Webnovel Author: TacetIrae - Fanfic Collection



male LV 4

I'm writing stories for pleasure of others.

2021-02-06 入りました Global

バッジ 5

Moments 1468


thats definitely story with OP character. But there is a big issue with that, nothing feels real, dialogues are just like ripoff from cultivation young masters behavior and those that do that are kids which makes it even more wierd to read. To make this story interesting u need to make characters alive, make them behave like children do(throwing stunts and ultimatums, easily getting offended, but as easy to grand forgiveness, strive to make friends and please teachers to show themself, be scared of doing mistakes specially in the presence of teachers and so on and so on). Generally after thoughtful reading of 2 chapters I than read 5 more with skipping half of the content and till the end I just occasionally stopped to read a line. Everything feels way too unnatural and that makes it very hard to read a story and enjoy since it feels like translation, charactets don't behave naturally and dialogs are very awkward being kinda like with start and end , but without middle part where actual interactions take place. Overall this story has a loooot of potential , but for that potential to show itself authors has to be thoughtful of characters , do research if needed to show characters of people , refine dialogs, and make things just flow more natural. e. g Don't write about every day in academy, just make highlight moments when something of note takes place and is important for characters and their development of either powers or mentallity. Mundane day can be shown only once and it will be enough to show how it is and will be a base that will than compare to highlight to show what unique they are offering.


I have no idea what I just read. all i remember is phrase about him growing stronger and stronger and stronger. Basically this is all this story is about, sadly. Someone who wishes for plot and something that flows like river this is not what u could possibly enjoy. there is one event followed by another, and all in one chapter and from all perspective leaving basically 0 character development and leaving no chances to simply understand wtf is going on here. Even in Wishfullfilment stories there is plot and interactions that hold for longer than one phrase from a character albeit, sadly not in this story

Replied to Benoit_Valtin

finish her off


finally! someone that is brave enough to kill those 2! ! GO FOR IT MAN, LEGEND


same question never seen one mc that took first want and it was good enough

"The materials include a tail feather from a particularly ancient Phoenix bird and the core of a hundred-year-old Elder tree. 

Harry Potter: Journey to Godhood

Harry Potter: Journey to Godhood

Book&Literature · bobthewriter

Replied to Lirg_Yob

almost every Chinese novel about cultivation and systems are almost identical , they have thurthfully one of the most multiversal scale stupidity and 99 ℅ of the enemies are the young masters that grow like mushrooms in the season(but there is always someone behind YM like his dad , than his grabddad tha his sect master than master of the sect that controls this sect from the shadow than God of the sect than sect they God partake in) the scale just goes into infinity. good part is that author can write somethinh like this with ease since it does not require any plot. However there are decent Chinese novels but they almost all the time share one thing, SCALE! What is that thing with thousands of realms to reach and endless pop up of enemies. this is my opinion but almost like frustration since I read that 1 star is too low for this kinda novel. no offence for translator or ppl that like it
