my body while maintaining a confident smile on my lips. I looked at her with a gaze full of feigned lust, responding with a soft voice: "I would die a thousand times for a beautiful woman like you."

"Silence!!!" she responded, advancing towards me with determination, her claws ready to strike. But instead of trying to evade, I grabbed her by the waist and, without hesitation, sealed our lips in a fiery kiss.

The kiss was strange and painful, almost as if I were touching a block of ice with my lips, but I persisted, keeping up the charade to maintain my deception. The woman, feeling the warmth of my lips against hers, experienced internal conflict, struggling against the impulse to succumb to the evident manipulation.

However, despite her initial resistance, she eventually yielded to the moment, returning the kiss with surprising intensity. For a brief moment, she forgot her desire to harm me, surrendering to the burning desire that blazed between us.

As we continued to kiss, my lips curved into a false smile, my eyes remained closed, hiding the true expression of disdain I felt inside. "What a stupid bitch," I thought, "does she really think I would want anything to do with a ghost as cold as the peak of Mount Everest?"

As we continued to kiss, I felt the woman tremble in my arms. I was merely manipulating her, ignorant of why she was so easily controlled. Parting our lips, I tasted blood invade my mouth, my lips wounded by the cruel coldness of hers. But I maintained the facade, grabbing her by the arm and leading her to the bathroom mirror.

With a swift movement, I tore her dress, revealing her translucent breasts. As I squeezed both with my hands and whispered, feigning as much as possible, I said, "You are beautiful and have perfect breasts. I am a lucky young man to have found a woman like you. But before we continue, could you tell me your name?"

My words were sweet and full of false admiration, as I eagerly awaited her response, skillfully maintaining my role as a seducer despite the discomfort I felt inside.

Maria's weak reaction to the comforting warmth of my hands on her breasts echoed in the air, a soft moan escaping her lips as she surrendered to the touch: "My name... Uhh~~ is Maria... Ahhh~~"

"My beautiful Maria," I murmured, keeping the false tenderness in my voice, "how did you become a ghost? What were you before becoming what you are now? Do you still remember?"

But as soon as my warm words whispered in her ears, she seemed to enter a trance, becoming completely still as if time had frozen around her.

Realizing that she would not answer my questions and seeing my own hands start to freeze, I released Maria's breasts and began to shake my hands to restore sensation to them. With a quick glance at my clothes on the floor, I did not hesitate to grab them and run out of the bathroom.

As I dashed through the corridors toward my room, I heard a sharp cry of pain echoing through the air.


"Crash~~" I glanced back for a moment, seeing the bathroom mirrors shattering into shards in a bright flash, witnessing the turmoil I had left behind. Shortly after the mirrors broke, a chilling cry of pain emerged, causing anyone who heard it to tremble until they felt their bones freeze with fear.

I knew Maria was reliving painful memories, and I didn't want to be around when the chaos fully unfolded.



65 years ago...



The room is modest, reminiscent of a university dormitory. The walls are painted a dingy white, with some wear and tear marks here and there, and a calendar hanging on the wall near the window, marking the days until the start of classes at the School of Magic on Dark Forest Mountain she's heading to. A thin, faded curtain, the same blue as the young woman's dress, sways gently with the breeze coming through the slightly open window.

In the center of the room, there's a single bed with a simple yet cozy quilt, folded with military precision. Beside it, a small wooden desk worn by time, where a stack of papers rests, all worn from frequent use.

The young woman, with her wavy yellow hair cascading softly over her shoulders, sits on an uncomfortably hard wooden chair. Her blue dress, with a touch of lace on the collar and sleeves, accentuates her fair skin, and her blue eyes are focused on the reading material. She delicately holds a piece of paper, as if delving into a whole new world with each turned page.

The paper in question is titled, "The Tower of Dark Forest: A School for Acolytes," a popular choice among aspiring magic students. Its yellowed, worn pages bear witness to the love and devotion of many readers over the years. The young woman flips through the pages with silent reverence, absorbing every word with a mixture of excitement and anxiety for what the future holds.

The soft sound of "Toc~~ Toc~~" interrupts her reading, pulling her back to reality. She releases the paper with a reluctant sigh and gracefully rises from the chair. Her steps echo on the worn floor as she heads to the door, curious to discover who might be knocking at her door at this moment.

Maria firmly grips the doorknob, feeling its rough, cold texture under her fingers. She pushes it gently, letting the door creak slightly as it opens to reveal the narrow dormitory hallway. Her eyes light up with surprise and curiosity when she sees Sophia on the other side.

Sophia, with her white, curly hair contrasting beautifully with her dark skin, radiates a warm, welcoming energy. A smile lights up her face as her eyes meet Maria's, and she approaches with a mixture of excitement and purpose.

"Sophia?! What are you doing here?" Maria asks, her voice tinged with surprise and curiosity.

Sophia extends her hand in a friendly gesture and gently takes Maria's hand, pulling her out of the room. Her expression is animated as she speaks, "Come on, Dylan wants to talk to you, I think he's interested!"

Maria hesitates for a moment, her eyebrows furrowing slightly in doubt. She keeps her feet firmly planted on the ground and responds determinedly, "Sophia, I'm studying. I can't think about boys right now. There are only 10 days left until the airship we're on reaches the big magical schools conference, and I'll finally get to choose and become a student at the Tower of Dark Forest."

Sophia seems momentarily crestfallen, as if her plan has been thwarted. However, her face soon lights up with a new idea, and she says enthusiastically, "Dylan is also an avid reader. He also mentioned that he's going to the Tower of Dark Forest school. I'm sure you'll enjoy talking to him."

Maria considers Sophia's words for a moment, weighing the possibility of a conversation with Dylan. She then nods with a soft smile, allowing Sophia to lead her down the corridor toward the potential meeting with her schoolmate.



"Sophia? Where are we going? This is the bathroom, right?" she asks, her voice laden with uncertainty.

"Dylan has a surprise for you!" Sophia says, her voice brimming with excitement.

Before Maria can protest or question further, Sophia pushes her into the men's bathroom with an unexpected gesture and dashes out, leaving Maria alone and confused in the midst of the unfamiliar bathroom.

Maria feels the impact of the shove and then slips, her body falling onto the cold, hard bathroom floor. She struggles to get up, but before she can, a male voice echoes in the room.

"Hahahaga, guys... Look what we have here! A princess?" the voice taunts, sending a shiver of fear down Maria's spine.

She slowly turns to face a group of boys in front of her, led by a boy with a sinister smile on his lips. His gaze is piercing, challenging, and Maria feels a wave of pure fear coursing through her veins. Her instincts scream at her to flee, but before she can react, the leader of the boys gives the order to his companions.

"Hold her, don't let her escape!" he commands, and Maria's heart sinks in despair as she realizes she's trapped in a dangerous situation.

With her heart pulsating with anger and fear, Maria raises her voice in a mixture of defiance and desperation: "Let me go, you bastards! How dare you touch me?! I'm a princess, release me now!"

She fiercely struggles against the hands holding her, her attempts to free herself proving futile against the strength of the boys surrounding her. Her muscles tense with effort, but she is quickly overpowered by the physical superiority of the assailants.

Dylan, the leader of the group, approaches her with a look that mixes disdain and malice. He places a heavy hand on her left breast, and a feeling of disgust washes over Maria, making her tremble with revulsion. Her eyes meet his, full of a sickening malice that leaves her even more terrified.

"Princess, I grew up and lived to serve your family as a mere war slave..." Dylan's voice resonates in her ears, laden with bitterness and resentment. He continues his grim narrative, revealing his story of pain and injustice.

Dylan's intrusive touch makes her feel violated and vulnerable. Her eyes sweep the circle of hungry faces around her, each expression fueled by an insatiable rage that makes her nauseous.

She understands the terrible truth of what is happening and pleads desperately, "No! Please... I haven't done anything to you, I'm not to blame that my parents are nobility and use you as pawns in territorial wars."

But her pleas fall on deaf ears. Dylan, uncaring of her words, brutally tears her blue dress, exposing her vulnerability to those predators. Maria chokes with horror as she feels the fabric tear and her breasts being revealed, her eyes wide with terror as she realizes the true intention behind Dylan's actions.

Her heart pounds uncontrollably in her chest as he approaches, his words whispered like poison in her ears. "Your parents worked my mother to death, so I'll repay the favor to them and I don't care what the wizards will do to me after I break their rule, I will kill you!" he murmurs, his voice filled with hatred and cruelty.

"Squeezing~~" Dylan lunges at Maria, grabbing her neck with both hands and begins to choke her.


1820 Words


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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