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LV 7

🔥Fandom: Reading 📚alone in the dark was how our parents read. Share your thoughts and experiences with others. Spread the joy of reading…🎭

2018-09-27 入りました Global

バッジ 55

Moments 3899


So we’re going to watch a chess match… King gets pawn…ed? I don’t think that’s what is going to happen.


“Shut the F*ck up!” Midwak said, walking down the street. “Everyone knows that no one can be a King forever, and all empires fall at some point, and today is that day!”

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga


Short but effective villain monologue… I’ve got chills.


“All of you have no idea what you’re about to go up against, you should have just been good and died!” Sin said, stretching out both of his arms, and soon they turned into flames that were growing bigger and bigger.

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga


I’m guessing you are talking about a different Bree Family… Mora?


“What is this, you're trying to pull it out! Now I see, you're one of those freaks, aren't you? With those special powers? Ha, just like that annoying Bree Family.” Sin placed the palm over his face, the corners of his mouth could be seen rising.

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga


There are some people you know you are not going to like the moment you make eye contact.


“It looks like I might have come out a bit too late,” Sin said, looking at the dead around him. “But I’m not too worried. Now it’s time the King makes his announcement, and my decree is that all of you will be eliminated.”

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga


Thank you for your sacrifice.


“Tyler… he didn’t make it.” Kevin answered, his head hanging down ashamed of himself.

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga


Blake: I’m betting that’s going to leave a scar. Kai: <sarcastly> You think?


Standing up, he started to walk away, because he knew his job was done. Garbo’s body was sliced in half, and he fell to the floor.

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga


Edvard: I’m going going to show you how our Ancient Greek heroes trained their young Spartan warriors. Everyone get naked and begin with moving your Qi from right to left in your bodies. Can you feel it!?? Blake/Innu and the boys: <moaning> OMG we can feel it!


He had taken a select group of new students under his wing to drastically improve their strength, and one of them was Blake. During this time, they didn’t just train in skills, powers, and ways of fighting, but they also still had to commit to being Altered Hunters.

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga


So cool… For a year Blake and Innu did everything together! They trained together. They fought together. They slept together. They Qi’s together… Blake/Innu: <chorusing> WHO TOLD YOU WE SLEPT TOGETHER!?? Kia: Nobody’s judging. It’s just that you guys I’ve every seen who Qi. Blake: <embarrassed> Y… Yah, we do that now. Innu: <with loving look> What he said. Kevin: <so proud> I KNEW IT!


His guess was quite right. That was because Blake had managed to unlock a stage of Qi even further than that of Innu. The first stage of Qi, reinforcing one’s body with the mysterious power. The second stage of Qi, allowing one to use this power to coat items and weapons using it externally. Then the third stage of Qi, to truly use Qi outside of your body, projecting it out into an attack.

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga


With great power comes great responsibility… such as knowing when not to push your luck!


Unfortunately, little did I know, that I had just opened a huge can of worms the moment I tried it. And it won't be long before I come to regret that attempt with every fibre of my being... 

The Rising of the Anomaly

The Rising of the Anomaly

Sci-fi · Aimdaqs


Nothing like the threat of death to motivate people and make them work together for survival. Sadly, some people are like goldfish, they’re beauty is scale deep and not very attractive on the inside. 🐠


With the threat of the evolved Mutants still on the horizon, we can't afford to waste time and potential with such meaningless issues. We have to move past them and build up our strength as much as possible, and as fast as possible...otherwise, who knows what could happen...?

The Rising of the Anomaly

The Rising of the Anomaly

Sci-fi · Aimdaqs


Zack’s glasses have a record feature if I recall, don’t tell me he didn’t record a T or D game? Why else have that feature ?!


Okay, now I'm even more curious...just what exactly did I talk about with him? I want to ask, but I think I'll wait and try to remember it on my own before I resort to that. 

The Rising of the Anomaly

The Rising of the Anomaly

Sci-fi · Aimdaqs


One wing 🪽 on her back? That describes a fin. Uncomfortable electric ⚡️ discharge… OMG 😳 is Xin’s altered form an electric eel?


The one wing that extended out from her back, the same size as a hand, was covered in yellow sparks that continually went off. They were condensed in size, growing behind her to the point it was nearly three times the size it was before.

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga


I’m impressed by how structurally sound this hospital is. Usually hospitals have a basement that provides the utilities, morgues and other services that are essential.


Down below, on the first floor, Gil had slammed both of his fists into the ground, destroying the tiles on the floor and even breaking those that he hadn’t touched away from the floor with his powerful attack.

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga


I’m guessing Frost Giant, as nobody has claimed, “Winter is Coming!”… so no Whitewalkers.


[You might have messed with the wrong one this time! Defeat the opponent in the confrontation with the Mythical Type Altered.]

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga
