Martial_Saint - Profile


male LV 4


2018-04-22 入りました Indonesia

バッジ 4

Moments 1314


Pros : i've played this game from the first series (trails of the sky) until the latest series (kuro no kiseki), and i can clearly say that this is one of the best Trails of heroes fanfiction ever. so much better than the one available on the author manages to capture the personality of the characters very well. Also, i really love the unique dialogues between several characters that shouldn't happen in the game, they only exist because of the butterfly effect caused by MC. as for the story, i like how the author tries to create the solid background for MC before the canon start. and the author managed to do it. the MC also has likeable personality, he is smart, cautious, not naive, isn't dense like most jp protagonist, proactive about the harem Cons : but of course, there's no way this novel doesn't have the cons. because this series has A LOT of characters, the author sometimes had to include every single of them (and some of them aren't even important). and this caused the story to progress slowly, 200+ chapters and yet the canon hasn't even started yet. and also, because of the massive numbers of characters in this series, the author sometimes wrote somewhat meaningless dialogues that served no purpose other than increasing the word count for the novel. and also, this one happens very often. the author tends to start the chapters with a very long introductions, that somewhat can also be shortened, and even if you skip the introductions, you won't miss the story / the plot in short, a lot of characters = a lot of useless dialogues = slow progress. i feel like some of those dialogues can be shortened, and just focus on mc, so the canon can start quickly overall : 4.8/5


I still can't imagine a soft girl like Emma carrying a huge sniper rifle with her

"Don't you worry, Your Excellency.", Emma responded, assuring Giliath. Emma really has come a long way, hasn't she? I remember her being a meek child back during my time spent in the village. She now can hold a sword to herself, and effectively cast magic to boot. I am quite happy to have Emma on my side.

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht


meh, I would still choose op members rather than a robot to aid me in battle

And it will be a much harder one, considering we have to strike it down with just our party members, with no Divine Knights. Instead I'll have some of the strongest cast of characters backing me up.

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht


wait? how is it able to speak clearly like this? iirc, valimar couldn't even speak clearly like this, only able to do it after several weeks or months after it awakes

"So you've finally reached this infernal place, My Awakener.", A foreign voice spoke out to all of us, as if it was directly speaking into our minds. The Divine Knights had no mouths for it to speak from, but everyone in the room turned their eyes wide in shock, apart from Giliath. 

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht


this is why you should play kuro no Kiseki before you get reincarnated into here 😂

"You can rest assured I will look into this matter, Your Highness. Not everyone out there is capable of achieving something like this.", Giliath said, assuring me he would look into this. I am taking a risk here by doing so, but I don't think there's a better person. If I reached out to Master, all she would do is likely complain about KeA's existence, and if I went to the Epstein Foundation, those scientists would swarm me. At least with father, he can use his own pace to try and figure out AI KeA's origins. All we know is that she is tied to this Second Genesis, whatever that device is. Or is it even a device? I could hardly give a firm answer.

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht


Naoto and Osborne are the best father-son pair ever. they truly understand each other

I did not know what was going on in my father's mind at the time, but this is a great step in the plan I had mentioned to the girls back in the castle, my plan to unify Western Zemuria. Father has great insight into how he manages things, even going as far as playing the villain to accomplish what he wants to do. He tried to use war and legends to try and unify western Zemuria. Perhaps he had already caught on to what I am trying to accomplish here, due to the insight he holds. His title is not just for show. Father is called the Blood and Iron Chancellor for a reason. I do wonder if he already had seen through what I was trying to accomplish lately, going with such a bold plan in suggesting the engagement between Princess Alfin and I?

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht


don't forget about flying back and forth across the erebonia, only to help some npc searching for a lost cat. i mean, what?

Both nobles and commoners alike were able to experience some dancing during the party. Father ruled with an iron fist here, so even if a noble decided to lash out at another, they probably would have been shown where the exit was. Most knew that with the Chancellor being present, they knew how to act. There were quite a bit of nobles in service of the Great Houses who were opposed to the work the Chancellor has been doing for the Empire lately. This would eventually culminate into what is known as the October War, which played a big part in Cold Steel 2. Rean and his classmates literally experienced a civil war happening right before their very eyes here, and went around the country, gathering forces to try and stop the culprit who was behind it, Duke Cayenne.

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht


I don't understand this. Didn't you already meet Osborne in Crosbell few years ago?

The man who just happens to be my father, whom I have not seen since our villa got burnt to cinders by the Red Constellation.

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht


Really? second strongest on whole Zemuria? I really doubt that

But back inside the town of Parm, closer toward the back to where the mayor's house was stood a large three story building. A large wooden placard read Vander Training Hall stood placed over the door. A symbol of a particular greatsword stood even higher. It was a very similar to the greatsword symbol of the Arseid Dojo, but this place taught a different style of swordsmanship. Instead of the Arseid Style, this place was home to the Vander Style. If the Radiant Blademaster was considered the second strongest on Zemuria, then it wouldn't be farfetched to say that the Thunder God was currently the number one swordsman. His entire being was just built different, considering he would challenge a certain Class VII solo in a training exercise in the future. 

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht



Which only begs a question as Ennea and I climbed onto the bed, trying not to wake up Angelica, Kloe, or Tama. Though as if sensing us, I saw a smile appear on Kloe's sleeping face as I felt my head plop down next to Ennea, to which she brought my head into her embrace, letting me feel her large two soft mounds as I soon saw myself drifting off into dreamland.

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht


i really love it whenever Emma says this LOL

"Is anyone interested in seeing a magic trick?", Emma decided to ask, only to draw some attention to her.

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht


Emma the witch, and a sniper rifle. something that i find it really hard to imagine

"Grandmother made it, but the idea and blueprint was given by Naoto. I'd love to talk about it, but I need full concentration here. One misstep and my mana could go haywire. You don't want to be caught in such an explosion. Trust me.", The girl said, only to focus her eyes on the scope of what appeared to be a giant orbal sniper rifle, currently perched on top of the stone with her.

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht

Replied to NO_GUD

Estelle be like : Refined? what is that? can it be eaten? or is it the name for the new strega?

"Hehe, I didn't think we'd catch up to you like this, Daddy.", Estelle happily said as she continued to lick her ice cream while dangling her legs beneath her. Contrary to Estelle's appearance, both Princess Alfin and Emma seemed more refined.

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht

Replied to Lazyboi


It was also likely Rufus and Lechter would report to father on the happenings thus far, and father may even come to hate me if he learns that I am cooperating with the snakes, or will soon be anyway. He has definitely done his fair share of give and take, so I don't see why I couldn't do that too.

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht


sigh, once again, a major spoiler for me, who haven't finished kuro no Kiseki yet.

In Calvard, he was known as the Roaring Lion, but his real name was Gunther Barkhorn. To our surprise, he actually knew Van prior to us finding him. He gave us his regard for finding Van, who was actually one of his secret disciples. It was curious to know how Van fought the way he did during our raid, but apparently this style is known as the Kunlun style, which heavily focused on chi release.

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht


feel you bro. being the only normal dude in this situation

"Is anyone able to follow along with what's happening anymore?", Van tried to ask as he started to see the situation start getting out of hand.

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht
