

Two weeks later, I'm setting up in my new office. I call my best friend Sam and quickly tell her to come over.

I give her the address and then I pick up the newspaper, smiling big as I read it again.

"Dr. Alex Turner is arrested for brutally killing Helen Carter. He was caught trying to kill John Mallory, who witnessed him kill Helen. All thanks to a psychic named Ava Johnson who helped the police. Without her special skills, they wouldn't have caught Dr. Turner."

"I'm amazing!" I shout, and just then, Sam opens the door.

"What's all this?" she asks as she looks around the almost empty office, which just has two desks and two chairs.

"Look at the door and tell me what it says," I say, smiling.

"Paranormal Investigations," Sam reads the sign, looking confused.

"Yes, I decided to use all my savings to open up this beautiful and amazing agency. You should see the view at night; it's stunning," I reply, excited.

"But you're not a psychic," she says, shocked.

"That's not what the papers say. Besides, it wasn't the first time I've predicted things like this. Now, I've decided to use it. Don't worry, you're my partner. You'll get 50% off everything. Just sign the papers."

Sam looks at me, her shock slowly transforming into a mixture of disbelief and amusement.

She hesitates, absorbing the unexpected turn my life has taken since our last misadventure.

"You're serious? You opened up a paranormal investigation agency based on a newspaper article and... what, a hunch?" she asks, half-laughing.

"More than a hunch," I insist, waving the newspaper for emphasis. "Look at this, Sam! It worked! We helped catch a killer. Well, I did, technically, but who's to say we can't do it again? And the article kind of makes me look like a psychic now, doesn't it? Although I prefer myself as a witch."

Sam shakes her head, smiling despite herself as she reads the headline again. "You're unbelievable. You know that, right?"

"Unbelievably effective," I correct her with a wink. "Come on, it'll be fun. Plus, think about it, we're always stumbling into these weird situations anyway. Why not get paid for it?"

She pauses, considering the rows of empty desks and the sign that now brands us as 'Paranormal Investigations.' Finally, she lets out a sigh, her expression softening into one of reluctant agreement.

"Alright, I'm in. But only because I want to make sure you don't accidentally summon a real ghost next time you have one of your 'dreams,'" she says, reaching for the papers I'm holding out.

"Deal," I say, grinning. "Welcome aboard, partner. It's going to be a wild ride."

With that, Sam signs the papers, officially becoming my business partner in what could either be the best idea I've ever had or the most bizarre.

Either way, we're in it together now, ready to chase down the unknown, one paranormal mystery at a time.

"Now, tonight we're having dinner with my mom. I'm going to tell her about our agency, so if she calls you asking what tonight's about, just tell her it's a surprise," I say cheerfully.

Sam laughs. "I can't wait to see the look on her face," she replies, still laughing.

"She'll be happy. Besides, it's the first time I've felt really happy doing something. I have a good feeling about our agency," I respond with a smile.

"I see. Well, for now, I need to get back to my real work. Call me when you need anything," Sam says, starting to back away.

"What! Don't leave me. This is our office now. You can do your doodling here, you said you were able to work from home, right?

So now you can just do your work here. Besides, you're my partner; you need to be able to answer phone calls, create a website so people can find us, take pictures, and do whatever needs to be done to make this office look real.

I'll take care of kitchen appliances and food—we need to eat right," I explain.

"My God! You thought this through, huh?" she asks, impressed.

"Yes, I thought about it this morning when I saw the newspaper. So, it's been four hours now," I reply, proud of my quick planning.

"Four hours?" Sam repeats, surprised.

"Yes, baby, I didn't plan it out long. I just saw the office available to rent and then when I saw the newspaper, I decided. Isn't that awesome!" I reply with excitement.

"It is until we don't get clients and have to close," she says, a hint of worry in her voice.

"Don't worry, we will get clients. A lot of unexplainable things happen in this city," I reassure her confidently.

Sam seems to ponder my words for a moment, her skepticism slowly giving way to cautious optimism.

Finally, she nods, seeming to accept the unpredictable journey we're about to embark on together.

"Okay, you're right. This city is full of mysteries. If anyone can turn those into business, it's us," she says, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

Sam, now fully engaged, leans over the notepad. "Yes, and let's not forget social media. We could post about local legends, share stories of unexplained events, maybe even host a weekly mystery where followers can guess the truth behind some weird happening."

As we brainstorm, the excitement builds. The office, with its two desks and two chairs, suddenly doesn't seem so empty but rather a blank canvas for our new venture.

We sketch out plans for the layout, discuss color schemes, and even start listing potential local experts we might collaborate.

The day progresses quickly as we're lost in our planning. By the time we notice, it's almost time for dinner with my mother. "We better get going, can't be late to tell Mom about our new adventure," I remind Sam.

As we step into my mother's house, she greets us with open arms and a broad smile.

"Sam!" Mom exclaims, stretching out her arms and pulling Sam into a warm hug.

"Hello, Anne," Sam responds, returning the hug with equal warmth.

After releasing Sam, Mom turns to me, her expression firming up a bit. "Ava," she says, acknowledging me with a slight nod.

"Mother," I reply, nodding back in a formal yet affectionate manner.

Mom steps aside, ushering us into the house with a sweep of her hand. "Come in, come in. Dinner's almost ready. I've made your favorite."

As we follow her into the kitchen, the aroma of home-cooked food fills the air.

My relationship with my mom is a bit complicated. She and my dad split up when I was 10, and it was confusing for me. After that, I mostly stayed with my dad.

To make things even more complicated, my mom is also my psychologist.

She once diagnosed me with psycho tendencies, so I decided to live with my dad.

He wanted me to follow his career path, but sadly I chose to chase my dreams.

Despite everything, the good part is that I'm still close to both of them. I want to show them that I'm a rare gem, superior, a goddess, and not an animal.

During dinner, I'm kinda tired of Mom lecturing me about what I should do and praising Sam all the time.

So, I decided to drop a bomb. "Mom, I've got something to say."

She stops and looks at me, "Please don't say you've opened a vet clinic for hyenas," she says, sounding worried.

"Nah, that ship sailed. Plus, they said I'd need a vet degree first to even think about that," I explain.

"So, Mom, as you know I'm a witch. Sam and I launched our agency, 'Paranormal Investigations,'" I announced enthusiastically.

Mom's eyes widen in surprise.

"To be honest, Anne, she's the brains behind the operation. I just got on board later," Sam adds, throwing me under the bus.

"She's my partner. She signed all the papers," I defend myself, but Mom stays silent, not even blinking.

"Yeah, but it was her idea," Sam chips in.

"I'd love for you to be our first client. Got any ghosts haunting you?" I ask, half-joking.

"It's not only about ghosts; she claims to see the future too," Sam adds.

"Yeah, but Mom's not really into that stuff. Let's not push it," I whisper to Sam.

"That's incredible, dear," Mom says, her voice choked up.

"You don't seem too thrilled," I note.

"You just caught me off guard. Give me a moment," she says, getting up.

"Sure, but don't spill the beans to Dad. I want it to be a surprise," I call after her, though I'm pretty sure she's going to tell him anyway.

"Why did you make it seem like I'm the sole founder?" I whisper as Mom heads upstairs.

"Make it seem like what?" Sam asks, puzzled.

"We're partners in this, Sam. You know Mom has a soft spot for you. If she knows you're part of this, she'll be more supportive," I explain.

"Your mom loves you just as much, but she's worried you might lose interest, like with other projects. Show her you're in it for the long haul, and she'll come around," Sam reassures me.

"I am committed," I affirm.

"Alright, then let's prove it to her," she agrees.

"Okay. Can we sneak out before she comes back?" I suggest, and she nods.

We quickly leave the house. I'm not exactly thrilled about doing the dishes, and if Sam offers then I will be the lazy daughter and stuff, I'm not ready for another lecture.

MsFrothyDreamer MsFrothyDreamer

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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