/ Movies / Lord Hades: A Taxi Driver In Marvel

Lord Hades: A Taxi Driver In Marvel オリジナル

Lord Hades: A Taxi Driver In Marvel

Movies 10 章 300.5K ビュー
作者: The_Book_Addict


詳細 目次


Get ready for an epic adventure through the Marvel universe!

When a regular dude is struck by a falling piano, he finds himself transmigrated into the role of Hades, the King of the Underground, with Hela, the goddess of death, as his wife.

But there's a catch: his powers are locked, and he has to work to unlock them.

Enter the Hell Taxi, a trusty ride that will be Hades's companion on his journey through the multiverse.

This isn't just any ordinary taxi, though - it can be upgraded all the way from a normal car to a ssss-class battle spaceship, or even a full-fledged dimension.

As Hades upgrades his ride and unlocks more of his powers, he'll eventually become the all-powerful God of the Underworld.

Join Hades as he travels through the multiverse, taking on whatever challenges come his way.

Whether he's driving a taxi, commanding a spaceship, or ruling over the underworld, one thing is for sure: it's going to be a wild ride!


Join me on an adventure filled with excitement, laughter, and thrills! My books bring the fun with their heart-pumping action, steamy romance, harem adventures, and humor.

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  1. The_Book_Addict
    The_Book_Addict 貢献した 138
  2. OrionPeverell
    OrionPeverell 貢献した 56
  3. PsyLoRD
    PsyLoRD 貢献した 29


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット



  • 翻訳品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



Just for the Title and cool Picture I'm giving you 5 stars. However just because I like that from the title I can see the MC is our boi Hades doesn't mean that I won't change my review if it's bad.

5 の返信を表示する

We have a good premise here. A cohesive and explanatory first chapter to a certain extent. 4 stars for now. But I hope I don't have to change that. PS: it's 4 stars because it only has 1 chapter, and it's been two days since the first one was released. Hugs and good luck.

3 の返信を表示する

can't give 5 stars when I haven't read it yet but this synopsis shows this has a lot of potential, so I'm saving this

5 の返信を表示する

Excelente história! O personagem é bem construído — e particularmente charmoso —, com um passado interessante e que me deixa curiosa em relação aos irmãos. Seu relacionamento, onde deixa claro seu amor por Hela e apenas ela (odeio harém, então me satisfez muito saber que era só ela) me chamou a atenção, já que normalmente protagonistas masculinos assim ou possuem um harém ou não tem nenhum relacionamento. Até agora gostei do fato do desenvolvimento ser direto e sem enrolações, já que em outras histórias do mesmo gênero, demoraria muito para Kingpin ser derrotado, o que por algum motivo me frustra. A qualidade da tradução também é excelente, não tive dificuldades e a leitura foi fluida. Quanto a atualização... comecei a ler essa história recentemente, então não sei julgar se é bom. Em resumo, possui um bom personagem, bom enredo e bom desenvolvimento... Para aqueles que querem ler, recomendo! 5 estrelas!

3 の返信を表示する

update please i love this story bro.......please

5 の返信を表示する

please update fast if you are bot busy please

3 の返信を表示する

Please give me raw link .. ...... ....

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