Vanja - Profile



male LV 12

I'm me

2017-08-30 入りました United Kingdom

バッジ 8

Moments 7


If you are not a fan of impenetrable plot armor, this book is not for you. Every opponent of the MC is so stupid they couldn't get water out of a helmet with instructions written on top. But this is not the most frustrating part of the book, it's how the MC and his dumb ass spy chief are portrayed as "intelligent and brilliant" while all of their schemes are so basic a 5-year-old should be able to see through them, the only reason they work is that everyone else has had their intelligence lowered by about half. He manages to convince his opponents with the most benign arguments, there was a small section where he unintentionally caused terrorists to appear in the world, but he killed a bunch of people and everyone calmed down. The original terrorists took up farming, his allies, and own people were fine and were not afraid that they would be next. The author has tried explaining a lot of these issues by building a militaristic society, which would work. The problem is none of the negatives that come from a militaristic society are apparent, for example, where is the beating and abuse of those deemed weak? The mass execution of those not part of the pack? And don't come saying that it's because of the "heavy punishment in the law system he created", there are countries in the world where people get shot for drinking alcohol, and you can still find plenty of alcohol in them. The reason the world started moving away from pure punishment and moved to rehabilitation is that the punishment system creates more hardened criminals by forcing them to "go the full way". If we went too far with the move or not is a debate for another time. As a final note, the math makes no sense in this book, things are created instantly, perfectly, and without issues. I would really like to give this book a 1 star, but the WN voting method demands 2.4 as the quality of writing is good, and as far as I can see the book enjoys relatively stable updates.


In short, this book is a confusing mess with potential. The primary issue comes from jumping back and forth between multiple characters, oftentimes it's quite a few lines down the switch before the character names are mentioned and you finally understand where the POV went or that it even switched at all. Ideally every time a POV is changed, the first line should give a way of understanding who and where something is happening otherwise it seems like a confusing mess. The second issue is the timeline, it keeps jumping back and forth between distant memories and close future and then present, a lot of these jumps are either not specifically defined or have a date presented. Best practice for such a fluid timeline is to pick a 0 day, a day where something world-changing and important happened, and then write the timeline changes as “0 day - minus 100 days” or “0 day - plus ten days”. The reason for this is that the reader shouldn't spend considerable effort into remembering if a cycle took place on the 10th of or the 11th of December, the dates really aren't that important in a nonchronological novel. What is important is the understanding of where that piece of writing fits in the overall timeline, was it far in the past or future or maybe just a few days or weeks ago? Next comes the characters, the majority of them are two-dimensional props, which is normal for a web novel, the issue is they are not consistent or show directed growth with sufficient time to actually grow. They jump from being scared and horrified and suicidal to masters of the universe in a second only to fall back into feeble-minded idiots a paragraph later. There is nothing wrong with a two-dimensional character in a book, but it has to stay consistent, if the character is written for a role, you should not try to poke additional roles onto this character just to drive the story without first developing said character. And finally, let's talk about the inconsistent use of the system, the main character is surrounded by similar enemies, he kills one and gets 50 XP, and his char screen is shown he is on 870/1000 XP. The next paragraph starts with the fight finished, the character has killed all the enemies, he spends the next chapter or so working towards his goals until the char screen is shown again with XP being 870/1000 still. So here is my question, why didn't the other monsters he killed chapters ago give him any XP? This doesn’t happen once or twice, the author regularly fails to take into account all the supposed incoming XP, I’m guessing he is doing it to stop the character from being level 78979879 by chapter 25 like in some other novels, and this is fine. But again it needs to be consistent, if the character is fighting 30 monsters and kills them, the rewards for those 30 mobs need to be calculated, if you do not want him to level up too fast raise the requirement or lower the gain but do not ignore it. And in the R18 rated chapters, for the love of god stop trying to name his penis with a different synonym every single line, it’s obnoxious. Overall a book that is so far away from its potential that it doesn't even speak the same language.


Medieval Europe - the nightgown should be blue not pink, as pink was considered one of the masculine colors and blue feminine

Berengar immediately recognized the voice to belong to his little sister Henrietta, who had only recently turned ten, thus advancing into the very beginning of adolescence. A warm smile spread across his face as Berengar approached the door and opened it. In the doorway stood a little girl dressed in an extravagant pink nightgown and holding onto an old ragdoll that had been in her hands since birth. It was her favorite toy and also her best friend.

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister
