/ Realistic / I Can Turn into a Fish

I Can Turn into a Fish

I Can Turn into a Fish

Realistic -- 章/週 これは過去30日間の平均実現リリース率です。 翻訳者のスケジュールは7章/週です。 245 章 4.3M ビュー

作者: Little Fish Eats Dragon Meat翻訳者: Aristophaneso編集者: Caron_


4.31 (533 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


A chance to change, challenge destiny, make dreams a reality, and live a legend! A regular man gains a system that allows him to turn into a fish!
In the modern world, a young man gains an unconventional system that gives him the power to transform into a fish! With this strange power, he shoots for the stars!


  1. Michael_Lieu
    Michael_Lieu 貢献した 1987
  2. kunle84
    kunle84 貢献した 1635
  3. nicg5979
    nicg5979 貢献した 1434


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    Seems fishy 🤔 I’m in! 🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐟🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠

    153 の返信を表示する

    Honestly, anything is better than the other 3 currently listed... The voting system really needs the votes to be reset each week so we don't get stuck with last week's 2nd best every following week...

    92 の返信を表示する

    Website : qidian china Views : 530thousand Rating : 8.6(109)(see note) Chapters : 613 Status : completed Word count : 1.65million author level : lv5 No of works : 3 Comments : 1722 Guys I checked qidian side but ratings in qidian changed for almost every novel, so I dunno if you should believe this rating. Also ratings on my other reviews are before ratings changed, so don't blame me if you see high ratings in qidian and low ratings in my stats. Even a novel with 7.6 rating got changed to 8.8 rating, I dunno what qidian is trying to do.

    54 の返信を表示する

    A level system novel with modern setting that’s not for those who have strong feelings about animal protection. A random chance allows MC to be equipped with a system that helps him transform into a fish and consume other fishes to level up, evolve and promote his skills/ gain new skills. I couldn’t get over the fact that the first thing he does is experiment with his own pet fishes from his fish tank. It’s somehow so...insensitive. He can use skills to change normal fish into rare fish. Later, of course, he goes out to buy fishes to consume, and has adventures raising money and selling the rare fishes he transformed. He has a girlfriend (but also has encounters with several beauties).

    57 の返信を表示する

    The legend of magikarp our one true god. The upbringing of my sovereign 🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏🐠🙏

    25 の返信を表示する
    LV 5 Badge

    Did someone say FISH??? HECK I'M IN! Though, the synopsis is too short but the novel's title and cover caught my interest or... my love for fishes overtook me so VOTE VOTE VOTE PLS

    21 の返信を表示する

    It already hook me up! 😤😤😂😂😂😂😂😂 The name and the tittle 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻🙌🏻 But remember this is how quidan is trying to make <<crazy detective>> get elected! Hump hump!

    8 の返信を表示する

    This book definitely illustrates the profoundness of heaven and the innate talent which the author clearly possesses..........................jk Still better than every other option though xd.

    3 の返信を表示する
    LV 10 Badge

    YAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!! AQUA MAN HERE HE COMES ok, this sounds cool, but when he says there are plenty of fish on the sea does he mean that metaphorically or does he mean literally. Quite concerned he is gonna spoon my future food.

    2 の返信を表示する

    Hello everyone. The translation of this novel has been axed. My apologies to the fans of this novel. If you really enjoyed this story, please comment below and let me know. If there is enough interest, there is a chance that the novel’s translation will be revived, or perhaps I will take it up on my own if I have enough time in the future. Thank you all for your support.

    13 の返信を表示する

    ?? 7ch/week Hahaahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahhahahajahahjahajahajjahjajajajahjajajahhdjeidjcbje2iidbxhjahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahah

    5 の返信を表示する
    LV 6 Badge

    Where the hell is a new chapter? its been 1 month!!! This is a premium book but there has been no update for a whole month, no note of why the translator is gone either!!

    3 の返信を表示する

    yes. just yes. this is exactly what i needed. a webnovel about a dude with a system that turns him into a fish. i can die happy now! lin fan have my babies

    1 の返信を表示する

    0 chapter and already 4.5 rating with 13k views....... 0 chapter and already 4.5 rating with 13k views....... 0 chapter and already 4.5 rating with 13k views....... 1 star for now since I haven’t read.

    3 の返信を表示する

    Ok I'll change the rating in the future but I'm annoyed that this book was finally release but there are 0 chapters!!!!!! Fix this please! . . . . Am I at 140 yet?

    7 の返信を表示する

    Such a profound cover it ...it gives us the insite on how a normal fish jumps over the waterfall and becomes a dragon!!! 🦅🌌🐟 ☁️⛅☁️☁️ 🌲🌱🌳 🗻🌊🌊🚣‍♂️🚣‍♀️🌊🌊

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 11 Badge

    It sucks because this book has 613 chapters, is completed in it's native country, and was added to this site via an energy vote, but not even 200 hundred chapters have been translated here and it has been about 6 month since the last translation.

    0 の返信を表示する

    The story is kinda confusing in the beginning but slowly smooths itself out over the next few dozen chapters. The translation quality is...not bad? But the translation rate is absolutely horrid. Never seen a worse rate than this aside from world defying dan God. They might be on par with each other idk. Welp I'll be dropping this till like another 100+ chapters gets released. Cya

    4 の返信を表示する

    One of those common business tropes, with a system that helps you in your business (and somehow also gives you fighting powers),a big boss comes and invests in you,customers impressed with products but surprised with prices,business rivals destroying stuff and being assholes, and buying cool stuff with all your money, mostly for improving your business, I LOVE IT! 🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐟🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠

    1 の返信を表示する

    I just finished this novel [Raw (microsoft translator)] and I love it!!! As always no end satisfy me, but the jurney that the MC go through is really enjoyable and exiting. I really recoment this novel for everyone that loves a empire building and...... face smacking. One thing that I super like about this novel was that is able to manage time skip really well and never let the story go dull and boring. Eventhough the las 50 chapter went super fast, they do not lacked on hype or excitement.

    8 の返信を表示する

    作者 Little Fish Eats Dragon Meat

    翻訳者 Aristophaneso

    Editor Caron_