Hexmonkey_2020 - Profile



LV 4

I’m bored. -_-

2021-01-21 入りました Global

バッジ 4

Moments 1299


I’m not a fan of this change cause didn’t almost every alpha monster of each species die. So this change will cause pretty much all monsters to die.

Now, if their Sire is killed, the younger or weaker the spawn is, the more affected they become. It's different with every spawn. From hallucinations to going full feral to weakening until death. Again, if the spawn is strong or centuries old, then they'd have more time to overcome such problems and rarely are affected, with few superficial problems only exhibiting during stressful situations, i.e. eyes changing or sudden hunger.

Supernatural: The Great Hunter System

Supernatural: The Great Hunter System

TV · Millan_Grimm


I don’t think there should be different angel swords cause part of the swords all being the same is cause it’s supposed to be super orderly and each angel other than the special ones like archangels are just kinda faceless drones that just follow orders and do their job.

Do you all remember that fight scene at the season 13 finale episode where Alt-Michael and Lucifer, at full strength, face off, as is intended by the Apocalypse, and they just hover and push each other off? What the fuck was that? So, I'll be buffing them up. Expect super strength, speed, ability to destroy a city with the might of their full grace (Like they promised to do with Uriel in in Season 4, Episode 7). Also, different forms of Angel blades because it's cool to have an Angel Sword or Angel Spear, or Angel Bow, or Angel Pistol, though, they're going to be rare.

Supernatural: The Great Hunter System

Supernatural: The Great Hunter System

TV · Millan_Grimm


“orphan developer” sounds like he murders parents. Maybe include a comma or make it orphan, software developer.

A 29 year old orphan developer with around five years of working experience, a tiny apartment and around $10 to my name.

Alexander Strong: Thor in DC

Alexander Strong: Thor in DC

Movies · Imperialvoidking


Only problem with devil trap bullet is it kills whoever is being possessed since they’ve been shot. Although most demons aren’t too carful with their host so many are probably long dead.

The only way to level up was to hunt, so he prepared himself by organizing his weapons, bullets with a devil's trap that he made himself and even passed on to Bob, who complimented him on the idea.

Traveling through horror cinema, start with Supernatural.

Traveling through horror cinema, start with Supernatural.

Movies · MRCAT66

Replied to Hentai_Senchou

No you just have to buy a normal shotgun and saw it yourself. But they are illegal to be sold so gotta DIY

After looking at some weapons Henry ended up choosing a Colt 1911 and a splash of sawed-off barrel, great to shoot while moving, even if he did not know how to shoot yet.

Traveling through horror cinema, start with Supernatural.

Traveling through horror cinema, start with Supernatural.

Movies · MRCAT66


Probably way more useful than it sounds, getting pure minerals from rock, killing people by extracting their blood, etc

~| Talent: Disassembly— Allows the user to perfectly disassemble something from the other thus perfectly extracting it. |~

Marvel: System Maker.

Marvel: System Maker.

Anime & Comics · Faceless_Prick


I’m not a fan of characters being immune to telepathy for no reason, but in isekai stuff I think their meta and other worldly knowledge should be locked from telepaths.

Then the the most important reason was quite obvious, Jean Grey one of the greatest telepaths alive. I did not want to risk exposing my mind to her. The system told me that it could cloud my thoughts to a certain point to protect itself but that didn't really give me confidence.

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All

Replied to ChaosVoid666

The tva doesn’t exist, because it exists outside of time when it stopped existing it’s as if it never existed, except for stuff it’s already done it will never do anything again.

[Points are the currency used by the system. In order to earn these points the Host has to create changes in the plot. The greater the plot the greater the amount of points]

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All

Replied to Loaded_Demigod29

That actually could work, King Pin at one point cut off Killgrave’s finger and put it in a cane which he used to mind control people.

This made Alex think about how he should handle this situation. He knew the man was dangerous with his mind control power. He knew he didn't want him to join the Foundation; the man was pure scum. No, instead, Alex was trying to figure out if he should kill him now or wait.

Marvel: The Foundation

Marvel: The Foundation

Movies · Darkstar_crow

Replied to Yachii_

The charmander in the anime that got abandoned knew flamethrower.

In this week, I took care of Charmander seriously, and I also had him train some moves like Flamethrower and Headbutt.

Reincarnated Into The Pokémon World

Reincarnated Into The Pokémon World

Anime & Comics · GodlyMadara

Replied to RubenWrites_

Not really, in the games yes but in the anime there’s tons of wild starter pokemon, like in the Johto series ash caught all 3 starters before his 3rd johto gym badge

"It seems Charmander's really scared of people! I have a bold guess, and that is that this Charmander must have been thrown out by his previous trainer, and since you saved him, he only trusts you," Prof. Oak analyzed all the dots and said as Charmander, who heard him, shrieked a little, agreeing with him.

Reincarnated Into The Pokémon World

Reincarnated Into The Pokémon World

Anime & Comics · GodlyMadara


Needs amnesetics

'Not the worst-case scenario. Sure that's two keters but their danger level is on the low side. Though keeping 4255 secret will indeed be costly.'

Marvel: The Foundation

Marvel: The Foundation

Movies · Darkstar_crow


Should contain him for foundation points. Just lock him in a room with air filters in the vents

This made Alex think about how he should handle this situation. He knew the man was dangerous with his mind control power. He knew he didn't want him to join the Foundation; the man was pure scum. No, instead, Alex was trying to figure out if he should kill him now or wait.

Marvel: The Foundation

Marvel: The Foundation

Movies · Darkstar_crow
