/ Anime & Comics / He Who Is In Haikyuu With 1 Wish!

He Who Is In Haikyuu With 1 Wish! オリジナル

He Who Is In Haikyuu With 1 Wish!

Anime & Comics 13 章 319.0K ビュー
作者: PsychoticTL


詳細 目次


Anpu Persefoni, has always been in love with Haikyuu, He likes to think of it as the thing that saved him when he needed saving the most-

He was told to have insomnia and depression, when he was just at the tender age of 12 years old, later when he was 14 years old, he started having anxiety attacks, and cutting himself a year before, the thing that caused this all was his school life, and the orphanage he lives at.

But then, one day when he was hiding from his bullies with his phone like always, he found Haikyuu, he fell in love with all the characters, and how they were always there for each other-

From there he remembered, a quote that, his parents who left him at the orphanage when he was three years old used to tell him, “Through, death, and life, only the ones who truly love you, will be there, to help you get through anything, even a friend you have know for a long time will be blinded by their desires, but those ones, will have your back no matter what, my love.”

His mother told him once, before she died saving him, he still remembers her words, because he truly believe she was correct.


So what happens when he died because of a careless god and his mistake? What if that god told him he can wish for something but only one wish, and be in any world he wants reincarnation or transmigration-

what would he wish for, and we all know he will choose Haikyuu, but what’s his wish?

General Audiences


  1. Cake_Posh
    Cake_Posh 貢献した 1
  2. Black_00
    Black_00 貢献した 1
  3. Shriyansh_Dewasi
    Shriyansh_Dewasi 貢献した 1


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット



  • 翻訳品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



Author here, I'm sorry I haven't updated yet- I have a reason why I didn't update though, so I hope y'all be patient and wait- I'll probably start updating soon- Have a good day! ^_^+

3 の返信を表示する

So far a very satisfactory read. I can't really get into actually reviewing yet due to it being so early on but I like the character personality and think it will be very refreshing to see him in Karasuno. Personally I think that the wish would help improve his learning ability, comprehension, and memory due to the brain being physical but it's just a just a suggestion. I look forward to keeping up with this work. Good Luck!

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LV 4 Badge

Love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it Love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it Love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it Love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it

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LV 13 Badge

From what I've seen so far, this book is promising! Although the author needs to work on slowing down his writing and checking his grammar it's an overall great book. I like the idea of a Haikyuu book, I was thinking about foing one but I decided not to because I'm already working on a book. Anyway I love where the book us going and I hope you can have fun with this book. Also dont let hate comments get to you!

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作者 PsychoticTL