Not_Othinus - Profile


LV 1
2020-01-03 入りました Global

バッジ 3

Moments 22


To be honest I don't really have much knowledge on One Piece but so far the story is good. Writing - 5 stars I'm not good at english, but this kind of quality is easy for me to understand. I dunno what the english speaker will think about this story. Character - 5 Stars This is the best thing about this story, despite how short this story is the three characters that we know so far are good in term of personality and their relationship between each other are well written. Especially Ann and Luke, I don't know how you will make this as a harem because their relationship is one of the neutral relationship out of all the Harem fanfic. Story Development - 4 stars Not much happening right now, there are time gap between each chapter. It feel more like a slice of life series with plot. I think that is what the author want to do with her story at least for the early chapters. Updating - 5 Stars This work updated daily, each chapter was only around 1 to 2k (I think?). The author updated on different time frame but it usually 1 chapter per day. World Building - 3 Stars So far this is the weakest thing about this novel, not that the world building in this fic is suck but the world building in this story is rather lacking. Hope you will improve it. P.S: I hope you will make each chapter longer while maintaining the quality. But then again it just my selfish request, no need to think much about it. Just do what you like.


different Shinji, not the same. Shinji in Extra CCC was considered as one of the fan most beloved character.

Feeling even more awkward, Thomas replied, "Yeah...about that. England doesn't exactly have the best reputation in the modern era. Your country started a rampant slave trade and made an enemy out of pretty much the entire world during the colonial and industrial era. You weren't presented as an outright villain in the games. In fact, a lot of people really liked you as a character. When you were defeated, you went out like a complete badass. Your Master, however, is one of the most hated characters in the entire fandom..."

One Piece: Wild Hunt

One Piece: Wild Hunt

Anime & Comics · Einlion


I don't understand why people call him a troll tho? As far as I concerned he is not really a troll but more of a Jotaro type character

(A/N: For those that don't know, Zelretch is one of the most powerful entities in Type-Moon, the metaverse within which Fate and its many derivative works take place.)

One Piece: Wild Hunt

One Piece: Wild Hunt

Anime & Comics · Einlion


this is kind of unhealthy life style. remember kids, don't be like the MC. kwkwkwk

After waking up in the middle of the night and taking a piss, a not-so-young man with a young heart headed to his kitchen for a snack and some coffee. He had only gotten around three hours of sleep, but that was par for the course for a seasoned gamer and Otaku.

One Piece: Wild Hunt

One Piece: Wild Hunt

Anime & Comics · Einlion



Getting Lost on the Way to the Kitchen

One Piece: Wild Hunt

One Piece: Wild Hunt

Anime & Comics · Einlion
