InfiniteZer0 - Profile



male LV 13


2018-02-01 入りました Global

バッジ 121

Moments 380

Replied to CopperHeart

It is worth noting that this is for a video game studio, which seems to consistently be considered hell by most everyone who works there for most studios

The programming department was busy fixing bugs, the engine department was busy optimizing, the art department was still rushing to meet deadlines, the secretary in black pantyhose made three trips to the reception asking why the water delivery hadn't arrived yet—the teapot was about to crack from the heat...

Why are the Talismans I Drawn Banned Again?!

Why are the Talismans I Drawn Banned Again?!

Urban · Quiet Support


I am pretty sure it is fodder, not potters


*Wolfgang was not

The hatred burning in her heart was similar to someone who had lost her family. Wolfgang wasn't not just a mercenary team, rather, it was like her family which she and Ye Chen raised, dedicating their entire lives.

Protagonist?Antagonist? I Reject Both

Protagonist?Antagonist? I Reject Both

Fantasy · Lonelythree

Replied to Eternal_Venerable

True, but oxygen is needed to cry, which is why it is the sign for brain damage. It does not take a lot of time before the lack of oxygen causes damage, and if they come out while not crying, it is likely they have hit that time already

*"Shush child! Don't you dare move. I still have to heal you."* The midwife's tone did not leave space for a reply. *"I've delivered dozens of children. A silent one is rare but nothing special. Do you want to see how strong he is? There you go!"*

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


(Reviewed at chapter 37- currently caught up with released chapters) It is not a bad story, but there are a lot of things I think could be better. Starting with a small matter that I found annoying and moving on from there.1. There is not one time I have seen the mc think to himself. He always mutters or whispers to himself, and no one acknowledges him talking to himself even though they also have enhanced senses from becoming black iron (or higher). It really irritates me how frequently it happens.2. For such an 'evil' organization, they seem to have a lot of really great and generous perks and a pleasant city to accompany that. Not to mention the stict no policies about preventing infighting among their members, great restaurants with eye-catching staff, and the great facilities provided to all members based on contributions. It feels like the author has to remind you pretty often that they are 'evil' with a rather off handed remark. Sure, they used a parasite to force awaken the mc, but that is a really prestigious position for an individual. Sure the parasite could in theory be used to take control of the mc, but they have not even tried to yet (and he could get around the issue and even reverse it extreamly easily with a bit of time if he wanted to - which should have been his first priority if they were really as bad as they were made out to be). 3. Power levels like iron, bronze, and silver and grades like common, elite, ext. (mostly seen through plants, so it might be a bit skewed) seem to be pointless and arbitrary. He is capable of improving plants to above his level pretty much instantly, and it does not really have any repercussions. It only takes like a day, and he can do it to 3 plants.4. It feels like every time the author thinks of something cool, he wants to give it to the mc. He always is giving it to the mc instead of letting the mc earn it. Frankly, he seems overpowered for his level already, and this does not help the issue of the power levels being meaningless. And this is while he is under equipped and broke.5. I find how his team was arranged extremely awkward. The super evil organization (that is shown to be highly meticulous and efficient) decided, "Hey, you guys barely know anyone else here, but groups will be arranged based on how you guys feel. We trust you and care about your feelings." It would have been more rational to have them assigned based on people who are roomed close together to allow for more efficient communication for teams and allow the meticulousness of the organization to adjust combat groups to be balanced.6. This is kind of an idea to reign in the speed of the mc to a more reasonable - but still powerful - if the author decides to rewrite anything. It would be better to make his only gain the recovery either when he sleeps or when he meditates. He is getting way too much recovery passively, which makes him grow too fast for a well paced story.


once again, he talks under his breath without thinking to himself. It is also annoying that it happens as if no one can hear what he is saying, even with their own enhanced senses from becoming black iron


Grey is so much more low-key

I entered a clothing shop and quickly scanned the racks, looking for anything that caught my eye. I knew what I wanted - clothes that were simple and practical. So, without much thought, I grabbed every piece of black clothing in my size that I could find.

Extra's Magic

Extra's Magic

Fantasy · Gurdon

Replied to Deciduous_B0ltling

demons control nether which allows them to curse people. he got nether from the demon and received lessons on how to use it, so he should be able to curse people by now

After much discussion with Caim, we had come to a judgment that, to create my curse, I need a royal demon core, haki-spiritual grass, mandrake, and a few more alchemy materials.

The Extra's Odyssey

The Extra's Odyssey

Fantasy · Ryukurou
