Webnovel Author: Alaheeza - Novel Collection



female LV 4

A passionate writer and an avid reader! instagram - Alaheeza3 facebook page - Alaheeza3 Discord - Alaheeza#1978

2019-01-05 入りました United Kingdom

バッジ 11

Moments 660

Replied to CMY


ch 27 Purity of emotions

Pool Of Lust

Pool Of Lust

Fantasy · Alaheeza

Replied to


Velar turned to look at John and frowned. "The authenticity is that, these pictures were drawn ages back. Also, the similarity in murders cannot be ignored. All of them die due to blood loss, but there is not a single drop of blood near them. How is it possible?" Velar spoke in a loud voice looking at John. "I will tell you how it is possible....." He smirked and then turned to look at the senate members. "This is not the work of any ordinary animal. This is a work of a deadly beast called vampire."

Oath of Seduction

Oath of Seduction

Fantasy · Alaheeza

Replied to The_Silent_Mess


Jackson turned to look at the girl and smiled a little. "No dear.... I'm heartbroken by a girl. Can't you see it?" He spoke in a dramatic manner and Linda let out a deep sigh knowing that she would not be able to take out any sort of information from the man now.

Pool Of Lust

Pool Of Lust

Fantasy · Alaheeza

Replied to Emphasis_brown


Replied to Emphasis_brown


"Huh… previous life? What are you talking about?" Man frowned his brows looking at the young girl as if she was talking utter nonsense.

Pool Of Lust

Pool Of Lust

Fantasy · Alaheeza

Replied to Emphasis_brown

wrote a chaptr fr u

Replied to amelbad




One of the senior lawyers of the company instantly lifted his hand and looked at Linda." We had prepared the case very well and we had strong evidences against the wife. But somehow whatever points we produced they had already prepared the laws against it. All the evidences had already been destroyed while people who had to give the statement in our favor refused to even show up in the court. It looked like everything was against us." The man spoke in much remorse and confusion and Linda instantly nodded her head in approval.

Pool Of Lust

Pool Of Lust

Fantasy · Alaheeza

Replied to Amelia2000

[img=In a daze]

"Ohh come on. It was just one kiss. I did not mean to cheat you and you know that I was drunk. You cannot break up with me just because I kissed your friend while I was extremely high." Natalia grabbed his hand again making him walk towards the center of the auditorium.

Pool Of Lust

Pool Of Lust

Fantasy · Alaheeza

Replied to Amelia2000


"Of course brother. Don't you remember her?" Sheryl frowned a little and then turned to look at Jackson and smiled a little wickedly. She knew that Linda was now one hell of a gorgeous woman unlike how she was in school. She knew that Jackson would fall for her beauty the moment he saw her that is why she had not told him about her arrival and wanted it to be a surprise for him. Sheryl had always wanted Linda and Jackson to be together even when they were in school but Linda was extremely shy and reserved.

Pool Of Lust

Pool Of Lust

Fantasy · Alaheeza

Replied to Amelia2000

[img=Your move]

 Austin loved the idea as his insomnia was now completely cured. He had even managed to sleep in the office for 4 hours without Linda, as his body was now getting used to the cycle of sleeping every night. He did not need Linda for anything in his life and he would be more than happy to send her away. The only thing that he liked about Linda was that she was good in bed but he knew that cannot be the sole reason to be with his only enemy under one roof.

Pool Of Lust

Pool Of Lust

Fantasy · Alaheeza

Replied to The_Silent_Mess

very soon....

Austin let out a sharp exhale listening to the lady's voice. "As much as I trust your brains, I do not think Jackson is a weak man. He is extremely clever and he is trying his best to woe my wife. I cannot see her happy at all. I have to take my revenge anyhow!" The man spoke angrily looking at a wedding picture that was hanging in his office right in front of him. "…. for that was the reason that I married her, to destroy her."

Pool Of Lust

Pool Of Lust

Fantasy · Alaheeza

Replied to The_Silent_Mess

cough cough

Austin let out a sharp exhale listening to the lady's voice. "As much as I trust your brains, I do not think Jackson is a weak man. He is extremely clever and he is trying his best to woe my wife. I cannot see her happy at all. I have to take my revenge anyhow!" The man spoke angrily looking at a wedding picture that was hanging in his office right in front of him. "…. for that was the reason that I married her, to destroy her."

Pool Of Lust

Pool Of Lust

Fantasy · Alaheeza

Replied to Dipti16Agrawal

ill try hon...

"Ohh not at all! Do not worry about that. She can never think of that even in her dreams. Alright…. I'm hanging up now… I have to report to work." The lady instantly slammed the phone and Austin was now playing with the crystal paperweight, constantly looking at Linda's happy face in the photo frame.

Pool Of Lust

Pool Of Lust

Fantasy · Alaheeza

Replied to Dipti16Agrawal

i guess so....

"And the worse part is that I am not even the magician…. Everything that you did to me…. I will never forgive you for anything!" Austin looked at the broken glass next to him.

Pool Of Lust

Pool Of Lust

Fantasy · Alaheeza

Replied to Dipti16Agrawal

